6 research outputs found

    Cross sections of anthers and pistils from mature flowers of the tomato cultivar Red Setter grown under control and continuous mild heat conditions.

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    <p>A, overview of anthers grown under control conditions (CT). Scale bar: 300 μm. B, overview of anthers and pistil from CHM32. Scale bar 300 μm. C, transmitting-tissue-like cells from an anther grown under CMH32 (close up of B) on the left, and true stylar transmitting tissue from control conditions on the right. Scale bar 20 μm. D, ovule-like deformation from an anther grown under CMH32 (scale bar 30 μm). Upper inset shows overview of CMH32 anther with ovule-like deformation (scale bar 300 μm), lower inset shows a true ovule from control conditions (scale bar 50 μm). a, anther; l, locule; ov, ovule; ovl, ovule-like structure; st, style; tt, transmitting tissue; ttl, transmitting tissue-like cells; v, vascular bundle.</p

    Relative expression of B- and C-class genes under control and continuous mild heat conditions (CMH32) in anthers of the tomato cultivar Red setter.

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    <p>A, expression of the B-class genes <i>TAP3</i>, <i>TM6</i>, <i>TPI</i> and <i>LePI</i> and the C-class genes <i>TAG1</i> and <i>TAGL1</i> in young anthers of 2–3 mm. B, gene expression in mature anthers. Values represent the mean ± SE, with the mean expression in the control condition set to 1. *, significantly different from the control treatment, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001.</p

    Continous mild heat conditions affect pollen viability and flower deformation simultaneously.

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    <p>A, Frequency of anther deformations and pollen germination rate of tomato plants (cv. Red Setter) grown under different temperature regimes (CT, CMH32, CMH34). Values represent the mean ± SD, different letters indicate statistically significant differences (per trait, P<0.01). B, Mature flowers of wild-type tomato (cv. Red Setter) from control (CT) and CMH32 conditions. Insets show the adaxial side of the indicated boxed regions. Scale bars: 1 mm and 0,5 mm (insets). a, anther; ovl, ovule-like structures; p, petal; pi, pistil; s, sepal. C, Frequency of anther deformations and pollen germination rate of wild type (WT) tomato plants (cv. Rubicon) and transgenic lines <i>AtGRXS17-3</i> and <i>AtGRXS17-9</i> grown under CMH32. Under control conditions, no anther deformations were observed, and percentage pollen viability was 60 ± 12 (SD), 60 ± 13 and 56 ± 9 for WT, <i>AtGRXS17-3</i> and <i>AtGRXS17-9</i>, respectively (no significant differences between genotypes). Values represent the mean ± SD, different letters indicate statistically significant differences (per trait, P<0.05).</p

    Relative expression of pistil marker genes in anthers and pistils of Red Setter grown under control conditions and continuous mild heat (CMH32).

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    <p>A, B, Relative expression of the <i>SlTTS</i> (A) and <i>TAGL11</i> (B) in anthers and pistils from 2-3mm flower buds and mature flowers (grown under control conditions). C, D, relative expression of <i>SlTTS</i> (C) and <i>TAGL11</i> (D) in anthers grown under control conditions (CT) and CMH32. Values represent the mean ± SE, with the mean expression in anthers (A, B) or under control conditions (C, D) at each developmental stage set to 1. *, significantly different from anther (A, B) or the control treatment (C, D), P<0.05; **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001.</p