2,113 research outputs found

    Influence of the waist diameters on transmission characteristics and strain sensitivity of microtapered long-period fiber gratings

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    Transmission characteristics of microtapered long-period fiber gratings (MTLPGs) and their strain and temperature sensitivities with variations in the waist diameters are investigated theoretically and experimentally. Transmission characteristics of MTLPGs strongly depend on the waist diameter of the tapered optical fiber (TOF) because of the modification of the effective index difference between the core and the cladding modes. Based on the photoelastic effect, the resonant wavelengths of MTLPGs with variations in strain shift to shorter wavelengths. The strain sensitivity of the MTLPG with a waist diameter of 25 μm is improved by a factor of 20 compared with that of a 125 μm long-period fiber grating. The temperature sensitivities of MTLPGs are also enhanced by reducing the waist diameter of the TOF

    Bayesian Prediction of Pre-Stressed Concrete Bridge Deflection Using Finite Element Analysis

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    Vertical deflection has been emphasized as an important safety indicator in the management of railway bridges. Therefore, various standards and studies have suggested physics-based models for predicting the time-dependent deflection of railway bridges. However, these approaches may be limited by model errors caused by uncertainties in various factors, such as material properties, creep coefficient, and temperature. This study proposes a new Bayesian method that employs both a finite element model and actual measurement data. To overcome the limitations of an imperfect finite element model and a shortage of data, Gaussian process regression is introduced and modified to consider both, the finite element analysis results and actual measurement data. In addition, the probabilistic prediction model can be updated whenever additional measurement data is available. In this manner, a probabilistic prediction model, that is customized to a target bridge, can be obtained. The proposed method is applied to a pre-stressed concrete railway bridge in the construction stage in the Republic of Korea, as an example of a bridge for which accurate time-dependent deflection is difficult to predict, and measurement data are insufficient. Probabilistic prediction models are successfully derived by applying the proposed method, and the corresponding prediction results agree with the actual measurements, even though the bridge experienced large downward deflections during the construction stage. In addition, the practical uses of the prediction models are discussed

    Prediction model for mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete using artificial neural network

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    The mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) depend on the mixing ratio of its binders, normal weight aggregate (NWA), and lightweight aggregate (LWA). To characterize the relation between various concrete components and the mechanical characteristics of LWAC, extensive studies have been conducted, proposing empirical equations using regression models based on their experimental results. However, these results obtained from laboratory experiments do not provide consistent prediction accuracy due to the complicated relation between materials and mix proportions, and a general prediction model is needed, considering several mix proportions and concrete constituents. This study adopts the artificial neural network (ANN) for modeling the complex and nonlinear relation between constituents and the resulting compressive strength and elastic modulus of LWAC. To construct a database for the ANN model, a vast amount of detailed and extensive data was collected from the literature including various mix proportions, material properties, and mechanical characteristics of concrete. The optimal ANN architecture is determined to enhance prediction accuracy in terms of the numbers of hidden layers and neurons. Using this database and the optimal ANN model, the performance of the ANN-based prediction model is evaluated in terms of the compressive strength and elastic modulus of LWAC. Furthermore, these prediction accuracies are compared to the results of previous ANN-based analyses, as well as those obtained from the commonly used linear and nonlinear regression models

    Shifting Focus in Development Studies : Papers in Development and Society , 1998-2013

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    How has development studies – especially the one on and in East Asia in general, and South Korea in particular – changed over the last decade and a half? We trace the recent trends through a review of articles published in Development and Society (D&S). Bibliographic metadata on a total of 201 authors and 199 papers for the period of 1998-2013 are collected and analyzed. For context, we find that, both in terms of authorship and regional coverage, the range of locales has expanded steadily. For content, research appears to have moved away from topics largely associated with quantity of development toward quality of development during the period. We conclude by discussing the implications for the future direction of development studies and suggesting strategies for D&S to follow in order to enhance its role in the field of development studies

    Does the strengthening of IPRs widen the growth gap?

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    This article builds a model of cumulative growth in order to analyze the relationship between intellectual property rights (IPRs) and economic growth in 38 countries from 1980 to 2005. The analysis focuses on the impacts of IPRs on the growth gap between countries using a catch-up model and USPTO database. The empirical results show that the strengthening of IPRs has a positive impact on innovation in developed and developing countries in Asia, while we fail to find evidence in Latin America. Secondly, similar to assertions made by De Long and Summers (1991) and Dowrick and Nguyen (1989), investment in fixed capital plays a critical role in growth gap dynamics. What needs to be emphasized here is the cumulative causal relationship between investment and growth: investment in fixed capital improves productivity and encourages economic growth thereby triggering even more investment. This paper confirms that the strengthening of IPRs and investment in fixed capital contribute to the widening of the economic development gap for the 1980–2005 period

    Stress Estimation Using Digital Image Correlation with Compensation of Camera Motion-Induced Error

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    Measurement of stress levels from an in-service structure can provide important and useful information regarding the current state of a structure. The stress relaxation method (SRM) is the most conventional and practical method, which has been widely accepted for measuring residual stresses in metallic materials. The SRM showed strong potential for stress estimation of civil engineering structures, when combined with digital image correlation (DIC). However, the SRM/DIC methods studied thus far have practical issues regarding camera vibration during hole drilling. To minimize the error induced by the camera motion, the imaging system is installed at a distance from the specimen resulting in the low pixel density and the large extent of the inflicted damage. This study proposes an SRM/DIC-based stress estimation method that allows the camera to be removed during hole drilling and relocated to take the after-drilling image. Since the imaging system can be placed as close to the specimen as possible, a high pixel density can be achieved such that subtle displacement perturbation introduced by a small damage can be acquired by DIC. This study provides a detailed mathematical formulation for removing the camera relocation-induced false displacement field in the DIC result. The proposed method is validated numerically and experimentally

    Readout-segmented echo-planar imaging in diffusion-weighted mr imaging in breast cancer: comparison with single-shot echo-planar imaging in image quality

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the image quality of standard single-shot echo-planar imaging (ss-EPI) and that of readout-segmented EPI (rs-EPI) in patients with breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Seventy-one patients with 74 breast cancers underwent both ss-EPI and rs-EPI. For qualitative comparison of image quality, three readers independently assessed the two sets of diffusion-weighted (DW) images. To evaluate geometric distortion, a comparison was made between lesion lengths derived from contrast enhanced MR (CE-MR) images and those obtained from the corresponding DW images. For assessment of image parameters, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), lesion contrast, and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were calculated. Results: The rs-EPI was superior to ss-EPI in most criteria regarding the qualitative image quality. Anatomical structure distinction, delineation of the lesion, ghosting artifact, and overall image quality were significantly better in rs-EPI. Regarding the geometric distortion, lesion length on ss-EPI was significantly different from that of CE-MR, whereas there were no significant differences between CE-MR and rs-EPI. The rs-EPI was superior to ss-EPI in SNR and CNR. Conclusion: Readout-segmented EPI is superior to ss-EPI in the aspect of image quality in DW MR imaging of the breast

    KNOW-KT (KoreaN cohort study for outcome in patients with kidney transplantation: a 9-year longitudinal cohort study): study rationale and methodology

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    BACKGROUND: Asian patients undergoing kidney transplantation (KT) generally have better renal allograft survival and a lower burden of cardiovascular disease than those of other racial groups. The KNOW-KT aims to explore allograft survival rate, cardiovascular events, and metabolic profiles and to elucidate the risk factors in Korean KT patients. METHODS: KNOW-KT is a multicenter, observational cohort study encompassing 8 transplant centers in the Republic of Korea. KNOW-KT will enroll 1,000 KT recipients between 2012 and 2015 and follow them up to 9 years. At the time of KT and at pre-specified intervals, clinical information, laboratory test results, and functional and imaging studies on cardiovascular disease and metabolic complications will be recorded. Comorbid status will be assessed by the age-adjusted Charlson co-morbidity index. Medication adherence and information on quality of life (QoL) will be monitored periodically. The QoL will be assessed by the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form. Donors will include both living donors and deceased donors whose status will be assessed by the Kidney Donor Risk Index. Primary endpoints include graft loss and patient mortality. Secondary endpoints include renal functional deterioration (a decrease in eGFR to <30 mL/min/1.73 m(2)), acute rejection, cardiovascular event, albuminuria, new-onset diabetes after transplant, and QoL. Data on other adverse outcomes including episodes of infection, malignancy, recurrence of original renal disease, fracture, and hospitalization will also be collected. A bio-bank has been established for the acquisition of DNA, RNA, and protein from serum and urine samples of recipients at regular intervals. Bio-samples from donors will also be collected at the time of KT. KNOW-KT was registered in an international clinical trial registry (NCT02042963 at http://www.clinicaltrials.gov) on January 20(th), 2014. CONCLUSION: The KNOW-KT, the first large-scale cohort study in Asian KT patients, is expected to represent the Asian KT population and provide information on their natural course, complications, and risk factors for complications