412 research outputs found

    Portraying Unease : the Art and Politics of Uncomfortable Attachments

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    Portraying Unease critically discusses a tendency amongst politicized scholars to endow artworks with traits of subversion and political productivity. Artworks that address structural discrimination, such as heterosexism, racism, or ableism, are often described as possessing qualities that can challenge unjust systems or initiate political change. This thesis considers hope and belief in the political utility of visual art in terms of an emotional attachment: an anticipatory emotional bond to a set of promises concerning art’s abilities. It follows the work of five artists: Laura Aguilar (US), T.J. Dedeaux-Norris (US), Sands Murray-Wassink (NE), Jenny Grönvall (SE), and Xandra Ibarra (US), for whom the act of attributing hopes of social or political change to art is portrayed as a source of depression, insecurity, self-doubt, embarrassment, and a sense of being stuck. When one turns to art in search of its potential political efficacy one risks, the author argues, using a framework wherein representations of specific kinds of weaknesses, failures, or institutional attachments become associated with scholarly discomfort or embarrassment

    Memory for Metaphors: Verbatim memory held for literal sentences vs. metaphors

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    Certain literary features of text (metaphor, idiom, etc.) are said to be foregrounded, or stand out from the surrounding text. Prior research (Miall & Kuiken, 1994) demonstrates that foregrounded text slows readers down, which is consistent with attention being grabbed. Do features of literary text, more specifically metaphors, improve memory as a result of being foregrounded? The present study investigated the effect of reading metaphoric phrases on reading time, memory accuracy, and decision times. We predicted that when a textual phrase was read as a metaphor, verbatim memory would be better retained than when that same phrase was read as a literal sentence. Fifty-four undergraduate students completed a measure of print exposure and read target phrases that were presented as either a metaphor or a literal sentence, depending on the prior context. Afterward, participants completed a memory recall task. The results of our analyses generally did not support our hypothesis. Additional research investigating these effects is suggested

    Memory for Metaphors: Verbatim memory held for literal sentences vs. metaphors

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    Certain literary features of text (metaphor, idiom, etc.) are said to be foregrounded, or stand out from the surrounding text. Prior research (Miall & Kuiken, 1994) demonstrates that foregrounded text slows readers down, which is consistent with attention being grabbed. Do features of literary text, more specifically metaphors, improve memory as a result of being foregrounded? The present study investigated the effect of reading metaphoric phrases on reading time, memory accuracy, and decision times. We predicted that when a textual phrase was read as a metaphor, verbatim memory would be better retained than when that same phrase was read as a literal sentence. Fifty-four undergraduate students completed a measure of print exposure and read target phrases that were presented as either a metaphor or a literal sentence, depending on the prior context. Afterward, participants completed a memory recall task. The results of our analyses generally did not support our hypothesis. Additional research investigating these effects is suggested

    Oxidation Behavior of Hf-Modified Aluminide Coatings on Inconel-718 at 1050°C

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    Simple beta-NiAl, Hf-modified beta-NiAl, Pt-diffused, Pt-modified beta-(Ni,Pt)Al + eta-PtAl2, and Hf-Pt-modified beta-(Ni,Pt)Al were cyclic oxidation tested at 1050°C in air on Inconel-718 substrates for up to 4370h. The Pt-diffused specimen failed most quickly, < 100 h, while the simple beta-NiAl aluminide maintained a positive weight change for ~1300 h. The Pt-modified aluminides clearly improved the cyclic oxidation behavior of both simple and Hf-modified aluminides, sustaining a zero weight change only after 3600 and 4000 h, respectively. The Hf additions did not immediately appear to produce as strong an improvement as expected, however, they were more highly ranked when normalized by coating thickness. They also decreased surface rumpling, important for TBC durability. Hf-rich NiAl grain boundaries, formed during coating processing, resulted in HfO2 particles in the scales and oxide pegs at the metal interface, all suggesting some level of over-doping. The high sulfur content of the substrate influenced spalling to bare metal and re-healing to less protective Ni(Al,Cr)2O4 spinel-type and (Ti,Cr,Nb)O2 rutile scales. The evolution of these surface features have been documented over 100 to 4370 h of exposure. The coating aluminum content near failure was ~2-3 wt. %

    Bedövningskvalitet vid anvÀndande av bultpistol pÄ nötkreatur

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    DjurvÀlfÀrd vid tidpunkten för slakt Àr en frÄga som engagerar allmÀnheten. De flesta nötkreatur i Sverige bedövas med bultpistol inför slakt, med syftet att befrias frÄn onödigt lidande. Undersökningar visar dock att bedövningskvaliteten i mÄnga fall inte Àr tillrÀckligt hög efter skottet. Den hÀr litteraturstudien syftar till att undersöka hur en god bedövningskvalitet sÀkrast kan uppnÄs vid bultbedövning, det vill sÀga vilka vapen, vilken trÀffpunkt och vilken skjutkraft som har visat sig ge bÀst resultat, samt hur situationen ser ut i dagslÀget. Tidigare studier har visat att mellan 8,7 och 31,8 procent av djuren inte uppnÄr en god bedövningskvalitet efter skottet och statistiken ser Ànnu sÀmre ut för tjurar och Àldre djur. Vilka indikatorer som anvÀnds för att bedöma bedövningskvaliteten varierar lite mellan olika slakterier men den vanligaste och förmodat sÀkraste indikatorn Àr att titta pÄ djurets eventuella kornealreflexer. Skottets trÀffpunkt finns reglerad i lagstiftningen men studier har visat att Àven avvikelser frÄn denna punkt kan ge en god bedövningskvalitet om vapnet som anvÀnds har tillrÀckligt hög kapacitet. Bultpistoler som drivs med tryckluft ger ofta en bÀttre bedövningskvalitet Àn de som Àr krutdrivna, förutsatt att vapnen i övrigt fungerar som de ska. En kaliber pÄ .22 och en skjuthastighet pÄ 55 m/s för kor, ungtjurar och kvigor och 70 m/s för tjurar Àr rekommendationer frÄn olika författare. För att vapnen ska fungera optimalt krÀvs dagligt underhÄll. UtifrÄn litteraturen fastslÄs att en alltför stor andel av djuren inte erhÄller en tillrÀckligt hög bedövningskvalitet. SÀrskilt tjurar bör dÀrför endast bedövas med tryckluftsdrivna vapen dÄ dessa visat sig vara mer effektiva. NÀr det gÀller indikatorer för medvetslöshet behövs en större samordning internationellt för att se till att alla slakterier tittar efter samma tecken och att dessa har sÄvÀl tillrÀckligt hög sensitivitet som specificitet. Skottets trÀffpunkt bedöms utifrÄn denna studie ej vara sÄ avgörande som lagstiftningen föreslÄr, förutsatt att bedövningsutrustningen fungerar optimalt och har tillrÀckligt hög kapacitet. Slutligen Àr det oerhört viktigt med ordentlig utbildning av personalen pÄ slakterierna, dels för att de ska kunna hantera och bedöma djuren pÄ rÀtt sÀtt men ocksÄ för att de ska ha kunskap om hur man underhÄller och reparerar bedövningsutrustningen.Animal welfare at the time of slaughter is a matter of public concern. Most Swedish cattle are stunned with a captive-bolt gun prior to slaughter, to ensure insensibility. However, former studies show that there are reasons to question the stun quality following the use of captivebolt guns. This literature study aims to investigate how to ensure an acceptable stun quality, that is, what gun type, what shot placement and what efficacy that renders the best result, and also to look at what the current situation is like. Recent studies have shown that between 8,7 and 31,8 per cent of the cattle do not obtain an acceptable stun quality and the statistics look even worse when it comes to bulls and older animals. The indicators used to assess stun quality vary between different abattoirs but the most used and probably safest indicator is to look after potential corneal reflexes. The shot placement is regulated by legislations but studies have shown that deviations from this placement can still lead to an optimal stun quality, given that the capacity of the gun is high enough. Pneumatic guns often lead to a better stun quality than cartridge-fired guns, given that the weapons are properly handled and maintained. Most recommendations suggest a calibre of at least .22 and a bolt velocity of 55 m/s for cows, steers and heifers and 70 m/s for bulls. To ensure that the weapons function properly, daily maintenance is required. The conclusion of this literature study is that far too many animals cannot be assessed as insensible following stunning. Bulls in particular should therefore only be shot with pneumatic guns, since these have proved to be more effective. When it comes to indicators used to assess stun quality there is a need of better coordination internationally, to ensure that all abattoirs look for the same signs and that these have a high sensitivity as well as specificity. However, an optimal shot placement is apparently not as important as the legislations suggest, given that the stun equipment works perfectly and that high-capacity weapons are used. Finally, it is crucial that the abattoir personnel is sufficiently educated to ensure that they can handle and assess the animals properly, as well as being able to maintain and repair the stunning equipment

    Linnégatan 25A

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    Syftet Ă€r att med hjĂ€lp av studier i trĂ€dgĂ„rdskonsten under 1800 – talet, finna en passande utformning av en entrĂ©trĂ€dgĂ„rd till ett nyrenĂ€ssanshus i Linköping. Studien grundas i att skapa en större inblick och förstĂ„else i hur en trĂ€dgĂ„rd under sekelskiftet kan ha varit utformad. I arbetet har jag studerat litteratur och ett fĂ„tal gamla fotografier av platsen. Jag har Ă€ven valt att studera vilka olika stilideal som var aktuella under 1800 – talets slut. Litteraturstudien har senare fungerat som ett underlag i vilken trĂ€dgĂ„rdsstil som Ă€r mest lĂ€mpad för trĂ€dgĂ„rden. I gestaltningsarbetet har jag tagit fasta pĂ„ nĂ„gra av trĂ€dgĂ„rdsstilens karaktĂ€ristiska inslag och samtidigt knutit an till samtiden och platsens historia. Huset pĂ„ LinnĂ©gatan 25A ligger ett stenkast frĂ„n Linköpings trĂ€dgĂ„rdsförening och parken byggdes cirka 40 Ă„r före huset. Jag har dĂ€rför valt att studera Linköpings TrĂ€dgĂ„rdsförenings dĂ„tida trĂ€dgĂ„rdsstil. I gestaltningsarbetet har jag tagit hĂ€nsyn till en del aspekter. TrĂ€dgĂ„rden mĂ„ste vara relativt lĂ€ttskött och inneha utrymme för cykelstĂ€ll och sittplatser. VĂ€xterna ska klara av stadsmiljön och den rĂ„dande stĂ„ndorten.The aim is through research studies in horticulture during the 1900 - century find a suitable design of an entrance garden to the house on Linnegatan 25A in Linköping. The study is based on creating a greater insight and understanding in how a garden during the turn of the century could have been designed. In the work I have studied literature, a few old photographs of the house and garden and various stylistic ideals that were current during the 1900 - century. The literature has later on served as a basis in which garden style that is the most suitable for the garden in LinnĂ©gatan 25A. In the design process, I have used the garden style's characteristic principles and connected it to the present. The house on the Linnegatan 25A is located close by Linköpings TrĂ€dgĂ„rdsförening, and the park was built about 40 years before the house. I have therefore chosen to study Linköpings TrĂ€dgĂ„rdsförening contemporary garden style during the late 1900 - century. The garden must be relatively easy to care of and plants has to cope with the urban environment and the existing biotope. The garden must include an area to park bikes and creating the opportunity for the tenants to relax and enjoy

    Links between traumatic brain injury and ballistic pressure waves originating in the thoracic cavity and extremities

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    Identifying patients at risk of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is important because research suggests prophylactic treatments to reduce risk of long-term sequelae. Blast pressure waves can cause TBI without penetrating wounds or blunt force trauma. Similarly, bullet impacts distant from the brain can produce pressure waves sufficient to cause mild to moderate TBI. The fluid percussion model of TBI shows that pressure impulses of 15-30 psi cause mild to moderate TBI in laboratory animals. In pigs and dogs, bullet impacts to the thigh produce pressure waves in the brain of 18-45 psi and measurable injury to neurons and neuroglia. Analyses of research in goats and epidemiological data from shooting events involving humans show high correlations (r > 0.9) between rapid incapacitation and pressure wave magnitude in the thoracic cavity. A case study has documented epilepsy resulting from a pressure wave without the bullet directly hitting the brain. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that bullet impacts distant from the brain produce pressure waves that travel to the brain and can retain sufficient magnitude to induce brain injury. The link to long-term sequelae could be investigated via epidemiological studies of patients who were gunshot in the chest to determine whether they experience elevated rates of epilepsy and other neurological sequelae

    Oxidation Behavior of Hf-Modified Aluminide Coatings on Inconel-718 at 1050°C

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    Simple ÎČ -NiAl, Hf-modified ÎČ-NiAl, Pt-diffused, Pt-modified ÎČ -(Ni,Pt)Al + -PtAl2, and Hf-Pt modified ÎČ -(Ni,Pt)Al were cyclic oxidation tested at 1050°C in air on Inconel-718 substrates for up to 4370h. The Pt-diffused specimen failed most quickly, \u3c 100 h, while the simple ÎČ -NiAl aluminide maintained a positive weight change for ~1300 h. The Pt-modified aluminides clearly improved the cyclic oxidation behavior of both simple and Hf-modified aluminides, sustaining a zero weight change only after 3600 and 4000 h, respectively. The Hf additions did not immediately appear to produce as strong an improvement as expected, however, they were more highly ranked when normalized by coating thickness. They also decreased surface rumpling, important for TBC durability. Hf-rich NiAl grain boundaries, formed during coating processing, resulted in HfO2 particles in the scales and oxide pegs at the metal interface, all suggesting some level of over-doping. The high sulfur content of the substrate influenced spalling to bare metal and re-healing to less protective Ni(Al,Cr)2O4 spinel-type and (Ti,Cr,Nb)O2 rutile scales. The evolution of these surface features have been documented over 100 to 4370 h of exposure. The coating aluminum content near failure was ~2-3 wt. %

    En kvalitativ utvÀrdering av det accelerometerbaserade hÀltdetektionssystemet "Lameness Locator"

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    Background: Evaluation of lameness in horses is traditionally performed by a veterinarian who subjectively evaluates the movements of the horse. Accordingly, lameness diagnosis varies with the veterinarian and circumstances for which the horse is examined. Research within the area has long tried to establish an objective and standardized method for lamenessevaluation in horses. Several methods have been shown to be reliable and are used regularly within research, for example measurement of forces between the hoof and ground, and measurement of movements with high speed cameras or accelerometers. However these methods require considerable preparation, standardization, and expensive equipment as well as produce large amounts of data that are incomprehensible for the clinician. Consequently, up until now the implementation of objective lameness methodologies to a normal clinical setting has been prohibited. A simplified accelerometersystem with associated software for userfriendly results has been developed at University of Missouri, USA. The system comprizes two accelerometers and one gyrometer that sends data to a portable computer. The data analysed is then presented as a summary of asymmetries arising from the head or pelvis and which limb that can be connected to that asymmetry. It also measures magnitude and significance of the assymetries. Purpose: To evaluate "Lameness LocatorÂŽs" usefulness in clinical situations, on horses in everyday work and in high speed during swedish conditions and to identify sources of error that can influence the userÂŽs diagnosis Procedure: The system was evaluated during three situations Data were collected from a horse, equipped with sensors, that was evaluated for lameness including lounging, flexion tests and diagnostic blocks. The result was compared with the assessing veterinarian. Another horse was evaluated in a field study during work at a trotting track and again, data were collected during the entire investigation. This was also an occasion to test the system's ability to detect lameness at high speed. A third experiment concentrated on evaluating the system's ability to detect asymmetries at high speed in trotters. Three horses, fully fit for competition, were driven at high speed and movement disturbances were provoked by a weight attached to the hoofwall. Results and discussion: Lameness LocatorÂŽs results correlated well to the ongoing lameness-evaluation. For both horses horses that came into the clinic the results according to the system was the same as for the veterinarianÂŽs evaluation. In the experiment with weight-induced asymmetries, the participating horses turned out to be initially lame which influenced the result. In two of the three horses the lameness was exaggerated by weighting the lame limb. "Lameness Locator" could detect lamenesses irrespective of footing or speed. Even compensatory movements are detected and presented within the system, which requires knowledge about this in order to correctly evaluate the results.Bakgrund: UtvĂ€rdering av rörelsestörningar hos hĂ€st görs traditionellt genom att en veterinĂ€r subjektivt bedömer hĂ€stens rörelser, vilket ger utrymme för stora skillnader i diagnostiken. Forskning inom omrĂ„det har lĂ€nge försökt faststĂ€lla en objektiv och standardiserad metod för att utvĂ€rdera hĂ€ltor hos hĂ€st. Flera metoder har visat sig fungera och anvĂ€nds regelbundet inom forskningen, t.ex. mĂ€tning av hovens belastning mot underlaget (ground reaction forces), registrering av rörelser med hjĂ€lp av höghastighetskamera och accelerometerbaserad teknik. Dock har ingen av metoderna blivit tillgĂ€ngliga för kliniskt bruk eftersom de ofta krĂ€ver lĂ„ng förberedelsetid, Ă€r tekniskt avancerade, Ă€r begrĂ€nsade till utvĂ€rdering pĂ„ rullmatta, och sist men inte minst ger de stora mĂ€ngder svĂ„rbegriplig data. Ett förenklat accelerometersystem, med tillhörande mjukvara, för anvĂ€ndarvĂ€nliga resultat har under senare tid utvecklats pĂ„ University of Missouri, USA (Keegan et al. 2004). Systemet bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ accelerometrar och en gyrometer som trĂ„dlöst sĂ€nder data till en bĂ€rbar datorenhet som snabbt analyserar asymmetrier hĂ€rrörande frĂ„n huvud eller bĂ€cken och presenterar resultatet som en sammanfattning av var i stegfasen, d.v.s. under vilket bens belastning, som de eventuella asymmetrierna uppstĂ„r samt dess storlek och signifikans. Syfte: Att utvĂ€rdera ”Lameness LocatorÂŽs” anvĂ€ndbarhet i kliniska situationer, pĂ„ hĂ€star i vardagligt arbete och i hög hastighet under svenska förhĂ„llanden samt att identifiera felkĂ€llor som kan pĂ„verka anvĂ€ndarens diagnostik. Genomförande: Lameness Locator utvĂ€rderades pĂ„ tre sĂ€tt: En hĂ€st utrustades med sensorer och data samlades parallellt med ordinarie hĂ€ltutredning, dĂ€r bĂ„de longering, böjprov och diagnostiska anestesier lades, och resultatet kunde hela tiden jĂ€mföras med veterinĂ€rens subjektiva bedömning. En annan hĂ€st hĂ€ltutreddes i fĂ€lt och Ă€ven hĂ€r samlades data under hela utredningen. Parallellt med veterinĂ€rens bedömningar av hĂ€sten för hand samlades Ă€ven data nĂ€r hĂ€sten arbetade framför sulky pĂ„ travbana för att jĂ€mföra systemets resultat i hög och lĂ„g hastighet. Ett tredje försök inriktade sig pĂ„ att utvĂ€rdera systemets förmĂ„ga att detektera asymmetrier i höga hastigheter hos travhĂ€star. TravhĂ€star i tĂ€vlingskondition kördes i hög hastighet och man försökte provocera fram rörelsestörningar genom att fĂ€sta vikter till hovarna. Resultat och diskussion: "Lameness LocatorÂŽs" resultat korrelerade vĂ€l med den parallella hĂ€ltutredningen. BĂ„da de ingĂ„ende hĂ€starna visade samma problem enligt systemet som enligt veterinĂ€ren och utredningens utveckling kunde följas genom diagnostiska anestesier till dess att patienterna bedömdes som ohalta av bĂ„da kĂ€llor. I försöket med viktinducerade asymmetrier visade det sig att de ingĂ„ende fösökshĂ€starna var initialt halta vilket pĂ„verkade resultatet. Den slutsats som kunde dras var att hĂ€lta pĂ„ ett initialt halt bakben blir vĂ€rre om man fĂ€ster en vikt till det. Detta uppvisades med signifikans hos 2 hĂ€star av 3. GenomgĂ„ende för alla försök visade systemet god förmĂ„ga att detektera rörelseavvikelser oavsett underlag eller hastighet. Även kompensatoriska rörelseförĂ€ndringar uppfattas och presenteras av systemet, vilket krĂ€ver kunskap om detta hos anvĂ€ndaren för att korrekt utvĂ€rdera resultatet
