5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Relationship Between Medial Rectus Muscle Features and Surgical Success in Infantile Esotropia

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    Purpose: To investigate the relationship of surgical success with medial rectus insertion distance and muscle width in patients with infantile esotropia who had undergone bilateral medial rectus recession. Material and Method: Sixty eyes of 30 patients who had undergone bilateral medial rectus (MR) recession surgery for infantile esotropia were included in the study. In all eyes, both the distance between the nasal aspect of corneoscleral limbus and anterior edge of MR insertion and the width of medial rectus at the insertion site were measured. The relationship of both these values and the differences in the 2 eyes with the surgical success was evaluated. Results: The mean age of the patients was 27.7±12.3 months (13-56 months), mean preoperative deviation was 46.17±10.88 PD, and the mean cycloplegic refraction was +1.16D. The mean distance of MR insertion was 5.09±0.48 mm and the width was 9.13±1.14 mm in all eyes. The insertion distances showed a difference of 0.5 mm between the right and left eyes in 40% of the patients. Bilateral medial rectus recession of 6±0.2 mm was done after measuring from the insertion site of the muscle. All the patients were followed for 18.57±6.5 months. Surgical success was achieved in 21 patients (70%), while 5 of the patients (16.7%) underwent a second surgery. There was no relation between surgical success and patients’ gender, MR insertion distance or width. Also surgical success was independent from the difference of insertion distance and width between the two eyes of the patients. Discussion: There are many different studies supporting MR recession surgery either from MR insertion site or limbus in infantile esotropia. This study showed that it is safe and successful to perform MR recession by measuring from MR insertion site. Besides, the features of the muscles do not affect the postoperative results. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2013; 43: 424-6

    Ophthalmomyiasis Externa: A Report of Three Cases

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    Three patients were admitted to our clinic with symptoms of conjunctivitis. On ocular examination, moving larvae were seen in the conjunctival sac. All of the larvae were immobilized by topical cyclopentolate and removed mechanically under topical anesthesia. The patients healed without any complications after the treatment. Physicians should consider ophthalmomyiasis externa in patients presenting with similar symptoms, especially in areas with high numbers of livestock. Otherwise the diagnosis can be missed. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2015; 45: 220-222

    Elektrik Yaralanmasının Ölümcül Olmayan Bir Komplikasyonu; Katarakt

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    Yirmi üç yaşında erkek hasta her iki gözünde görme kaybı şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastanın alınan öyküsünde 5 yıl önce elektrik akımına kapıldığı ve bu beş yıl içerisinde görme keskinliğinin giderek azaldığı öğrenildi. Oftalmolojik muayenede sağ gözde en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği 6/10 iken sol gözde 2/10 idi. Göz içi basınç her iki gözde normaldi. Biomikroskopik muayenede iki taraflı ön subkapsüler ve kortikal lens kesafetleri izleniyordu. Fundus muayenesi her iki gözde normaldi. Hastanın öyküsü ve göz muayene bulguları ile elektrik kataraktı tanısı kondu. Hastaya topikal anestezi altında sol göz öncelikli olmak üzere katarakt cerrahisi önerildi. Cerrahi tedaviyi kabul etmeyen hasta takibe alındı

    A Rare Cause of Sudden Ptosis: Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm

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    SUMMARY: A forty-seven-year-old female patient was admitted to our clinic with sudden ptosis and diplopia without pain. She had no trauma or systemic disease history. Ptosis and mydriasis were observed in her left eye. Eye movement was restricted all directions without lateral. Isolated oculomotor nerve paralysis was diagnosed based on clinical findings, and posterior communicating artery aneurysm was observed in magnetic resonance angiography. Key words: Aneurysm, isolated oculomotor nerve paralysis, posterior communicating arter

    Uncontrolled Selling of Contact Lenses

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    Objectives: To evaluate the opticians’ perspective about selling and applying contact lenses (CL) in the provincial centre of Mersin. Materials and Methods: Twenty opticians who work in the 4 main districts in the provincial centre of Mersin were included in the study. A questionnaire form which was prepared before was filled out by the participants. Results: Seventy-eight percent of the opticians were selling CL without prescription, whereas 25% also carried out its fitting. Seventyfive percent of the participants did not get any education about contact lenses, while 65% of them were feeling themselves disqualified about CLs. Furthermore, half of the participants did not have enough knowledge about the complications associated with CL usage and 75% of them wanted to receive information about CLs. Conclusion: As a result of the questionnaire, we found out that a significant part of the participants were both selling and fitting contact lenses without prescription. We believe that auditing the opticians is as important as educating the contact lens users. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2015; 45: 102-10