248 research outputs found

    Metode Pembelajaran Bahan Magnet dan Identifikasi Kandungan Senyawa Pasir Alam Menggunakan Prinsip Dasar Fisika

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    A Method in Learning Magnetic Substance Characteristics and Identifying Natural Sand Compound Contents Through Basic Principles in Physics. This study was conducted by separating ferrate sand from natural sand in an area in Indramayu Regency in the form of the titanomagnetite Fe2.5Ti0.5O4 compound by means of a magnetic separator with a power of 0.3 tesla. Using this method, the titanomagnetite content of the natural sand was capable of being improved from 32% to 63.6% (for sand in River Cimanuk's tributary) based on the analysis using XRD (X-Ray Difractometer) using the GSAS (General Structure Analisis System) program with a Chi2 of 1.454 and Wrp as a correction factor for the difference in the intensity of the two patterns was 0.1142 (11.42%). The value of Chi2 which was almost 1 dan and that of Wrp which was almost 10% showed that the data were acceptable (with a probability of ~0.1). To enhance the titanomagnetite content of the separation product, an extraction-solving process was conducted using HCl 32% and NH4OH 25%. The results of the analysis using XRF (X-Ray Flourosence) showed that the content which was most probably a titanomagnetite compound increased its weight fraction to almost 100%

    Situasi Malaria Di Desa Santuun. Kecamatan Muara Uya Kabupaten Tabalong Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2010

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    Malaria is still becoming public health problem in Tabalong District, South Kalimantan Province. Malaria casein Tabalong during 3 last years experiences improvement, and spread in four Sub District.The study aimed to explains the epidemiology of malaria in Santuun village, Muara Uya Sub District.Santuun village is most endemic area in Muara Uya Subdistrict, malaria control activity which have been done are passivecase detection in Health Center / Hospital and entomological survey.Malaria distribution in Santuun village based on time related to rainfall, at high rainfall of malaria cases tend to increase.Most of malaria cases found at male group. Anopheles habit in Santuun is rainwater pond, sleazy pool, cracks, rice field.Anopheles which were found : An. aconitus, An. balabacensis, An. Nigerimus, An. barbirostris, An. kochi, An. vagus,An.minimus

    Globalisasi dan Pluralisme Hukum dalam Pembangunan Sistem Hukum Pancasila

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    The presence of globalization brings new values in society and law is one subjects which cannot be separated from its impacts. The study of this law will discuss the development of the legal system of Pancasila in the of globalization era and legal pluralism. The results of the study of law can be concluded that in the globalization era, in the development of national law, required responsive legal order, and Pancasila has to be an ideal paradigm of law. Pancasila as ideal law, not only to be a filter but also to harmonize between global values and pluralistic local wisdom values which are followed and are believed to be the nation's way of life and ideology

    Analisis Pengaruh ROA (Return On Assets), ROE (Return On Equity), dan EPS (Earning Per Share) terhadap Harga Saham pada Kelompok Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di BEI (Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    The primary objective of this research is to learn correlation and effecting among EPS, ROA, and ROE with share price neither partial nor simultaneous. Data secondary collected by industrial samples of consumer groups listed at Indonesian Stock Exchange and the journal preceding research persons. The results of the research describe that EPS has an effecting significant and a high correlation, but ROA and ROE have not any effecting significant and low correlation, but ROA, ROE, and EPS have the effecting significant and high correlation simultaneous to share price. The topic of this research can be continued with other industrial groups or added a lot of new independence variables because if compared to preceding research persons mention the same and differences of its

    Konservasi Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh.)

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    Kelimpahan jenis pohon eboni di kawasan hutan alam menurun sebagai akibat eksploitasi dan pemanfaatan secara komersial. Kayu eboni dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai bahan baku kerajinan tangan, mebel dan bahan bangunan sebagai mata pencaharian tambahan.Untuk mencegah penurunan kelimpahan yang dapat mengarah pada kepunahan jenis tanpa menghilangkan mata pencaharian masyarakat, perlu dilakukan suatu cara pemanfaatan yang berkelanjutan dari jenis-jenis eboni tersebut seperti pembangunan hutan rakyat dan hutan kemasyarakatan.Diusulkan suatu cara pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan baik dengan cara pelestanan in-situ, ex-situ, dan dengan teknik budidayanya. Diharapkan melalui pengembangan hutan tanaman, eboni dapat terus dipanen tanpa penurunan populasi di hutan alam

    Rapid Assesment Malaria Pasca Tsunami Di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam

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    Bencana gempa bumi dan Tsunami yang melanda wilayah Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) dan Sumatera Utara pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004 merupakan Bencana Nasional yang terbesar setelah puluhan tahun terakhir. Kabupaten Aceh Jayamerupakan bagian wilayah NAD yang terkena Tsunami dengan kerusakan terparah. Tidak hanya mengakibatkan korban manusia, harta benda, infrastruktur yang ada semua rusak serta mengakibatkan Perubahan ekologi lingkungan yang berdampak timbulnya penyakit tular vektor termasuk malaria. Jumlah kasus malaria meningkat dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya (Tahun 2004) dan puncak kasus terjadi pada bulan Pebruari 2005.Meningkatnya jumlah kasus malaria di Aceh Jaya merupakan salah satu dampak dari Perubahan ekosistem diantaranya terbentuknya genangan air, sehingga pada saat musim hujan air menjadi payau dan merupakan tempat perkembangbiakan potensial bagi Anopheles. Survei vektor yang dilakukan Tim Assesment vector menemukan beberapa spesies Anopheles diantaranya An. sundaicus An.barbirostris, dan An. vagus. Keberadaan pengungsi, relawan dan anggota TNI yang datang dari berbagai daerah termasuk yang datang dari daerah endemis malaria menambah resiko terjadinya penularan malaria.Tugas pendampingan/Rapid Assesment malaria pasca bencana di Aceh Jaya dilakukan dalam rangka mengumpulkan data/informasi yang terkait dengan malaria serta memperbaiki/menata sistem surveilans malaria

    Effect of Family Ownership Towards Tax Aggressiveness on Food and Beverages Industrial Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    The primary objectives of this research were to learn the effects of family ownership, return on assets, leverage, property plant, and equipment with tax aggressiveness, either simultaneously or partially. This research used quantitative method with secondary data collected by purposive sampling from foods and beverages industrial companies group listed in IDX and preceding journals of scientific articles research. This research used simple regression to test the hypothesis simultaneously with F test and t test for testing the partial hypothesis. Results of this research show that family ownership, return on assets, leverage, and property, plat, and equipment have affected tax aggressiveness simultaneously and significantly. The family ownership and property, plant and equipment have significant effects to tax aggressiveness, but the return on assets and leverage do not have significant effects to tax aggressiveness

    Identifikasi Kerusakan Tumbuhan Di Kebun Raya Bali Oleh Benalu

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    The mistletoes of Dendrophthoe pentandra, Helixanthera cylindrica,Scurrula parasitica and Scurrula atropurpurea growing on several plantscollection in Bali Botanical Gardens. The research was carried out inJune 2007 found about 114 branches/twigs of 105 treee collections hadbeen attacked by several mistletoes. The attacked trees consisted of51 species belong to 24 genera. The tree collections of genus Syzygium,Familie Moraceae were the most frequent tree species being attackedby the mistletoes. Dendrophthoe pentandra was the most frequentmistletoe attacking the botanic gardens plant collections and causedthe biggest damaging effect. The damaging effect of the parasiticmistletoes generally occurred on the distal part of infected branches ortwigs of the host plants
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