10 research outputs found
Keefektifan Media Komunikasi Visual sebagai Penunjang Promosi pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja
The development of visual communication media at this time is very helpful in supporting information and communication. But often presented visual communication media are less effective and appropriate. While so many universities in Indonesia, the increasingly fierce competition in attracting new students. Media Visual Communication can be applied to college in introducing or raising the image and popularity or promote and provide information to prospective students. In essence, in this case the effectiveness of media campaigns assessed in spreading information, influence or persuade prospective students and new student to join the university. The method used by the questionnaires to assess the effectiveness of implemented that have been implemented such as brochures, banners, posters, billboards, catalogs, paper bag, flyers and merchandise. In conclusion, this article specifically assess visual communication media from case studies in Perguruan Tinggi Raharja considered effective and consistent contribution.. This study found a great opportunity to improve the promotion of additional digital marketing media campaign called the college through the stages resulting in some visual communication media that can be received by the target audience. To create a media campaign needs planning in accordance with the background of the problem so that the media are made to overcome the problems encountere
The Implementation of Viewboard of the Head of Department as a Media for Student Information is Worth Doing Final Research
Submission of information is a very important thing that is owned by a system. The system that is made very well will be able to convey good and clear information to its users so that it can communicate well. The more rapid technology has been used by several educational institutions, especially universities, to support the existing learning system. For students who have fulfilled the requirements for conducting final research, it is appropriate to declare to carry out the final research. But the head of the department is still required to come to campus to declare that the student is eligible or not to do the final research. Therefore we need a system that can provide convenience for the Head of Department to declare that students are eligible to do final research that can be accessed online so that it can be accessed anywhere and anytime by the Head of Department and does not need to come to campus because the system still uses local networks. In order to provide convenience and effectiveness for the Head of Department to check and provide eligibility for students eligible for final research which then leads to the maximum service to students. In conducting research research methods used in this study namely observation, interviews and literature study In the process of developing the system the writer uses 4 stages, namely problem identification, planning, designing prototypes and reviewing prototypes. Evidenced by the viewboard of the head of the department of service to students, it was very well fulfilled
Viewboard Implementation Based on Javascript Charts as a Media for Submitting Sales Information on a Green E-Commerce Website Light Cafe
A media that can display information concisely is needed in presenting information effectively and efficiently. Information on the results of the Green Light Cafe sales report can now be easily accessed by top management and staff through the ledger. However, the process of presenting information with ledgers still uses tables, so it is not in line with current technological developments. In this study, 4 (four) methods will be described which are used to overcome 4 (four) problems, as well as 1 (one) solution, namely the implementation of a viewboard with Highcharts charts. The advantage of Green Light Cafe's viewboard is that it can be accessed through the website and mobile, as well as other advantages, namely minimizing the use of paper, so that it can help staff work in registering reports. By applying the graph as a medium for presenting information on the Green Light Cafe viewboard, it causes top management and employees to find out more about sales reports. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of Highcharts graphics is able to improve the quality and overcome the problems found in the Green Light Cafe
Hubungan antara Manajemen Waktu dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Program Studi Diii Komputerisasi Akuntansi Amik Raharja Informatika
Manajemen waktu adalah suatu teknik pengembangan kepribadian yang mengajarkan mahasiswa cara yang efektif untuk menggunakan waktu dan memformatnya untuk kebutuhan. Dalam manajemen waktu, mahasiswa dilatih untuk mengelola waktu secara efisien denganmembuat perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengawasan waktu agar tercapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan, yang dimulai dari penyusunan jadwal kegiatan, skala prioritas, perkiraan waktu untuk suatu kegiatan, sampai evaluasi terhadap penerapan jadwal kegiatanyang telah dibuat, sehingga setiap waktu yang dimiliki dapat dimanfaatkan secara produktif. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara manajemen waktu dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa Program Studi D3 Komputerisasi Akuntansi AMIK Raharja Informatika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik yang menggunakan metode survai dengan pendekatancross sectional. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan instrumen penelitian berupa angket dan data sekunder tentang prestasi belajar mahasiswayang dilihat dari nilai indeks prestasi mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dari 37 responden yang diteliti 51,4% responden mempunyai manajemen waktu yang baik dan prestasi belajar terbanyak antara 3,26-3,50 (70,2%), dan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara manajemen waktu dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa
Pemanfaatan Machine Learning dalam Berbagai Bidang: Review Paper
- Pembelajaran mesin merupakan bagian dari kecerdasan buatan yang banyak digunakan untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah. Artikel ini menyajikan ulasan pemecahan masalah dari penelitian-penelitian terkini dengan mengklasifikasikan machine learning menjadi tiga kategori: pembelajaran terarah, pembelajaran tidak terarah, dan pembelajaran reinforcement. Hasil ulasan menunjukkan ketiga kategori masih berpeluang digunakan dalam beberapa kasus terkini dan dapat ditingkatkan untuk mengurangi beban komputasi dan mempercepat kinerja untuk mendapatkan tingkat akurasi dan presisi yang tinggi. Tujuan ulasan artikel ini diharapkan dapat menemukan celah dan dijadikan pedoman untuk penelitian pada masa yang akan datang.Katakunci: pembelajaran mesin, pembelajaran reinforcement, pembelajaran terarah, pembelajaran tidak terara
Analisis Sistem Sertifikasi Profesi untuk Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa
Evaluasi penilaian sertifikasi kompetensi dilakukan secara manual atau dengan menggunakan kertas. Inimembuatnya cukup sulit bagi penilai untuk mengevaluasi beberapa penilaian dalam waktu singkat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang evaluasi penilaian aplikasi. Penelitian ini memodelkan alatevaluasi manual ke dalam bentuk aplikasi mobile. Dengan demikian, penilai dapat melakukanpekerjaannya dengan baik dan data evaluasi dapat disimpan dalam bentuk digital sehingga akan mudahdiakses. Hasilnya penelitian ini adalah aplikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh penilai untuk melakukanpenilaian penilaian. Jenis-jenis penilaian metode yang dapat dievaluasi melalui aplikasi ini adalahpertanyaan dan pengamatan tertulis. Simulasi dilakukan untuk menguji aplikasi secara real time. Hasil tessimulasi menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat digunakan pada sertifikasi kompetensi ujian di UniversitasRaharja
Generation Smart Education Learning Process of Blockchain-Based in Universities
Smart education in universities can be realized with a comprehensive use of IT infrastructure, various systems that are implemented to run this can take priority of the cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) and. Resulting in the need for connectivity into IoT gateways and nodes, as well as implementing an architecture that does not only rely on communication coverage via wireless, but needs to reduce energy consumption in order to save IoT node batteries to maximize performance. The use of such an architecture must prioritize blockchain technology that can provide security, accountability, and data transparency that can be managed by universities. This article discusses the key to early adoption of technology that can develop smart learning with smart learning. After the characteristics of the smart education or university are determined, then the details of the latest communication technologies that are most relevant to the smart education application can be analyzed. In addition, higher education requires learning about the use of blockchain. Therefore, this article will provide useful pointers in planning smart education development, as well as responsible and intelligent developers in the next generation
A Blockchain Based Online Business Intelligence Learning System
It isn't an smooth challenge for instructors to test day by day scholar mastering assignments and deliver appropriate grades, attitudes each day. Online mastering structures are nevertheless prone and effortlessly added with the aid of using instructors and gadget managers. Blockchain offers everlasting and dependable garage offerings in addition to computerized calculation offerings. Therefore, the blockchain-primarily based totally on-line mastering gadget proposed on this paper, serves to examine the day by day lives of college students and mechanically their attitudes if you want to relieve instructors from tedious and complicated workloads and may offer sincere and accurate opinions of scholar attitudes. This article uses a qualitative method. Therefore, this text introduces the state of affairs of mastering commercial enterprise intelligence in universities and jobs associated with blockchain-primarily based totally commercial enterprise intelligence mastering structures. Then the gadget is exact withinside the shape and clever contracts
The Importance of TECHNOLOGY to the View of the Qur'an for Studying Natural Sciences
Islam advances its people to spread science and technology. According to Muslims who believe in the Koran, learning to develop science and technology is an attribute of their faith. Those who are knowledgeable have clearly been shown that they will attain invaluable rewards in the last day. In view of the present current science that can be seen from the unprecedented investment particularly for the characteristic, physical and clinical sciences to expand the considerable advancement in people. In science that depends on the administration of logical, experimental or skeptic perceptions to get ready comprehensive and manageable answers for worldwide ecological science, financial matters and basic individuals have genuinely vanished. This initial attempt to use the restless Westerners was according to the philosophers' view of reunifying science and the ethics of science from a spiritual worldview. We acknowledge that if scholars, organizational technology, technologists, creative and scientific institutions always pay attention to natural events from positivism, naturalist, modernist, empirical, agnostic or theistic philosophical assumptions that describe different branches from secular views to modern science will continue to participate critically. modern cemetery. As strict individuals, we change the viewpoint of the real world, nature and life dependent on the regulation of Tauhid (assertion of indisputably the unity of God as Creator, Ruler and Sustainer of such exists). Such world information is the Qur'an which is articulated like an elective information on the mainstream world, subsequently, It is the ideal opportunity for earnest researchers and goal logical sentiment, particularly youthful science understudies and Muslim researchers, to do the worldview change that is so required in the investigation of regular wonders. We perceive that the unmistakable goal to human advancement and the planetary emergency lies in the reshaping of the Tawheed idea of the Cosmos, Nature and Man as the mystical establishment of the normal sciences