49 research outputs found

    Strategy to fulfill fiber requirement in children

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    Diet in childhood influences not only the immediate health of children but also may have an impact in a positive or negative manner on the future health status. Dietary fiber has many physiological effects including reducing postprandial glucose concentrations, improving fecal bulk, promoting laxation, interfering with fat and cholesterol absorption, and altering bacteria populations in the gut microbiome. The first years of life may be critical for the establishment of a healthy colonic microflora, as well as good eating habits

    New findings on fiber intake in children

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    Fibre is an essential component of the human diet that is crucial for human health, the physiological and functional effects of dietary fibre are associated with a wide range of short-term and long-term health benefits. Fibre provides an energy source for the gut microbiome. The fermentation of fibre by the gut microbiome results in the production of a variety of compounds with short-term and long-term health benefits that extend beyond the gut, to the immune system and organs such as the liver, kidneys and even the brain. The short-term benefits include supporting the immune system, especially within the gut itself, preventing or ameliorating autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders and allergic disease

    Water types and their functional role: Perception, myth and fact

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    There are many incorrect perceptions in public as well, and we have to educate people to be more aware about what they buy and drink for their daily fluid intake, also to believe information only from the trusted source

    Water quality and the impact to the health

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    Water is the major constituent of the human body. Water is essential for life and maintaining optimal levels of hydration is important for humans to function well. Water makes up a large proportion of our body weight, distributed between the intracellular (inside cells) and extracellular (water in the blood and in between cells) compartments. Water is the major component of body fluids, such as blood, synovial fluid (fluid in the joints), saliva and urine, which perform vital functions in the body. Human body cannot produce enough water by metabolism or obtain enough water by food ingestion to fulfil its needs. As a consequence, we need to pay attention to what we drink throughout the day to ensure that we are meeting our daily water needs, as not doing so may have negative health effects

    Analisis Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Materi Segitiga Sembarang

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    Triangular material is the subject matter that must be mastered by students before learning other mathematical material, one of which is the matter of building space. However, there are still many students who make mistakes in solving triangular material problems, especially arbitrary triangles. This study aims to find out what mistakes are made by students in solving arbitrary triangle material problems in class VIII of SMP Negeri 15. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII.1 and students of class VIII.2 which amounted to 66 students. Data collection techniques in the form of giving test questions totaling 5 questions essays. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, 29 students with a percentage of 44% made a misconception, 20 students with a percentage of 30% made a procedure error and 8 students with a percentage of 12% did two types of errors namely misconceptions and procedural errors at once on each question

    WEICIBI (Weiji Chinese Braille): Website Development to Improve Simple Conversational Text Writing Skills in Chinese Braille for Totally-Blind Students

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    The use of website as an accessible media can be an alternative in learning to write Chinese text. The purpose of this research is to develop an accessible website which can improve the skill of writing simple conversational Chinese texts writing skills for totally-blind class XI students. The research method used is RnD with ADDIE model. The data were collected through interviews, observations, documentation studies, and tests. This research produced a website that was developed based on the analysis of students' ability profiles and the application of MiBee Braille application. Weicibi can improve students' writing skills as shown by an increase in the mean level of phase A1 of 29.25, phase B of 61, and phase A2 of 83. Weicibi has learning and translator features supported by video tutorials. The conclusion is that the Weicibi developed is feasible to use and be effective in improving the writing skills of totally-blind students

    Soy Plant-based Formula with Fiber: From Protein Source to Functional Food

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    Several factors are fundamental to support child growth and development, including nutrition. Beside Energy, protein is the key of balanced dietary macronutrients intake as the building block of child growth.  While several micronutrients, i.e. calcium, iron, zinc and vitamins are needed for both optimal growth and development. Among protein-rich foods for young children, cow’s milk formula has several limitations, i.e. cow’s milk allergy and low fiber content. Although has a low bioavailability for iron absorption, plant-rich protein can be an alternative for young children to be used, i.e. as a soy isolate protein formula. However, to the fact of low fiber content in soy isolate protein formula, it is then need further consideration to have a fiber enrichment. We highlight the fiber content in child formula to the extent of its benefit for gastrointestinal health in relation to gut movement in preventing constipation, or its role as a functional food with its prebiotics capacity. This article aims to review a suitable type of fiber used for the enrichment for a soy isolate protein formula

    Associated Factors that Supporting Toilet Training for Children with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review

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    The basic aspect that must be mastered by children with intellectual disabilities before mastering other self-development skills is doing toilet training independently. Learning for children with intellectual disabilities in carrying out toilet training activities requires a separate technique and needs to pay attention to the factors that support the success of the program. This study aims to describe the associated factors that support toilet training for children with intellectual disabilities. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of literature review research that seeks to describe the related factors that support toilet training for children with intellectual disabilities. This literature review was conducted from August to December 2022 using PRISMA. The authors conducted searches in online databases with large repositories of academic studies and fully accessible by the authors. The results showed that: (1) the toilet training program was made based on the results of an assessment containing the abilities, needs, and potential of children with intellectual disabilities, (2) knowledge and intervention skills possessed by parents provide a great opportunity for successful toilet training for children , and (3) there is collaboration between parents and teachers regarding the implementation of toilet training. The success of toilet training for children with intellectual disabilities is influenced by many factors so that the toilet training process requires intensive assistance, especially for parents

    The Implementation of Business Strategy and Management Accounting Practice to Increase Competitive Advantage in Fashion-Based Creative Industry

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    This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence related to: (1) competitive strategy implemented by small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) fashion sector; (2) management accounting system practiced by SMEs fashion sector; and (3) analyze whether the existing accounting system, in accordance with contingency theory is adequate to support strategy implementation. The object of this study is SMEs engaged in the fashion sector with research variables are: competitive strategy and management accounting practices. Methods of data collection using questionnaires with respondents are owners of SMEs fashion sector. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of data analysis shows that most of SMEs which become sample of this research have been exporting or planned to export its product. Based on further analysis, most of SMEs engaged in the sector have not yet prepared financial statements. The most important accounting records are records of receivables, cash inflows, and cash outflow. With these results, it can be concluded that the fashion-based SMEs sector has not been supported by adequate management accounting system to support the implementation of competitive strategy. In order to improve the competitive advantage of fashion-based SMEs, it is necessary to assist management accounting system as a provider of information that can be used as a basis for decision-making in accordance with the strategy implemented

    Implementation of Strategic Pricing Model in Fashion-Based Creative Industry

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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of cost structure and implementation of competitive strategy in order to determine the selling price using strategic pricing model for fashion-based creative industry. The research method used was a survey using questionnaires with respondents from practitioners of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in East Java. Questions in the questionnaire are: cost structures along the downstream, upstream, and production costs, as well as policies related to the implementation of competitive strategies; tend to low cost or differentiation. Data analysis is descriptive quantitative, and for the separation of SMEs which is implement Low Cost or Differentiation strategy using model developed by Jermias and Ghani (2005). A total of 78 questionnaires returned and were eligible for further process. The results of this study show that most of SMEs (60%) have been exporting their products, and they consider the products from China is the main competitors. SMEs that have used social media for promotion and sales are 57%. The downstream cost structure of most SMEs are design and model development cost. Production costs includes the cost of raw materials, labor costs and other costs. While, upstream costs includes: marketing costs, product returns, and compensation costs. A 40% of SMEs implement competitive strategy tend to differentiation, and the rest uses strategy tend to Low Cost. With this results, the using the traditional model to set the selling price that has been applied by SMEs based on fashion need to be improved. It is suggested to use strategic price model, especially for SMEs which are implementing differentiation strategy. This means, the selling price strategy implemented by SMEs have to consider the strategy and its position in the product life cycle (Blocher et al, 2010: 566). This because theoretically, strategic pricing model is considered more appropriate for companies which are implementing differentiation strategies. While, SMEs which are implementing Low Cost strategy, using traditional selling price model is still considered appropriate. The results of this study is useful for development of pricing theory, in particular for SMEs. This result is also useful for the development of SMEs in order to improve competitive advantage from the aspect of price, so, the SME’s product will be able to compete with imported products