1,746 research outputs found

    "China in the Global Economy"

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    China occupies a unique position among developing countries. Its success in achieving relative stability in the financial sector since the institution of reforms in 1979 has given way to relative instability since the beginning of the current global financial crisis. Over the last few years, China has been on a path of capital account opening that has drawn larger inflows of capital from abroad, both foreign-direct and portfolio investment. Of late, a surge in these inflows has introduced problems for the monetary authorities in continuing with an autonomous monetary policy in China, especially with large additions to official reserves, the latter in a bid to avoid further appreciation of the country’s domestic currency. Like other developing countries, China today faces the “impossible trilemma” of managing the exchange rate with near-complete capital mobility and an autonomous monetary policy. Facing problems in devising and sustaining this policy, China has been using expansionary fiscal policy to tackle the impact of shrinking export demand. The recent drive on the part of Chinese authorities to boost real demand in the countryside and to revamp the domestic market shows a promise far different from that of the financial rescue packages in many advanced nations. The close integration of China with the world economy over the last two decades has raised concerns from different quarters that relate both to (1) the possible effects of the recent global downturn on China and (2) the second-round effects of a downturn in China for the rest of world.Trade Surplus; Official Reserves; Impossible Trillemma; Integration; Capital Account Opening; Financial Crisis; State-owned Enterprises; Stock Markets; Volatility

    "The Global Crisis and the Remedial Actions: A Nonmainstream Perspective"

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    The global financial crisis has now spread across multiple countries and sectors, affecting both financial and real spheres in the advanced as well as the developing economies. This has been caused by policies based on "rational expectation" models that advocate deregulated finance, with facilities for easy credit and derivatives, along with globalized exposures for financial institutions. The financial crisis has combined with long-term structural changes in the real economy that trend toward underconsumption, generating contractionary effects therein and contributing to further instabilities in the financial sector. The responses so far from US monetary authorities have not been effective, especially in dealing with issues of unemployment and low real growth in the United States, or in other countries. Nor have these been of much use in the context of the lost monetary and fiscal autonomy in both developing countries and the eurozone, especially with the debt-related distress in the latter. Solutions to the current maladies in the global economy include strict control of financial speculation and the institution of an "employer of last resort" policy, both at the initiative of the state.Global Crisis; Expectations; Underconsumption; Ponzi; Labor Flexibility

    "Managing Finance in Emerging Economies: The Case of India"

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    India has been experiencing rising inflows of overseas capital since the deregulation of its financial sector. Often looked upon as a success story among other emerging economies, the country has been subject to pitfalls and trilemmas that deserve attention. It has been officially recognized by the Governors of RBI that the financial crisis in India reflects the “dirty face” of what is described in the literature as the impossible trinity, along with the volatility in the markets that was caused by speculative capital in search of profits. However, Joseph Stiglitz observed that India’s policymakers, “particularly the Reserve Bank of India, are already doing a great job. I wish the U.S. Federal Reserve displayed the same understanding of the role of regulation that the RBI has done, at least so far.” Recently, the United States made a path-breaking move with the launching of the recent bill on the regulation of Wall Street, which was passed by a majority of the Senate on May 20, 2010. We urge the implementation of similar laws in India and other emerging economies, especially in view of the fact that the recent moves for financial deregulation in these countries have, rather, been in the opposite direction.Money Market; Speculation; Derivatives; Financial Liberalization; Futures Markets

    "The Meltdown of the Global Economy: A Keynes-Minsky Episode?"

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    The enormity and pervasiveness of the global economic crisis that began in 2008 makes it relevant to analyze the circumstances that can explain this catastrophe. This will also provide clues to the appropriate remedial measures needed to prevent future occurrences of similar developments. The paper begins with some theoretical concerns relating to factors that could trigger a similar crisis. The first of these concerns relates to the deregulated financial institutions and the growing uncertainty that can be witnessed in these liberalized financial markets. The second relates to financial engineering with innovations in these markets, simultaneously providing cushions against risks while generating flows of liquidity that remain beyond the conventional sources of bank credit. Interpreting the role of uncertainty, one can observe the connections between investment and finance, both of which are subject to changes in the state of expectations. The initial formulation can be traced back to John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory (1936), where liquidity preference is linked to asset prices and new investments. The Keynesian analysis of the impact of uncertainty related expectations was reformulated in 1986 by Hyman P. Minsky, who introduced the possibility of sourcing external finance through debt, which further adds to the impact of uncertainty. Minsky's characterization of deregulated financial markets considers the newfangled sources of nonbank credit, especially with the involvement of banks in the securities market under the universal banking model. As for the institutional arrangements that provide for profits on transactions, financial assets bought and sold in the primary market as initial public offerings of stocks are usually transacted later, in the secondary market, where these are no longer backed by physical assets. In the upswing, finance creates a myriad of financial claims and liabilities, and thus becomes increasingly remote from the real economy, while innovations to hedge and insulate assets continue to proliferate in the financial market, especially in the presence of uncertainty. The paper dwells on an account of the pattern of the financial crisis and its spread in the United States. This is appended by a stylized account of the turn of events in terms of a theoretical model that highlights the role of uncertainty in the process.Uncertainty; Speculation; Hedging; Ponzi; Securitization; Financial Fragility

    "International Trade Theory and Policy: A Review of the Literature"

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    This paper provides a survey of the literature on trade theory, from the classical example of comparative advantage to the New Trade theories currently used by many advanced countries to direct industrial policy and trade. An account is provided of the neo-classical brand of reciprocal demand and resource endowment theories, along with their usual empirical verifications and logical critiques. A useful supplement is provided in terms of Staffan Linder’s theory of "overlapping demand," which provides an explanation of trade structure in terms of aggregate demand. Attention is drawn to new developments in trade theory, with strategic trade providing inputs to industrial policy. Issues relating to trade, growth, and development are dealt with separately, supplemented by an account of the neo-Marxist versions of trade and underdevelopment.Comparative Costs; Resource Endowment Pattern and Trade; Overlapping Demand; Strategic Trade; New Theories of Trade; Trade and Development

    "Gendered Aspects of Globalization"

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    We need to go beyond the accepted notions relating to the role of women in the economy and society, especially in terms of what is recognized in mainstream theory and policy as "work" done by women. Thus, the traditional gender roles, with the man as the breadwinner and the woman in the role of housekeeper, do not explain the contribution of women in general. We also need to go beyond standard models to interpret the intrahousehold gender inequities. We do not gain much insight from dwelling on the cooperative-conflict type of bargaining concepts either, which are offered in the literature to unfold the process of women's subordination within households. The issues relate to the intrahousehold power structure, which has an inbuilt bias against female members under patriarchy. In terms of a policy agenda, especially in the context of social and economic disparities that affect women in particular, we need to recognize not only the collective social norms but also the unequal power relations that influence the sexual division of labor, both within the family and in the workplace. A notion of "gendered moral rationality," complemented by the Rawlsian concept of "justice as fairness" (implying compensation for the underprivileged), can be used to devise policy that addresses the status of women both in the workplace and at home. We need a concerted move toward sensitization of gender issues and scrutiny entailing a gender audit at every level of activity. This may work at least partially until society is ready to remodel itself by treating men and women equally.Gender; Justice; Feminization of Labor; Utilitarianism and Rationality; Households; Fair Exchange of Skills; Invisible Contribution; Social Reproduction

    2. Globalization and Development

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    A radiological evaluation of loop length change in adjustable versus fixed loop femoral cortical fixation devices in arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective study

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    Background: In anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions, fixed devices require over-drilling to flip the button whereas loops of adjustable devices can be adjusted intraoperatively, and they minimize over-drilling. But they can loosen rendering the reconstruction incompetent. Most studies comparing them are bio-mechanical studies. Our aim was to record and compare loop length change radiologically in adjustable versus fixed devices in clinical settings. Methods: 32 patients were divided into 2 groups of 16 patients each. Hamstring graft were prepared. It was loaded in the suspension device and the apex of the graft was marked using silicon vascular radio-opaque marker. In adjustable devices, lengthening was checked after cycling and re-tensioning was done intra-operatively. Post-surgery, digital X-ray of the knee was taken in true antero-posterior and lateral view. Distance between the centre point of the button and the centre-point of the radio-opaque inert silicon marker was recorded at immediate post-operative and at 6 weeks respectively and compared. Results: 15 patients in each group were incorporated. Intra-operatively, loop lengthening was seen in all 15 patients with adjustable loop and re-tensioning was done. 2 of the 15 cases showed evidence of radiological loop lengthening however in both cases the lengthening was less than 3 mm and thus was not significant. Conclusions: We in in vivo radiology based clinical study did not find any significant loop lengthening in patients with adjustable loop devices. Hence fixed and adjustable loop devices are comparable