1,337 research outputs found

    Computational Imaging Systems for High-speed, Adaptive Sensing Applications

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    Driven by the advances in signal processing and ubiquitous availability of high-speed low-cost computing resources over the past decade, computational imaging has seen the growing interest. Improvements on spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions have been made with novel designs of imaging systems and optimization methods. However, there are two limitations in computational imaging. 1), Computational imaging requires full knowledge and representation of the imaging system called the forward model to reconstruct the object of interest. This limits the applications in the systems with a parameterized unknown forward model such as range imaging systems. 2), the regularization in the optimization process incorporates strong assumptions which may not accurately reflect the a priori distribution of the object. To overcome these limitations, we propose 1) novel optimization frameworks for applying computational imaging on active and passive range imaging systems and achieve 5-10 folds improvement on temporal resolution in various range imaging systems; 2) a data-driven method for estimating the distribution of high dimensional objects and a framework of adaptive sensing for maximum information gain. The adaptive strategy with our proposed method outperforms Gaussian process-based method consistently. The work would potentially benefit high-speed 3D imaging applications such as autonomous driving and adaptive sensing applications such as low-dose adaptive computed tomography(CT)

    A Novel Nanocomposite with Photo-Polymerization for Wafer Level Application

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.A novel nanocomposite photo-curable material which can act both as a photoresist and a stress redistribution layer applied on the wafer level was synthesized and studied. In the experiments, 20-nm silica fillers were modified by a silane coupling agent through a hydrolysis and condensation reaction and then incorporated into the epoxy matrix. A photo-sensitive initiator was added into the formulation which can release cations after ultraviolet exposure and initiate the epoxy crosslinking reaction. The photo-crosslinking reaction of the epoxy made it a negative tone photoresist. The curing reaction of the nanocomposites was monitored by a differential scanning calorimeter with the photo-calorimetric accessory. The thermal mechanical properties of photo-cured nanocomposites thin film were also measured. It was found that the moduli change of the nanocomposites as the filler loading increasing did not follow the Mori–Tanaka model, which indicated that the nanocomposite was not a simple two-phase structure as the composite with micron size filler. The addition of nano-sized silica fillers reduced the thermal expansion and improved the stiffness of the epoxy, with only a minimal effect on the optical transparency of the epoxy, which facilitated the complete photo reaction in the epoxy

    Irreducible representations of GLn(C)\textrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{C}) of minimal Gelfand-Kirillov dimension

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    In this article, by studying the Bernstein degrees and Goldie rank polynomials, we establish a comparison between the irreducible representations of G=GLn(C)G=\textrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{C}) possessing the minimal Gelfand-Kirillov dimension and those induced from finite-dimensional representations of the maximal parabolic subgroup of GG of type (n−1,1)(n-1,1). We give the transition matrix between the two bases for the corresponding coherent families.Comment: To appear in Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Serie

    Influences of Suspended Equipment under Car Body on High-speed Train Ride Quality

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    AbstractA vertical dynamics model of rigid-flexible coupling railway vehicle including suspended device under chassis is built. Using this model, the influences of devices suspending methods on ride quality of high-speed train are analyzed with the covariance method. Results show that the reasonable parameters of the equipments, which are used to suspend devices under car body, can effectively suppress the vibration of the flexible car body. And the suspending equipment stiffness dominates in the anti-vibration effects. Devices with elastic suspending would better be close to the centre of car body and the bigger the device mass is, the better the ride quality of the car body centre will be achieved. The optimal static deflection point of elastic suspending equipment will change and fluctuate with the change of the vehicle running speed. With the static deflection of about 6mm, the high-speed train in this paper will achieve better ride quality and the vibration of suspended device will be acceptable
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