28 research outputs found

    Geometry-independent antenna based on Epsilon-near-zero medium

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    It is well known that electromagnetic radiation from radiating elements (e.g., antennas, apertures, etc.) shows dependence on the element’s geometry shape in terms of operating frequencies. This basic principle is ubiquitous in the design of radiators in multiple applications spanning from microwave, to optics and plasmonics. The emergence of epsilon-near-zero media exceptionally allows for an infinite wavelength of electromagnetic waves, manifesting exotic spatially-static wave dynamics which is not dependent on geometry. In this work, we analyze theoretically and verify experimentally such geometry-independent features for radiation, thus presenting a novel class of radiating resonators, i.e., antennas, with an operating frequency irrelevant to the geometry shape while only determined by the host material’s dispersions. Despite being translated into different shapes and topologies, the designed epsilon-near-zero antenna resonates at a same frequency, while exhibiting very different far-field radiation patterns, with beams varying from wide to narrow, or even from single to multiple. Additionally, the photonic doping technique is employed to facilitate the high-efficiency radiation. The material-determined geometry-independent radiation may lead to numerous applications in flexible design and manufacturing for wireless communications, sensing, and wavefront engineering. © 2022, The Author(s).Y.L. acknowledges partial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant 62022045, and in part by supported by Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program. I.L. acknowledges support from Ramón y Cajal fellowship RYC2018-024123-I, project RTI2018-093714-301J-I00 sponsored by MCIU/AEI/FEDER/UE, and ERC Starting Grant 948504

    Direct observation of ideal electromagnetic fluids

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    Near-zero-index (NZI) media have been theoretically identified as media where electromagnetic radiations behave like ideal electromagnetic fluids. Within NZI media, the electromagnetic power flow obeys equations similar to those of motion for the velocity field in an ideal fluid, so that optical turbulence is intrinsically inhibited. Here, we experimentally observe the electromagnetic power flow distribution of such an ideal electromagnetic fluid propagating within a cutoff waveguide by a semi-analytical reconstruction technique. This technique provides direct proof of the inhibition of electromagnetic vorticity at the NZI frequency, even in the presence of complex obstacles and topological changes in the waveguide. Phase uniformity and spatially-static field distributions, essential characteristics of NZI materials, are also observed. Measurement of the same structure outside the NZI frequency range reveals existence of vortices in the power flow, as expected for conventional optical systems. Therefore, our results provide an important step forward in the development of ideal electromagnetic fluids, and introduce a tool to explore the subwavelength behavior of NZI media including fully vectorial and phase information. © 2022, The Author(s).Y.L. acknowledges partial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant 62022045. I.L. acknowledges support from Ramón y Cajal fellowship RYC2018-024123-I and project RTI2018-093714-301J-I00 sponsored by MCIU/AEI/FEDER/UE and ERC Starting Grant 948504

    Dispersion coding of ENZ media via multiple photonic dopants

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    Epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) media are opening up exciting opportunities to observe exotic wave phenomena. In this work, we demonstrate that the ENZ medium comprising multiple dielectric photonic dopants would yield a comb-like dispersion of the effective permeability, with each magnetic resonance dominated by one specific dopant. Furthermore, at multiple frequencies of interest, the resonant supercouplings appearing or not can be controlled discretely via whether corresponding dopants are assigned or not. Importantly, the multiple dopants in the ENZ host at their magnetic resonances are demonstrated to be independent. Based on this platform, the concept of dispersion coding is proposed, where photonic dopants serve as “bits” to program the spectral response of the whole composite medium. As a proof of concept, a compact multi-doped ENZ cavity is fabricated and experimentally characterized, whose transmission spectrum is manifested as a multi-bit reconfigurable frequency comb. The dispersion coding is demonstrated to fuel a batch of innovative applications including dynamically tunable comb-like dispersion profiled filters, radio-frequency identification tags, etc.© 2022, The Author(s).Y.L. acknowledges partial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant 62022045, and in part by the Beijing Nova Program of Science and Technology under Grant Z191100001119082, as well as the support from the Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology. I.L. acknowledges support from project RTI2018-093714-J-I00 sponsored by MCIU/AEI/FEDER/UE

    Equilibrium distribution and diffusion of mixed hydrogen-methane gas in gravity field

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    Repurposing existing natural gas pipelines is a promising solution for large-scale transportation of mixed hydrogen-methane gas. However, it remains debatable whether gravitational stratification can notably affect hydrogen partial pressure in the gas mixture. To address this issue, we combined molecular dynamics simulation with thermodynamic and diffusion theories. Our study systematically examined the equilibrium distribution of hydrogen-methane mixtures in gravity fields. We demonstrated that partial pressures of both gases decrease with altitude, with hydrogen showing slower decrease due to its smaller molar mass. As a result, the volume fraction of hydrogen is maximized at the top end of pipes. The stratification is more favorable at low temperature and large altitude drops, with notable gas stratification only occurring at extremely large drops in altitude, being generally negligible even at a drop of 1500 m. Furthermore, we showed that the diffusion time required to achieve the equilibrium distribution is proportional to gas pressure and the square of pipeline height. This requires approximately 300 years for a 1500 m pipeline at 1 bar. Therefore, temporary interruptions in pipeline gas transportation will not cause visible stratification. Our work clarifies the effect of gravity on hydrogen-methane gas mixtures and provides quantitative insights into assessing the stratification of gas mixtures in pipelines.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Low-Profile Wideband Microstrip Antenna Based on Multiple Modes With Partial Apertures

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    Dual-Polarized, High-Gain, and Low-Profile Magnetic Current Array Antenna

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    Low-Profile and Wideband Microstrip Antenna Using Quasi-Periodic Aperture and Slot-to-CPW Transition

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