115 research outputs found

    Adversarial Imitation Learning from Incomplete Demonstrations

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    Imitation learning targets deriving a mapping from states to actions, a.k.a. policy, from expert demonstrations. Existing methods for imitation learning typically require any actions in the demonstrations to be fully available, which is hard to ensure in real applications. Though algorithms for learning with unobservable actions have been proposed, they focus solely on state information and overlook the fact that the action sequence could still be partially available and provide useful information for policy deriving. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm called Action-Guided Adversarial Imitation Learning (AGAIL) that learns a policy from demonstrations with incomplete action sequences, i.e., incomplete demonstrations. The core idea of AGAIL is to separate demonstrations into state and action trajectories, and train a policy with state trajectories while using actions as auxiliary information to guide the training whenever applicable. Built upon the Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning, AGAIL has three components: a generator, a discriminator, and a guide. The generator learns a policy with rewards provided by the discriminator, which tries to distinguish state distributions between demonstrations and samples generated by the policy. The guide provides additional rewards to the generator when demonstrated actions for specific states are available. We compare AGAIL to other methods on benchmark tasks and show that AGAIL consistently delivers comparable performance to the state-of-the-art methods even when the action sequence in demonstrations is only partially available.Comment: Accepted to International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19

    TTA-Nav: Test-time Adaptive Reconstruction for Point-Goal Navigation under Visual Corruptions

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    Robot navigation under visual corruption presents a formidable challenge. To address this, we propose a Test-time Adaptation (TTA) method, named as TTA-Nav, for point-goal navigation under visual corruptions. Our "plug-and-play" method incorporates a top-down decoder to a pre-trained navigation model. Firstly, the pre-trained navigation model gets a corrupted image and extracts features. Secondly, the top-down decoder produces the reconstruction given the high-level features extracted by the pre-trained model. Then, it feeds the reconstruction of a corrupted image back to the pre-trained model. Finally, the pre-trained model does forward pass again to output action. Despite being trained solely on clean images, the top-down decoder can reconstruct cleaner images from corrupted ones without the need for gradient-based adaptation. The pre-trained navigation model with our top-down decoder significantly enhances navigation performance across almost all visual corruptions in our benchmarks. Our method improves the success rate of point-goal navigation from the state-of-the-art result of 46% to 94% on the most severe corruption. This suggests its potential for broader application in robotic visual navigation. Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/tta-navComment: Submitted to IROS202

    Deterministic and Discriminative Imitation (D2-Imitation): Revisiting Adversarial Imitation for Sample Efficiency

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    Sample efficiency is crucial for imitation learning methods to be applicable in real-world applications. Many studies improve sample efficiency by extending adversarial imitation to be off-policy regardless of the fact that these off-policy extensions could either change the original objective or involve complicated optimization. We revisit the foundation of adversarial imitation and propose an off-policy sample efficient approach that requires no adversarial training or min-max optimization. Our formulation capitalizes on two key insights: (1) the similarity between the Bellman equation and the stationary state-action distribution equation allows us to derive a novel temporal difference (TD) learning approach; and (2) the use of a deterministic policy simplifies the TD learning. Combined, these insights yield a practical algorithm, Deterministic and Discriminative Imitation (D2-Imitation), which operates by first partitioning samples into two replay buffers and then learning a deterministic policy via off-policy reinforcement learning. Our empirical results show that D2-Imitation is effective in achieving good sample efficiency, outperforming several off-policy extension approaches of adversarial imitation on many control tasks.Comment: AAAI 202

    Investigating the Effects of Robot Engagement Communication on Learning from Demonstration

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    Robot Learning from Demonstration (RLfD) is a technique for robots to derive policies from instructors' examples. Although the reciprocal effects of student engagement on teacher behavior are widely recognized in the educational community, it is unclear whether the same phenomenon holds true for RLfD. To fill this gap, we first design three types of robot engagement behavior (attention, imitation, and a hybrid of the two) based on the learning literature. We then conduct, in a simulation environment, a within-subject user study to investigate the impact of different robot engagement cues on humans compared to a "without-engagement" condition. Results suggest that engagement communication significantly changes the human's estimation of the robots' capability and significantly raises their expectation towards the learning outcomes, even though we do not run actual learning algorithms in the experiments. Moreover, imitation behavior affects humans more than attention does in all metrics, while their combination has the most profound influences on humans. We also find that communicating engagement via imitation or the combined behavior significantly improve humans' perception towards the quality of demonstrations, even if all demonstrations are of the same quality.Comment: Under revie

    Comparing the Efficacy of Fine-Tuning and Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Policy Imitation

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    In this paper we explore few-shot imitation learning for control problems, which involves learning to imitate a target policy by accessing a limited set of offline rollouts. This setting has been relatively under-explored despite its relevance to robotics and control applications. State-of-the-art methods developed to tackle few-shot imitation rely on meta-learning, which is expensive to train as it requires access to a distribution over tasks (rollouts from many target policies and variations of the base environment). Given this limitation we investigate an alternative approach, fine-tuning, a family of methods that pretrain on a single dataset and then fine-tune on unseen domain-specific data. Recent work has shown that fine-tuners outperform meta-learners in few-shot image classification tasks, especially when the data is out-of-domain. Here we evaluate to what extent this is true for control problems, proposing a simple yet effective baseline which relies on two stages: (i) training a base policy online via reinforcement learning (e.g. Soft Actor-Critic) on a single base environment, (ii) fine-tuning the base policy via behavioral cloning on a few offline rollouts of the target policy. Despite its simplicity this baseline is competitive with meta-learning methods on a variety of conditions and is able to imitate target policies trained on unseen variations of the original environment. Importantly, the proposed approach is practical and easy to implement, as it does not need any complex meta-training protocol. As a further contribution, we release an open source dataset called iMuJoCo (iMitation MuJoCo) consisting of 154 variants of popular OpenAI-Gym MuJoCo environments with associated pretrained target policies and rollouts, which can be used by the community to study few-shot imitation learning and offline reinforcement learning

    Improve Transformer Pre-Training with Decoupled Directional Relative Position Encoding and Representation Differentiations

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    In this work, we revisit the Transformer-based pre-trained language models and identify two problems that may limit the expressiveness of the model. Firstly, existing relative position encoding models (e.g., T5 and DEBERTA) confuse two heterogeneous information: relative distance and direction. It may make the model unable to capture the associative semantics of the same direction or the same distance, which in turn affects the performance of downstream tasks. Secondly, we notice the pre-trained BERT with Mask Language Modeling (MLM) pre-training objective outputs similar token representations and attention weights of different heads, which may impose difficulties in capturing discriminative semantic representations. Motivated by the above investigation, we propose two novel techniques to improve pre-trained language models: Decoupled Directional Relative Position (DDRP) encoding and MTH pre-training objective. DDRP decouples the relative distance features and the directional features in classical relative position encoding for better position information understanding. MTH designs two novel auxiliary losses besides MLM to enlarge the dissimilarities between (a) last hidden states of different tokens, and (b) attention weights of different heads, alleviating homogenization and anisotropic problem in representation learning for better optimization. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on GLUE benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods

    Trust-Region-Free Policy Optimization for Stochastic Policies

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    Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) is an iterative method that simultaneously maximizes a surrogate objective and enforces a trust region constraint over consecutive policies in each iteration. The combination of the surrogate objective maximization and the trust region enforcement has been shown to be crucial to guarantee a monotonic policy improvement. However, solving a trust-region-constrained optimization problem can be computationally intensive as it requires many steps of conjugate gradient and a large number of on-policy samples. In this paper, we show that the trust region constraint over policies can be safely substituted by a trust-region-free constraint without compromising the underlying monotonic improvement guarantee. The key idea is to generalize the surrogate objective used in TRPO in a way that a monotonic improvement guarantee still emerges as a result of constraining the maximum advantage-weighted ratio between policies. This new constraint outlines a conservative mechanism for iterative policy optimization and sheds light on practical ways to optimize the generalized surrogate objective. We show that the new constraint can be effectively enforced by being conservative when optimizing the generalized objective function in practice. We call the resulting algorithm Trust-REgion-Free Policy Optimization (TREFree) as it is free of any explicit trust region constraints. Empirical results show that TREFree outperforms TRPO and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) in terms of policy performance and sample efficiency.Comment: RLDM 202

    Revisiting Estimation Bias in Policy Gradients for Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    We revisit the estimation bias in policy gradients for the discounted episodic Markov decision process (MDP) from Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) perspective. The objective is formulated theoretically as the expected returns discounted over the time horizon. One of the major policy gradient biases is the state distribution shift: the state distribution used to estimate the gradients differs from the theoretical formulation in that it does not take into account the discount factor. Existing discussion of the influence of this bias was limited to the tabular and softmax cases in the literature. Therefore, in this paper, we extend it to the DRL setting where the policy is parameterized and demonstrate how this bias can lead to suboptimal policies theoretically. We then discuss why the empirically inaccurate implementations with shifted state distribution can still be effective. We show that, despite such state distribution shift, the policy gradient estimation bias can be reduced in the following three ways: 1) a small learning rate; 2) an adaptive-learning-rate-based optimizer; and 3) KL regularization. Specifically, we show that a smaller learning rate, or, an adaptive learning rate, such as that used by Adam and RSMProp optimizers, makes the policy optimization robust to the bias. We further draw connections between optimizers and the optimization regularization to show that both the KL and the reverse KL regularization can significantly rectify this bias. Moreover, we provide extensive experiments on continuous control tasks to support our analysis. Our paper sheds light on how successful PG algorithms optimize policies in the DRL setting, and contributes insights into the practical issues in DRL.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
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