3 research outputs found


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    The development of hospitalwill lead to health service industry,so that the health services must be the primary focus. Information is very important role because it is used in making strategic, technical and dynamic decisionsin the hospital. Medical and doctor�s data that related to the patients in the hospital were still processed manually, thus it takes a long timeto process the data to obtain the information of the hospital performance indicators. So it needs an applications that is capable to measure the performance of the Hospital and storing large amounts of data. Data Warehouse application designed with star schema model which is consisted of four fact tables facilitate the hospitaldirector, head ofMedical and HealthServices analyzing data using OLAP functions. The results indicate that the multidimensional data model enables easy analysis of the medical data of the patients, easy measurement of the indicators of the health service of the hospital, including ALOS, BOR, TOI, NDR and GDR by making use of OLAP function and contour cube component

    Schedule Implementing the Modified Euclidean Distance Method in the Course Planning of the USN Kolaka Information Systems Curriculum

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    Scheduling is needed to anticipate the clash of lecture hours for lecturers in teaching. Some things that need to be considered when arranging a lecture schedule are lecturers, rooms, courses, hours, and days. In this study, the scheduling system uses the Euclidean Distance method by modifying the algorithm. The aim of this study is to prove the Euclidean distance method in the course planning system in universities. In general, to obtain data that will be used in the scheduling system, observations, interviews and bibliographic studies are carried out. From the research results, the lecture scheduling system using the Euclidean Distance method can be used in the scheduling system, especially lecture scheduling. This is proven, that the lecture scheduling system using the Euclidean Distance method does not have a schedule for lecturers who teach more than one course at the same time (collide).Penjadwalan sangat diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi adanya benturan jam kuliah dosen dalam mengajar. Beberapa hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk menyusun jadwal perkuliahan adalah dosen, ruang, mata kuliah, jam, dan hari. Pada penelitian ini, sistem penjadwalan menggunakan metode Euclidean Distance dengan memodifikasi algoritmanya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan metode Euclidean Distance dalam sistem penjadwalan matakuliah di Perguruan Tinggi. Secara garis besar untuk memperoleh data–data yang akan digunakan dalam sistem penjadwalan dilakukan pengamatan, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Dari hasil penelitian sistem penjadwalan perkuliahan dengan menggunakan metode Euclidean Distance dapat digunakan dalam sistem penjadwalan khususnya penjadwalan perkuliahan. Hal ini terbukti, bahwa sistem penjadwalan perkuliahan dengan menggunakan metode Euclidean Distance tidak adanya jadwal dosen yang mengampu matakuliah lebih dari satu yang bersamaan (berbenturan)