6 research outputs found

    A Rare Case of High-Grade Urothelial Carcinoma of Renal Pelvis and Proximal Ureter with Divergent Differentiation

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    Urothelial carcinoma with divergent differentiation is a variant of urothelial carcinoma and it is being increasingly recognized with the increase in awareness and advancement of immunohistochemistry. It is important to quantify the degrees of each differentiation for the prognosis and treatment of the patient. Here, we present a unique case of urothelial carcinoma of Renal pelvis with divergent differentiation showing urothelial, squamous, papillary, glandular, Rhabdoid and Plasmacytoid differentiation

    An Incidental Case of Neuroendocrine Tumor Case Report

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    Rectal neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), which have a 0.17% incidence, are rare. Despite the fact that improved detection rates are to blame for the current increase in NET incidence. Furthermore, it has been determined that the following elements significantly influence the tumor's capacity to spread: Proliferative index, depth of infiltration at diagnosis, and tumor size (1). When the tumor is detected at a low-grade proliferation stage, rectal NET offers the best prognosis of any NET type. Modern knowledge of the lesion's morphology, along with the additional use of ancillary studies, help diagnose NET as soon as possible so that the necessary management may be tailored

    Evaluation of Appropriateness of Platelet transfusions in a Tertiary Care Centre

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    Introduction:  Blood transfusion is an essential part of modern health care. Transfusion is considered appropriate when it is used to treat conditions leading to significant morbidity and mortality and which cannot be prevented or managed effectively by other means. The aim of this study was to evaluate appropriateness of platelet transfusions in a tertiary care centre as per National blood transfusion guidelines. Materials & Methods: This study was conducted in a tertiary care centre. A total of 4236 blood request forms were analyzed over a period of 12 months out of which 8.3% (n=352) were for Platelets (PLT). Number of units requested were noted and appropriateness of requested transfusions was assessed according to the National guidelines on transfusion. Results: A total of 4236 blood request forms were analyzed in this study out of which 8.3% (n=352) were for Platelets (PLT). There were 352 platelet requests out of which 59.6 % (n=210) requests were considered appropriate, 30.2% (n=106) were considered inappropriate and 10.2% (n=36) requests could not be assessed due to unavailability of platelet count. Out of 30.2% (n=106) inappropriate transfusions, in 14.8% (n=52) transfusions were appropriate but number of units transfused was inappropriate and in 15% transfusion itself was considered inappropriate. Conclusion: It was observed that 30.2% (n=106) were considered inappropriate and in 10.2% (n=36) requests could not be assessed due to unavailability of platelet count. Regular audits and CMEs should be conducted and development of standard hospital transfusion guidelines are the measures which can be incorporated in this hospital to rationalize the use of blood components

    Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid Co-existing with Upper Aerodigestive Tract Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Case Series

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    The incidental discovery of papillary carcinoma of thyroid in a patient being investigated for squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity is a rare clinical situation and appropriate management may vary from what was actually planned. We report a case series of 10 patients admitted with variable complaints of pain on swallowing, change in voice and breathing difficulty. Total Laryngectomy was done along with lymph node neck dissection. On histopathological examination, it showed poorly differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma. Tissue sent as paratracheal lymph node showed thyroid tissue with foci of Papillary carcinoma of thyroid which was a coincidental finding. A total of 10 cases with dual malignancy of Upper aerodigestive tract Squamous cell carcinoma coexisting with Papillary carcinoma thyroid as an incidental finding. Of which nine were male and one was female, had undergone Total Laryngectomy, Hemiglossectomy and Hemimandibulectomy was done along with lymph node neck dissection

    An Incidental Case of Neuroendocrine Tumor Case Report

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    Rectal neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), which have a 0.17% incidence, are rare. Despite the fact that improved detection rates are to blame for the current increase in NET incidence. Furthermore, it has been determined that the following elements significantly influence the tumor's capacity to spread: Proliferative index, depth of infiltration at diagnosis, and tumor size (1). When the tumor is detected at a low-grade proliferation stage, rectal NET offers the best prognosis of any NET type. Modern knowledge of the lesion's morphology, along with the additional use of ancillary studies, help diagnose NET as soon as possible so that the necessary management may be tailored

    A Captivating Case of Amoebiasis Cutis with Nodular Fasciitis

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    Primary cutaneous amoebic infections as well as cutaneous lesions from disseminated amebiasis are exceedingly rare and are more commonly seen in immunocompromised patients. Review of Literature has shown several species that cause cutaneous disease include Entamoeba histolytica, Acanthamoeba, Naegleria fowleri, and Balamuthia mandrillaris. Although cutaneous amoebic infections are rare, they are usually underrecognized and frequently misdiagnosed. Hence, it is important for pathologists to be aware of this histomorphologic appearance and diagnostic pitfalls when evaluating a skin lesion. Primary cutaneous amoebic abscess in association with nodular fasciitis in an immunocompetent patient