47 research outputs found

    On the possible use of the MASURCA reactor as a flexible, high-intensity, fast neutron beam facility

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    In recent work [1, 2], we have shown that the MASURCA research reactor could be used to deliver a fairly-intense continuous fast neutron beam to an experimental room located next to the reactor core. As a consequence of the MASURCA favorable characteristics and diverse material inventories, the neutron beam intensity and spectrum can be further tailored to meet the users' needs, which could be of interest for several applications. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to characterize in detail the extracted neutron (and photon) beam entering the experimental room. These numerical simulations were done for two different bare cores: A uranium metallic core (\ue2\u88\ubc30% 235U enriched) and a plutonium oxide core (\ue2\u88\ubc25% Pu fraction, \ue2\u88\ubc78% 239Pu). The results show that the distinctive resonance energy structures of the two core leakage spectra are preserved at the channel exit. As the experimental room is large enough to house a dedicated set of neutron spectrometry instruments, we have investigated several candidate neutron spectrum measurement techniques, which could be implemented to guarantee well-defined, repeatable beam conditions to users. Our investigation also includes considerations regarding the gamma rays in the beams

    Protons Acceleration by CO2 Laser Pulses and Perspectives for Medical Applications

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    In the present note we shall review the basic mechanisms for laser acceleration to present the related scaling laws and compare the results one expects from small (1 \u3bc) and large (10 \u3bc) wavelength pulses. Systematic 2D and 3D simulations were performed with the high order PICcodeALaDyn [Benedetti et al.(2008)] developedbytheuniversityofBolognatoprovide quantitative results in addition to the qualitative results of scaling laws. We shall also discuss the transport of a protons beam through an optical system. The paper consists of six sections: after this introduction, in section 2 we recall the basic features and parameters of the laser beam, in section 3 the TNSA regime is reviewed, in section 4 the RPA regime is presented, in section 5 the acceleration on under-critical target is discussed, in section 6 we discuss the transport of the optically accelerated proton bunch, in section 7 we analyze the perspectives for therapy

    A digital twin for 64Cu production with cyclotron and solid target system

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    One method for finding reliable and cost-effective solutions for designing radioisotope production systems is represented by the "digital twin" philosophy of design. Looking at cyclotron solid targets, uncertainties of the particle beam, material composition and geometry play a crucial role in determining the results. The difference between what has been designed and what can be effectively manufactured, where processes such as electroplating are poorly controllable and generate large non-uniformities in deposition, must also be considered. A digital twin, where the target geometry is 3D scanned from real models, can represent a good compromise for connecting "ideal" and "real" worlds. Looking at the 64Ni(p,n)64Cu reaction, different Unstructured-Mesh MCNP6 models have been built starting from the 3D solid target system designed and put into operation by COMECER. A characterization has been performed considering the designed ideal target and a 3D scan of a real manufactured target measured with a ZEISS contact probe. Libraries and physics models have been also tested due to limited cross-section data. Proton spectra in the target volume, 3D proton-neutron-photon flux maps, average energies, power to be dissipated, shut-down dose-rate, 64Cu yield compared with various sources of experimental data and beam axial shifting impact, have been estimated. A digital twin of the 64Ni(p,n)64Cu production device has been characterized, considering the real measured target geometry, paving the way for a fully integrated model suitable also for thermal, structural or fluid-dynamic analyses

    Production of radioisotopes within a plasma focus device

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    In recent years, research conducted in the US and in Italy has demonstrated production of radioisotopes in plasma focus devices, and particularly, on what could be termed "endogenous" production, to wit, production within the plasma it self, as opposed to irradiation of tar gets. This technique relies on the formation of localized small plasma zones characterized by very high densities and fairly high temperatures. The conditions prevailing in these zones lead to high nuclear reaction rates, as pointed out in previous work by several authors. Further investigation of the cross sections involved has proven necessary to model the phenomena involved. In this paper, the present status of research in this field is re viewed, both with regards to cross section models and to experimental production of radio isotopes. Possible out comes and further development are discussed

    Monte Carlo Analysis of dosimetric issues in space exploration

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    Introduction The radiation protection is of paramount importance in the planning of human exploration activities in space. The related risks must be considered with respect two aspects: devising a proper shielding and answer to the requirement of an effective dosimetry evaluation during astronaut activities. Both aspects have been considered using as reference tool the Monte Carlo code MCNP 6.2. As case study a possible application to the NASA Artemis program has been chosen. The project aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon, envisioning the realization of an outpost that will serve as a steppingstone for space exploration endeavors. Methods A Class III shelter, ISRU derived habitat with local resources available on the Moon, has been designed through computational methods and topology optimization techniques, and analyzed in terms of radiation shielding performances and structural behavior. Results The outpost must be able to withstand temperature variations, micrometeorite impacts, and the absence of a substantial atmosphere. Any solution studied to respect the constraints must devise robust and innovative materials and techniques to create habitats that have as goal the shielding from the Galactic Cosmic Rays and from the solar flares to provide a safe and habitable environment at the time scales scheduled for the mission. Resource utilization is crucial for sustaining long-duration missions on the Moon as envisaged in the ARTEMIS program. This implies the outpost design must incorporate strategies for extracting and utilizing local resources. Conclusions The design of a lunar outpost for the NASA Artemis program is a complex undertaking that involves addressing challenges related to lunar environment, resource utilization, power generation, logistics, and crew well-being. Overcoming such challenges will pave the way for the establishment of a sustainable human presence on the Moon and serve as a crucial leap for future space exploration missions

    GENII-LIN project: a multipurpose health physics code to estimate radiation dose and risk from environment contamination

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    GENII-LIN is an open source radiation protection environmental code with capabilities for calculating radiation dose and risk to individuals or populations from radionuclides released to the environment and from pre-existing environmental contamination. The code can be used for purposes such as siting facilities, environmental impact statements, and safety analysis reports. The code can handle exposure pathways that include: external exposure from finite or infinite atmospheric plumes; inhalation; external exposure from contaminated soil, sediments, and water; external exposure from special geometries; and internal exposures from consumption of terrestrial foods, aquatic foods, drinking water, animal products, and inadvertent intake of soil. The flexible modular structure and the strictly object oriented software design simplify code improvement and patching: other modules can be added and the present ones updated, with minimal effort

    GENII-LIN: a Multipurpose Health Physics Code Built on GENII-1.485

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    The aim of the GENII-LIN project was to develop an open source multipurpose health physics code running on Linux platform, for calculating radiation dose and risk from radionuclides released to the environment. The general features of the GENII-LIN system include [1] capabilities for calculating radiation dose both for acute and chronic releases, with options for annual dose, committed dose and accumulated dose [2] capabilities for evaluating exposure pathways including direct exposure via water (swimming, boating, fishing), soil (buried and surface sources) and air (semi-infinite cloud and finite cloud model), inhalation pathways and ingestion pathways. The release scenarios considered are: - acute release to air, from ground level or elevated sources, or to water; - chronic release to air, from ground level or elevated sources, or to water; - initial contamination of soil or surfaces. Keywords: radiation protection, Linux, health physics, risk analysis

    SCALE 6.1.3 Effective Heavy Reflector Cross Sections Sensitivity Analysis for a PWR GENIII Assembly/Reflector System

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    This paper presents the results of a sensitivity analysis on code and operational parameters for the evaluation of the effective cross sections of a central assembly/heavy reflector GENIII PWR system. The methodology used for the calculation is based on the T- NEWT control module of SCALE 6.1.3 package. In detail, the sensitivity analysis on the heavy reflector cross sections has been performed on the following set of code parameters: reflector zone computational meshes, Sn and Pm transport parameter, cross sections libraries and convergence parameters (eigenvalue and eigenfunction). It also has been carried out a series of calculations on a set of operational parameters such as: boron concentration (0 and 1300 ppm), operational condition (HZP and HFP) and reflector temperature (Tmax and Tmod)

    PROMETHEUS Infrastruttura per protoni, ioni e radiazione X coerente, basata su laser di potenza e finalizzata alla ricerca biomedica, alla terapia oncologica, alla radiobiologia e visualizzazione di biostrutture

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    The project consists in the feasibility study of a hybrid acceleration scheme (laser+linac) for proton beams. The hybrid accelerator would be the first stage of the infrastructure PROMETHEUS, proposed for biomedical studies and applications. The infrastructure would be located in the Montecuccolino laboratory of the University of Bologna, which hosted the nuclear reactor RB3, whose decommissioning will soon be completed. The project has been approved by the Academic Senate of the Bologna University and priority to this project has been assigned by the Rector for the use of the Montecuccolino laboratory. Even the local Authority (Regione Emilia Romagna) have express the interest on tho project. If the design study is successful the PROMETHEUS infrastructure would become a national facility for biomedical studies of European relevance

    Apparecchiatura per la produzione endogena di radioisotopi, particolarmente per diagnostica tomografica ad emissione di positroni

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    Apparecchiatura per la produzione endogena di radioisotopi, particolarmente per diagnostica tomografica ad emissione di positoni, caratterizzata dal fatto di comprendere: - una camera da vuoto, la cui superficie interna \ue8 trattata per resistere all'implantazione ionica, - una coppia di elettrodi posti all'interno di detta camera da vuoto, - un banco capacitivo, - mezzi di connessione di detto banco capacitivo a detta coppia di elettrodi per la generazione tra questi di una scarica elettrica, che provoca la formazione di plasma e crea le condizioni per lo sviluppo di reazioni nucleari che generano radioisotopi, - un'induttanza complessiva del circuito elettrico equivalente di detta apparecchiatura non superiore a 50nH, - mezzi comunicanti con detta camera da vuoto per la creazione di un vuoto non superiore a 10-6 torr, - mezzi comunicanti con detta camera da vuoto per l'immissione in essa, dopo la creazione del vuoto, di almeno un gas di reazione ad una pressione in grado di garantire la formazione di plasma durante la fase di scarica ed il raggiungimento di condizioni di confinamento di detto plasma dell'ordine di 1015 keV. sec/cm3, e - mezzi comunicanti con detta camera da vuoto per l'estrazione di gas