6 research outputs found

    Efficient Energy and Electrostatic Properties Calculations at the MP2 Theory Level: A Case Study of Density Matrix-Based Computational Quantum Chemistry

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    Wavefunction-less, density matrix-based approach to computational quantum chemistry is briefly discussed. Implementation of second-order M oller-Plesset Perturbation Method energy and dipole moment calculations within the new paradigm is presented. Efficiency and reliability of the method is analyzed

    Efficient Energy and Electrostatic Properties Calculations at the MP2 Theory Level: A Case Study of Density Matrix-Based Computational Quantum Chemistry

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    Wavefunction-less, density matrix-based approach to computational quantum chemistry is briefly discussed. Implementation of second-order M oller-Plesset Perturbation Method energy and dipole moment calculations within the new paradigm is presented. Efficiency and reliability of the method is analyzed

    Orthographic priming in Braille reading as evidence for task-specific reorganization in the ventral visual cortex of the congenitally blind

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    The task-specific principle asserts that, following deafness or blindness, the deprived cortex is reorganized in a manner such that the task of a given area is preserved even though its input modality has been switched. Accordingly, tactile reading engages the ventral occipitotemporal cortex (vOT) in the blind in a similar way to regular reading in the sighted. Others, however, show that the vOT of the blind processes spoken sentence structure, which suggests that the task-specific principle might not apply to vOT. The strongest evidence for the vOT's engagement in sighted reading comes from orthographic repetition-suppression studies. Here, congenitally blind adults were tested in an fMRI repetition-suppression paradigm. Results reveal a double dissociation, with tactile orthographic priming in the vOT and auditory priming in general language areas. Reconciling our finding with other evidence, we propose that the vOT in the blind serves multiple functions, one of which, orthographic processing, overlaps with its function in the sighted

    Football Academy as a tool in the development of a football club on the example of Wis艂a Krak贸w

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    Tematyka niniejszej pracy po艣wi臋cona jest dzia艂alno艣ci akademii pi艂karskich oraz ich wp艂ywie na odbi贸r i rozw贸j klubu sportowego na przyk艂adzie Akademii Pi艂karskiej Wis艂y Krak贸w. Skupiono si臋 przede wszystkim na aspekcie wizerunkowym. Przedmiotem bada艅 jest charakterystyka struktur organizacji zajmuj膮cej si臋 szkoleniem i wychowywaniem m艂odzie偶y, przedstawienie jej genezy oraz historii, a tak偶e sposobu i plan贸w na dalszy rozw贸j. W pierwszej cz臋艣ci pracy poruszone zosta艂y zagadnienia teoretyczne z zakresu sportu, pi艂ki no偶nej i szeroko poj臋tego wizerunku. Nast臋pnie przybli偶ona zosta艂a dzia艂alno艣膰 badanej organizacji, jej historia, geneza szkolenia oraz bie偶膮ce funkcjonowanie z uwzgl臋dnieniem przyj臋tych praktyk obowi膮zuj膮cych w jej strukturach. W dalszej kolejno艣ci ukazane zosta艂y zale偶no艣ci zachodz膮ce pomi臋dzy klubem a akademi膮 oraz jej wp艂ywy na odbi贸r klubu mi臋dzy innymi przez szkolenie i promowanie wychowank贸w. W tej cz臋艣ci wykorzystano zabieg maj膮cy na celu przedstawienie dzia艂ania i funkcjonowania dw贸ch czo艂owych akademii w Europie - Ajaxu Amsterdam oraz SL Benfiki, a tak偶e wiod膮cej akademii w Polsce, czyli Lecha Pozna艅. Na potrzeby bada艅 stworzono ankiet臋, kt贸r膮 przeprowadzono w 艣rodowisku skupionym wok贸艂 klubu sportowego TS Wis艂a Krak贸w SA.The subject of this study is the activities of football academies and their influence on the perception and development of a sports club on the example of the Wis艂a Krak贸w Football Academy. The focus is primarily on the image aspect. The subject of the study is the characterisation of the structures of an organisation dealing with the training and upbringing of young people, the presentation of its origins and history, as well as its manner and plans for further development. The first part of the study deals with theoretical issues in the field of sport, football and image in a broad sense. Then, the activities of the studied organisation, its history, the genesis of training, and its current operation were presented, taking into account the accepted practices in its structures. The relationship between the club and the academy and its influence on the perception of the club through, among other things, the training and promotion of alumni, were then presented. In this part, a comparative procedure was used to present the operation and functioning of the two leading academies in Europe - Ajax Amsterdam and SL Benfica, as well as the leading academy in Poland, namely Lech Pozna艅. For the purposes of the research, a questionnaire was created and conducted in the environment centred around the sports club TS Wis艂a Krak贸w SA

    Some aspects of long-term testing of cogeneration set fueled with biogas

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    Article presents the results of long-term testing of prototype of 64 kVA biogas cogeneration set (CHP - Combined Heat and Power), build with support of financial means from the MCP R&D program 1 2 1. Between others, the impact of fueling with biogas from the sewage treatment plant on the engine oil has been investigated. Used oil analyses unveiled adverse presence of silicon compounds, i.e. siloxanes, permissible level of which (according to MAN standard) was exceeded several times. In order to reduce these compounds, prototype biogas filter based on activated carbon has been developed. Based on initial calculations, overall efficiency of this cogeneration set is circa 70%. For the consumer needs, the entire installation is enclosed in a compact soundproof canopy. Besides environmental merits, the cogeneration set shows also economical advantages. If operating continuously, the gen-set CHP would produce electrical and heat power in an amount that its purchasing cost would be returned after about 12 months, under condition of having biogas