7 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the availability of nutrients in wet and dry land, and to determine the interaction of the use of soil type and type of fertilizer on the growth of cucumber plants. This research was carried out in Tombatu Tiga Village, District, North Tombatu, Southeast Minahasa Regency for 3 months starting from February - May 2021, using a quantitative descriptive method for nutrient availability and experiments in polybags were carried out using a 4x3 Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 2 factors. treatment, namely Type of Soil and Type of Fertilizer. showed that the availability of macronutrients available in the soil prior to conducting the research (C-Organic, Total N, available P, and K) was less available as well as the pH of the soil on the criteria of slightly acidic to acidic. And from the results of the analysis after the study showed that with the application of organic fertilizer master Compost and POC Nasa there was an increase in soil pH in all soil types, as well as an increase in the value of nutrients, especially available P, followed by C-Organic, and Total N. The results showed that the interaction of soil type and fertilizer type had a significant effect on the growth of cucumber plants at plant heights of 20 DAP and 30 DAP and number of leaves 10 DAP to 30 DAP. However, there was no interaction with plant height at 10 days after planting

    Sterilisasi Dan Penggunaan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Bap (Benzile Amino Purin) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Eksplan Tunas Pisang Abaka (Musa Textilis Nee) Melalui Teknik In Vitro

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    This study aims to determine the most appropriate method and sterilization technique for the growth of abaca weevil shoot explants taken directly from the field and to determine the effect of the dose of growth regulator BAP (Benzile amino purine) on the growth of abaca feed. explants (Musa textilis Nee). through in vitro techniques. This study uses the multilevel sterilization method and the sterilization method using direct observation, namely when the explants have become shoots. The results showed that the appropriate sterilization method was a fixed sterilization method with bayclin treatment with a concentration of 30% for (30 minutes), 20% for (20 minutes), 10% for (10 minutes) with several techniques carried out so that the explant was successful. grow, namely in the 6th technique. Induction of shoots of abaka banana weevil explants in BAP treatment was best at 7 ppm treatment by producing 5 shoots. With the height of each shoot, namely: a (0.9 cm), b (0.3 cm), c (0.4 cm), d (0.4 cm), and e (0.5 cm)

    Sterilisasi Dan Penggunaan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Bap (Benzile Amino Purin) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Eksplan Tunas Pisang Abaka (Musa Textilis Nee) Melalui Teknik In Vitro

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    This study aims to determine the most appropriate method and sterilization technique for the growth of abaca weevil shoot explants taken directly from the field and to determine the effect of the dose of growth regulator BAP (Benzile amino purine) on the growth of abaca feed. explants (Musa textilis Nee). through in vitro techniques. This study uses the multilevel sterilization method and the sterilization method using direct observation, namely when the explants have become shoots. The results showed that the appropriate sterilization method was a fixed sterilization method with bayclin treatment with a concentration of 30% for (30 minutes), 20% for (20 minutes), 10% for (10 minutes) with several techniques carried out so that the explant was successful. grow, namely in the 6th technique. Induction of shoots of abaka banana weevil explants in BAP treatment was best at 7 ppm treatment by producing 5 shoots. With the height of each shoot, namely: a (0.9 cm), b (0.3 cm), c (0.4 cm), d (0.4 cm), and e (0.5 cm)

    Pengaruh Pemberian Trichoderma sp. Dan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Akar Stek Pucuk Tanaman Krisan (Chrysanthemum morifolium R.)

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    This study aims to determine whether there is an interaction and influence of concentration from the administration of Trichoderma sp. and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on the root growth of chrysanthemum plants. This research was carried out at the Center for Protection and Quality Testing of Horticultural Food Crops and the Screen House Office of the Center for Seeds, Agricultural Nurseries and Agrotourism Show Window, Tomohon City. This research was conducted from June to August 2022. Primary data was obtained from the results of the study including the variables root length, root weight, and percentage of living cuttings while secondary data was obtained through books obtained from local bookstores and the internet via Google Scholar in the form of books, articles journals and theses related to research topics. The results showed that the longest plant roots were produced at the concentration level of Trichoderma sp. solubility of 107 and PGPR 15ml/l (T1P3) with an average of 11.6 cm and the heaviest roots were produced at the concentration level of Trichoderma sp. solubility 109 and PGPR 10ml/l (T3P2) with an average of 0.49 gram

    PENGGUNAAN Trichoderma Koningii PADA PERKECAMBAHAN SIRSAK (Annona muricata linn)

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    This study aims to determine the dose of Trichoderma koningii which can induce soursop germination; know the best soaking time that can affect the induction of soursop germination; to know the interaction between soaking time and Trichoderma koningii dose on soursop germination. This research was conducted in April - June 2019 at the Green House of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. The material used in this study was soursop seed obtained from Lota Village, Pineleng Tomohon Subdistrict, Trichoderma koningii with 106 solids obtained from the North Sulawesi Province Plant Protection Center Collection, Aquadest, 70% Alcohol, 80% Acetone, sandalready sifter and sterilized. This research was arranged in factorial with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of two factors, namely 5 treatments of Trichoderma koningii dose and 4 immersion treatments repeated three times (3x) so that a total of 60 treatment units. Each treatment unituses 10 seeds. The results of this study indicated that the dose of Trichoderma koninggi 200 g without soaking can increase the germination power by 86.67% and the vigor index by 32.96%; Immersion with Koninggi Trichoderma suspension has not been able to induce soursop seed germination rate; Theinteraction between Trichoderma koningii dose and soaking time did not affect the speed of soursop seed germination.*eprm

    The Effect Concentration of Kirinyuh Leaf Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Efficiency Inorganic Fertilizer

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    The availability of nutrients in the soil affects rice production. To meet the nutrients in rice plants and generally farmers use inorganic fertilizers. Continuous use of inorganic fertilizers reduces soil fertility. Giving inorganic fertilizers without being balanced with the use of organic fertilizers can reduce physical properties such as soil structure, chemical reduction in Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and soil biology such as the decreased activity of soil microorganisms. Rice farmers generally use inorganic fertilizers phonska and urea. Kirinyuh plants (Chromolaena odorata L.) as weeds can be used as basic ingredients of liquid organic fertilizer because they contain high nitrogen 2.65%, P and K so that they can reduce the dose of urea and NPK fertilizers. The study aimed to obtain efficient quantities of phonska and urea compound fertilizers at Kirinyuh concentrations to increase rice yields. The study used a completely randomized design with a factorial pattern. The treatment consisted of factor I (A)= concentration of Kirinyuh liquid organic fertilizer. A0 = without liquid organic fertilizer Kirinyuh; A1= 100 ml liquid organic fertilizer Kirinyuh/1 liter of water, A2= 200 ml liquid organic fertilizer Kirinyuh/1 liter of water; A3= 200 ml liquid organic fertilizer Kirinyuh / 1 liter of water. Factor II (B)= dosage of phonska+urea fertilizer. B1= 100 kg of phonska + 100 kg of urea/ha; B2= 200 kg phonska + 200 kg urea/ha, B3= 300 kg phonska + 300 kg urea/ha. Each experimental unit was repeated three times to obtain 36 experimental pots. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance and if there were differences, it was continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at the level of 5%. The results showed that a concentration of 200 ml liquid organic fertilizer Kirinyuh/liter of water made efficient use of phonska inorganic fertilizer. Doses of 200 kg phonska/ha+200 kg urea/ha at a concentration of 200 ml liquid organic fertilizer/liter of water increased the weight of milled dry unhulled grain