18 research outputs found

    Estimasi Tingkat Efisiensi Usahatani Padi Dengan Fungsi Produksi Frontir Stokastik

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    EnglishFor years ahead, the growth of productivity (yield) will become the major source of rice production, especially with the limited and decreasing fund to expand the rice field. Therefore, the rice farming need to be conducted more efficiently, which means the management skills of farmers need to be improved. The objective of this study is to estimate the level of efficiency on rice farming and to see its (distribution) among farmers. The results of the study will help the policy makers on designing and improving the agricultural extension strategy.IndonesianTerbatasnya anggaran pembangunan yang dialokasikan untuk melakukan perluasan areal tanam padi mempunyai implikasi bahwa dalam beberapa tahun mendatang ini sumber pertumbuhan produksi padi akan bertumpu pada peningkatan produktivitas. Dalam konteks demikian itu maka kapasitas managerial dalam pengelolaan USAhatani harus ditingkatkan agar produktivitas yang dicapai dapat mendekati potensi maksimal. Dengan kata lain, USAhatani padi harus ditingkatkan efisiensinya. Dengan pendekatan fungsi produksi frontier stokastik, penelitian ini mencoba mengestimasi tingkat efisiensi yang dicapai dan mengkaji sebarannya diantara petani padi di tiga kabupaten penghasil utama beras di Indonesia. lnformasi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini diharapkan berguna untuk membantu menyempurnakan strategi penyuluhan pertanian, khususnya dalam bidang USAhatani padi

    Penawaran Tenaga Kerja Pertanian Dan Perubahannya: Studi Kasus Pada Usahatani Padi Di Beberapa Desa Jawa Barat

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    Understanding labor supply behaviour of the rural people is the primary condition to improve their welfare. This study utilized panel data as a basis of analysis. Those data was taken from the survey conducted in 1977 and 1983 using the same household sample. The results showed that factors influencing labor supply in the farm activity are real wage, farm size, type of labor arrangement, and agro ecosystem. Lower growth rate of farm labor wage than non farm labor wage coupled with better access of rural household to non farm activity significantly reduced elasticity of labor supply in the farm sector. Moreover, the increase on factor share accruing to land and the decrease on labor share accentuated the negative impact of sawah land holding to labor supply

    Analisis Daya Saing Usahatani Kedelai Di DAS Brantas

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    EnglishThe major objective of this paper is to analyze the competitiveness of soybean production in Brantas River Basin, the major soybean producing region in Indonesia. The results indicate that the returns to management is negative. This implies that soybean has no competitive advantage, which is also shown by the values of PCR of about unity. The value of DRC, which is approximately equal to unity, also indicates that soybean has a weak comparative advantage. The results of the break even analysis indicate that soybean would be financially competitive if the world price of soybean at least increases by 8.5%, or the exchange rate of dollar to the local currency at least declines by 9.2%, or soybean productivity at least increases by 27.4% from the base period, ceteris paribus. In other words, there should be a serious attempt to increase the efficiency of soybean crop by increasing productivity through the use of quality seeds and balanced amounts of fertilizers. Besides, research in soybean variety improvement should be intentionally encouraged from now on. Not much can be done from fiscal and monetary policy sides in a gradually more liberalized International trade in the future. IndonesianTujuan utama makalah ini adalah untuk menganalisis daya saing komoditas kedelai di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Brantas, yang merupakan daerah utama penghasil kedelai di Indonesia. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa penerimaan bersih untuk pengelola (returns to management) adalah negatif. Ini berarti bahwa komoditas kedelai tidak memiliki keunggulan kompetitf yang dipertegas lagi oleh nilai PCR sekitar satu. Nilai DRC yang berada disekitar satu juga menunjukkan bahwa komoditas kedelai memiliki keunggulan komparatif yang lemah. Dari analisis titik impas diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa komoditas kedelai akan mempunyai daya saing finansial jika harga kedelai dunia naik paling sedikit 8,5 persen, atau nilai tukar dolar terhadap rupiah paling sedikit turun 9,2 persen atau produktivitas kedelai naik paling sedikit 27,4 persen, ceteris paribus. Dengan perkataan lain harus ada upaya peningkatan efisiensi tanaman kedelai melalui peningkatan produktivitas dengan penggunaan benih bermutu serta pupuk berimbang. Disamping itu, dukungan terhadap penelitian pengembangan varietas kedelai juga harus diutamakan mulai sekarang. Kebijakan fiskal dan moneter tidak banyak yang dapat dilakukan dalam era perdagangan Internasional yang semakin liberal ke depan

    Analisis Keunggulan Komparatif Industri Pakan Ternak Di Jawa Barat Dan Lampung

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    The role of feedmill industry in the livestock production system is very essential. Therefore the efficient feed production is required to support the poultry industry development. This study is intended to evaluate the economic feasibility of the feed industries in Lampung and West Java. The finding of this study indicated that poultry feed production is economically efficient under import substitution scenario, but on the border line under interregional trade regime, and is not feasible for export promotion. Although feedmill industries did not receive any input subsidies, they persistently enjoyed financial profit due to highly output price protection. The implication of the study is that the poultry feed production have to be vertically integrated with feedstuff supply and poultry production. Operationally the feedmills have to use local raw materials and the output (feed) should be directed to support livestock development in the respective region