219 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial melalui Metode Pembelajaran Inkuiri

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    Aktivitas belajar mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP Universitas Riaudalamperkuliahan Pendidikan IPSyang hanya memaparkan konsep-konsep dan contohserta tanya jawab, ternyata masih sangat rendah. Tanya jawab untuk mengungkapmasalah-masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hariyang terkait dengan pendidikan IPShanya didominasi oleh sebagian kecil mahasiswa. Untuk itu perlu metodepembelajaran inkuiri agar mahasiswa aktif dalam kegiatan belajarnya dan mampumengembangkan kemampuan sosialnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmemperbaiki proses perkuliahan Pendidikan IPS agar aktivitas belajar mahasiswaPendidikan Ekonomi FKIP Universitas Riau dapat meningkat.Penelitian inimerupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang menerapkan metode inkuiri dalamperkuliahan Pendidikan IPSdi Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP UniversitasRiausemester genap tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Jumlah mahasiswa dalam kelas iniada 36 orang yang terdiri 5 (lima) orang laki-laki dan 31 orang perempuan.Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaadapeningkatan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa secara signifikan dari sebelumpelaksanaan tindakan yang tergolong rendah menjadi kategori cukuppada siklus Idan meningkat menjadi kategori tinggi dan sangat tinggi pada siklus II. Peningkatanaktivitas belajar mahasiswa seiring dengan peningkatan kegiatan dosen yang padaperkuliahan sebelum tindakan hanya ada tujuh unsur kegiatan, sedangkan padasiklus I mengalami peningkatan menjadi 11 kegiatan dengan kategori cukup, danpada siklus II meningkat menjadi kategori baik

    Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Pada Cacat Batang Kayu Dengan Kreasi Seni

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    Defective woods down the value of its use as well as drop the price value of the timber. Therefore, it needs to be explored creatively in art, to increase the sale value of the wood work. The creation purpose of this art is to produce the defective woods artworks to increase the sale value of the wood work. The method used are the data collection, ideas exploration, designing forms and manifestation into an art production. Consumer response has been tested through media marketing with the the preferred product results are 45% themes of Chinese legends/myths, the Nusantara legends/myths 25%, the India legends/myths 19%, and other themes legends/myths 11%. The results of this market test is used for reference in the manufacture of the next production, based on the more marketable product tendency

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Instruksional Kepala Sekolah Dan Iklim Sekolah Terhadap Sekolah Efektif

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    Efforts toempowerschoolsbecomeurgenttoimprove the qualityof education. Effectiveschoolis asolutiontoclose thedisparity inthe quality ofour education. Effectiveschoolsneed tobe supportedbythe principalinstructional leadershipandschoolclimate. This research is to knowhowhigh the influenceof the principal\u27sinstructional leadershipandschool climatetowardseffectiveschools. This reseach used asurvey methodwitha quantitativeapproachthroughsimplecorrelationandmultipleregression. The results of the research showedthatthe principalinstructional leadershipstrong enoughtoinfluencethe effective schools, schoolclimateinfluenceis strong enoughtoeffectiveschools, whilethe principalinstructional leadershipandschoolclimatesimultaneouslystrong influence oneffectiveschools

    Characteristics of Pili Hemaglutinin Protein and Its Role in the Pathogenesis of Urinary Tract Infection with Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infectious diseasesencountered in the community. The bacteria most frequently implicated as the causes ofUTI are the Gram-negative bacteria, especially Escherechia coli. Early phase of thepathogenesis of the infection constitutes adhesion of bacteria onto the epithelial cells ofurinary tract. SDS-PAGE examination was carried out to investigate molecule ofhemagglutinin protein and hemagglutination (HA) test continued by adhesion andinhibited adhesion tests.The observation of molecular weight of pili E. coli protein molecule byexplorative examination using SDS-PAGE showed on E. coli strip that the mostprominent molecular weights (MW) of the proteins were 61 kDa, 37 kDa, 30 kDa, and 20kDa. Purification by electro-elusion was done to proteins of the MW of 20 kDa, 37 kDaand 61 kDa. The HA test results indicated the 61 kDa, 37 kDa, and 20 kDa werehemagglutinin proteins and one which subsequently applied as sub unit proteins ofUropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) was the 37 kDa. Adhesion test of UPEC bacteria carriedout on urinary bladder epithelial cells of rabbit showed a significant correlation betweenadhesion index and various doses of subunit proteins of UPEC 37 kDa as coat of urinarybladder epithelial cells. Spearman rank correlation test and regression/non regressionanalysis confirmed an exponential decrease of UPEC adhesion to urinary tract epithelialcells as a response to the increasing doses of coating protein. This finding points out thatpili hemagglutinin protein subunit of UPEC 37 kDa was an adhesive molecule. Pilihemagglutinin protein subunit of UPEC 37 kDa is an adhesive molecule, which plays arole in adherence of UPEC to epithelial cells of urinary bladder at the early pathogenesisof urinary tract infection

    Identification of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties Suitable for Dry Season and Wet Season Planting

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    Rice planting on dry and wet seasons faces a specific climatological characteristic, which affects directly on rice growth and yield. Fifteen rice genotypes were evaluated for their seasonal planting adaptation at Sukamandi Experimental Station, Subang, West Java, during the dry and wet seasons of 2009-2010. Randomized complete block design with three replications was applied on the experiment. Plot size was 4 m x 6 m and plant spacing was 20 cm x 20 cm. Standard agronomic practices were applied on both planting season experiments. Data were collected for major morphological traits, days to grain maturity and grain yield, measured on wet and dry basis (11% moisture content). Data were analysed for analyses of variance for each season and for combined seasons, and mean values separation of the variable used the 5% Duncan Multiple Range Test. Correlation between grain yields and morphological variable data were computed for each season and for combined seasons. The correlation coefficients of variables and grain yield were partitioned into direct and indirect causes using path analyses. Combined analyses of variances indicated significant effects of genotypes, seasons and genotypes x seasons interaction for almost all variables, including grain yields, suggesting there were seasonal adaptation specificity among genotypes. Five genotypes were identified as suitable for dry season planting, and nine genotypes as suitable for wet season planting. Among those genotypes, three genotypes, namely Mekongga, Inpari-10 and OM 5240 were suitable for both dry and wet season planting. Ciherang and Cigeulis varieties were more suitable for dry season, while Cibogo, Inpari-1, Inpari-3, Inpari-5, and Inpari-8 were more suitable for wet season planting. Adopting the most productive rice varieties for planting on dry or wet season as was suggested on this research should increase rice production substantially. To facilitate the availability of varieties adapted for a specific planting season, rice breeding should purposedly apply a directional selection of lines suitable for specific planting season, starting on the early generation of selection
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