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    Analisis Nilai Karakter dalam Lagu Kebangsaan pada Siswa Kelas V di SD Negeri Total Persada Kota Tangerang

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    This study aims to determine the value of the character in the national anthem, especially the anthem Indonesia Raya and determine the skills of students in singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and understand the meaning of the anthem Indonesia Raya. Most of the students have memorized the national anthem, especially the Indonesia Raya anthem because the song is often sung during the Flag Ceremony every Monday before the Covid-19 pandemic, but there are still students who do not understand the meaning and meaning of the song, they just just memorize without knowing the true meaning of the national anthem. Therefore, it is not only memorizing but students are also required to know and understand the meaning and meaning of the national anthem, especially the anthem Indonesia Raya. As for the efforts made by the school so that students can memorize and understand the meaning of the national anthem, by holding literacy especially about the national anthem and the national anthem once a week on Saturday. Due to the Corona Virus outbreak, the literacy was abolished because schools were encouraged to follow the health protocol rules made by the President. In character values, there are 18 values, namely religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the homeland, respect for achievement, friendly/communicative, love peace, love to read, care for the environment. , social care, responsibility (Fitri, pp. 40-43). This study uses qualitative methods and the subjects of this study are fifth grade students. The results of this study show 1) fifth grade students at Total Persada State Elementary School have been able to sing the Indonesian anthem to completion, although there are still some who are still unable to sing the Indonesian anthem. Raya to completion, 2) Most of the fifth grade students at SD Negeri Total Persada already know the character values contained in the song Indonesia Raya

    Minat Belajar Menyanyi Siswa pada Pembelajaran Seni Budaya Siswa Kelas II Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to obtain information about how the interest in learning to sing in second grade elementary school students in learning art and culture at SDN Karanganyar 3, and what factors influence the interest in learning. This research was started from February to August 2022. This study used a qualitative approach and a descriptive type of research. The method used by researchers in this study is a combined method. Data was collected by researchers by observing and interviewing teachers to obtain information about what factors influence interest in learning to sing in second grade students at SDN Karanganyar 3, and distributing questionnaires to grade 2A students to get the results of students' interest in singing. Quantitative data is from the results of questionnaires and is supported by qualitative data from interviews. The results showed that based on indicators of feeling happy students got 85% results, indicators of student interest got 85% results, indicators of student attention reached 81%, and indicators of student participation reached 85%. The results of this questionnaire said that the four indicators were in the category of strongly agree. This is also supported by the results of interviews which stated that the high interest in learning to sing was caused by several factors, namely very adequate school facilities, active and creative teachers, good communication between teachers and parents, parental support, student talents, and students' thinking skills