582 research outputs found

    Significance Of Tuned Fluid Constraint For Scheming Structural Quivering

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    Previous mathematical research on the Unified Degree of Freedom (SDOF) framework consistently maintains a fluid damper (TLD) and also relies on large-scale earth movements; in fact, the TLD needs to be properly developed to effectively reduce its operation. This document provides a detailed study of the effects of different land transport specifications on the TLD's ability to reduce architectural commentary on basic earthquake activities. It turned out that the regularity of the material as well as the transferability of the ground activity does not significantly affect the performance of the TLD. Because the TLD is a non-linear system, its efficiency increases with the increased power of land transport. Furthermore, since the TLD acts as a stronger inhibitor, it cannot reduce the effect in the first two resonance cycles. As a result, the TLD is most effective for long-range ground movements, where a strong movement phase occurs, and as a result, elevation comments on the frame occur after the first two cycles of resonance

    Cerebro-placental ratio as a prognostic factor of fetal outcome in women with hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy during third trimester

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    Background: CPR is emerging as an important predictor of adverse pregnancy outcome and helps in management of high risk pregnancy. Therefore we undertook the study to find the correlation of CPR with perinatal outcomes in women with hypertensive disorder complicating during third trimester.Methods: 128 patients with hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, ≥32 weeks of singleton gestation, were randomly selected during their hospital visit. They were subjected to USG Doppler study to calculate MCA/UA pulsatility index-CPR. The CPR1 as normal. These results were compared with the perinatal outcome and adverse fetal outcome.Results: The present study revealed that the incidence of adverse outcomes like Apgar score <7 (36.5%), still birth (15.9%), NICU admission (69.8%) and LBW i.e. <2500 gm (68.3%) were significantly higher in abnormal CPR than normal CPR.Conclusions: Abnormal CPR is valuable in predicting the outcome of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. CPR is an easy procedure which can be included in the routine antenatal sonographic evaluation to predict poor perinatal outcome and to detect or recognize those fetuses at risk

    A Qualitative Study on the Feasibility and Benefits of Foot Hygiene Measures Practiced by Patients with Brugian Filariasis

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    Disability alleviation is an important component of Global Programme for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis'. In Brugia malayi infection the disability is largely due to acute attacks of adenolymphangitis (ADL), which frequently prevent patients from attending their normal activities, causing much suffering and economic loss. The foot care programme has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of these episodes. In the present study we used semi-structured interviews to evaluate the impact of the foot care in 127 patients with brugian filariasis. They were previously trained in this procedure and were advised to practice it regularly, unsupervised. All except one could recollect the various components of foot hygiene and were practicing it regularly. They were aware of the factors causing ADL attacks and were able to avoid them. Majority (95.2%) expressed their happiness with the relief provided by foot care, which prevented or reduced the ADL episodes. The motivation was such that they transmitted this knowledge to others suffering in the community and even physically helped them to carry out foot care. This study fully endorses the advocacy of foot care programme as an easy to carry out, effective, sustainable and economically feasible ,procedure to prevent acute ADL attacks

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual React Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Fisika Dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa Kelas VIII SMP

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    This study aims to (1) analyze the differences in understanding of physics concepts and science process skills among groups of students who study with contextual teaching and learning REACT model (MPKREACT) with a group of students who studied with conventional learning models (MPK). (2) Analyze the differences in understanding of physics concepts among groups of students who study with MPKREACT with a group of students who studied with MPK. (3) Analyze the differences in science process skills among groups of students who study with MPKREACT with a group of students who studied with MPK. The subjects were eighth grade students of SMP PGRI 9 Denpasar academic year 2012/2013. Sampling of the research was conducted by simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and MANOVA one lane. Based on the results of this study concluded that (1) there are differences in understanding of physics concepts and science process skills among the group of students who studied with MPKREACT with a group of students who studied with MPK (F=25,715; p&lt;0,05). (2) There are differences in understanding of physics concepts among the group of students who studied with MPKREACT with a group of students who studied with MPK (F=47,844; p&lt;0,05). (3) There are differences in science process skills among the group of students who studied with MPKREACT with a group of students who studied with MPK (F=8,795; p&lt;0,05)

    Pengelolaan Pendidikan Daerah Tertinggal Se Kecamatan Buko Selatan

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    Penelitian ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengelolaan pendidikan daerah tertingal di Kecamatan Buko Selatan dalam meningkatkan pendidikan yang ada di Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan . Metodologi dalam penulisan ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. dengan Jenis Penelitian Studikasus teknik pengumpulan data dalam penulisan ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, . Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan pendidikan daerah tertinggal sudah berjalan dengan baik pemahaman pendidikan berhubungan erat dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh pelaksana pendidikan. Proses pembelajaran akan mampu meningkatkan kecerdasan dan kreativitas siswa dan akan berhasil meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan daerah tertinggal, apabila terdapat sinergi antara pelaku kegiatan pendidikan dengan pemerintah daerah. Dalam artian para anggota diberikan kesempatan untuk berpendapat, berfikir dan mengambil kesimpulan secara alternatif atas dasar kajian dan pengetahuan yang mereka miliki. Sejauh ini, peningkatan pendidikan di daerah tertinggal yang dilakukan dan diprakarsai oleh pemerintah belum cukup memuaskan. Akibatnya, pemahaman pendidikan di daerah tertinggal belum berkembang secara optimal. Pemerintah serta pihak sekolah sebagai tulang punggung diharapkan untuk selalu berupaya meningkatkan perannya, sehingga mampu mengoptimalkan peningkatan pendidikan bagi anggota dan masyarakat secara umum di masa-masa mendatang

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Hipotetik Terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze: (1) the difference of critical thinking skills (CTS) and science process skills (SPS) between student's group who were managed with hypothetical inquiry model and conventional learning model, (2) the difference of critical thinking skills (CTS) between student's group who were managed with hypothetical inquiry model and conventional learning model, (3) the difference of science process skills (SPS) between student's group who were managed with hypothetical inquiry model and conventional learning model. This research was quasi experiments with post-test only control group design factorial 2x1. Data of critical think skill were collected by using test and data of science process skills collected by using test and observation. Data analyzed by using descriptive analyze and one way MANOVA. It was found: (1) there was significant difference of critical thinking skills (CTS) and science process skills (SPS) between student's group who were managed with hypothetical inquiry model and conventional learning model (F=59,161; p&lt;0,05), (2) there was significant difference of critical thinking skills (CTS) between student's group who were managed with hypothetical inquiry model and conventional learning model (F=22,219; p&lt;0,05), (3) there was significant difference of science process skills (SPS) between student's group who were managed with hypothetical inquiry model and conventional learning model (F=113.559; p&lt;0,05)


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    The IT organizations invests heavy capital by consuming large scale infrastructure and advanced operating platforms. The advances in technology has resulted in emergence of cloud computing, which is promising technology to achieve the aforementioned objective. At the peak hours, the jobs arriving to the cloud system are normally high demanding efficient execution and dispatch. An observation that has been carried out in this paper by capturing a job arriving pattern from a monitoring system explains that most of the jobs get rejected because of lack of efficient technology. The job rejections can be controlled by certain factors such as job scheduling and load balancing. Therefore, in this paper the efficiency of Round Robin (RR) scheduling strategy used for job scheduling and Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJFS) technique used for load balancing in reducing the job rejections are analyzed. Further, a proposal for an effective load balancing approach to avoid deadlocks has been discussed
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