21 research outputs found

    Teknik Proteksi Silang Untuk Pengendalian CMV Pada Krisan

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    . Rahardjo, I.B., E. Diningsih, and Y. Sulyo. 2008. Cross Protection Technique for Controlling CMV on Chrysanthemum. One of viru s attack chry santhemum is CMV. The alternative to control CMV is the use of vacc ine CARNA 5. The objective of the experiment was to test the cr oss protection tech nique for controlling of CMV on several chry santhemum varieties. The experiment was conduc ted in Virology Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Plant Research Institute (IOPRI) in Segu nung, Pacet, Cianjur , West Java, from Augu st to December 2004, using a RC BD split-plot design with 3 replications. The main plot was 5 chry santhemum varieties of White Reagent, Town Talk, Dark Fiji, Stroika, and Revert. The subplot was treatments of vacc ine and CMV, i.e. without vacc ine and CMV, CMV only, vacc ine only, and both vacc ine and CMV. The results of the experiment showed that CARNA 5 vacc ine was able to protect chry santhemum varieties of White Reagent, Town Talk, Dark Fiji, Stroika, and Revert from CMV with normal plant growth and produced good flower quality

    Uji Kepekaan Antiserum Poliklonal Untuk Deteksi Cepat CMV Dengan Metode ELISA Tidak Langsung Pada Tanaman Anthurium

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    . Rahardjo, I.B., E. Diningsih, and Y. Sulyo. 2008. Sensitivity Test of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Polyclonal Antisera for Rapid Detection of CMV with Indirect ELISA on Anthurium. Cucumber mosaic virus is one of the major pathogens on some horticulture crops including Anthurium. A rapid detection method should be developed to support the evaluation of initial infection of the virus in crops. A serological method commonly used for rapid detection of plant viruses is ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). The objective of the experiment was to determine the optimum concentration of CMV antiserum for rapid detection on anthurium. The experiment was done in Virological Laboratory of Indonesia Ornament Crops Research Institute in Segunung (1.100 m asl.), from April to July 2005. A polyclonal CMV antiserum had been produced by injections of purified CMV into a rabbit with the concentration of 1 mg/ml each injection from previous research. Antiserum concentration was measured with the spectrophotometer at 280 nm wave length. The sensitivity tests of the antiserum was carried out with indirect ELISA method. The results showed that the optimum concentration of the antiserum and the optimum sample dilution for detection of CMV infected anthurium were 1/1,000 and 1/5, 1/1,000 and 1/10 respectively

    Pengaruh Durasi Pemanasan terhadap Keberadaan Chrysanthemum Virus-B pada Tiga Varietas Krisan Terinfeksi

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    . Chrysanthemum virus-B (CVB) merupakan salah satu jenis virus penting yang dapat menyebabkan degenerasi pertumbuhan pada tanaman krisan. Usaha eliminasi virus pada tanaman terinfeksi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mendapatkan kembali tanaman sehat dengan potensi genetik yang sesuai dengan varietas asalnya. Usaha eliminasi ini dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode pemanasan dan kultur meristem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh durasi pemanasan terhadap kandungan partikel CVB pada plantlet 3 varietas krisan terinfeksi. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan dan Laboratorium Virologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Segunung dari bulan Februari hingga Agustus 2005. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap dengan 5 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah 3 varietas krisan yaitu Cut Nyak Dien, Sakuntala, dan Yellow Fiji. Faktor kedua adalah durasi terapi pemanasan dengan 3 taraf, yaitu 1, 2, dan 3 minggu pemanasan suhu 38-40oC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan toleransi antarvarietas yang dicoba terhadap durasi suhu tinggi akibat perlakuan pemanasan. Pada ketiga varietas yang dicoba, jumlah plantlet hidup pascaperlakuan pemanasan menurun seiring dengan semakin lamanya durasi pemanasan. Persentase plantlet bebas virus semakin meningkat seiring dengan lamanya durasi pemanasan yang dilakukan dan perlakuan pemanasan selama 3 minggu yang diikuti kultur meristem secara efektif dapat membebaskan plantlet krisan dari infeksi CVB

    Studi Pembuatan Antiserum Poliklonal Untuk Deteksi Cepat Virus Mosaik Mentimun Pada Krisan

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    Virus mosaik mentimun merupakan salah satu patogen penting pada berbagai tanaman hortikultura, termasuk tanaman krisan. Untuk mengetahui secara dini infeksi virus pada tanaman, maka perlu dikembangkan metode deteksi cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan antiserum poliklonal untuk deteksi cepat virus mosaik mentimun pada krisan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Virologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung dari bulan April sampai Desember 2000. Antiserum terhadap CMV pada tanaman krisan telah dihasilkan dengan cara penyuntikan virus murni CMV pada kelinci dengan konsentrasi setiap penyuntikan sebesar 1 mg/ml. Antiserum yang diuji terdiri dari enam periode pengambilan darah. Pengujian menggunakan metode ELISA tidak langsung. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dari enam kali pengambilan darah ternyata bereaksi positif, yaitu dengan adanya konsentrasi antibodi dalam darah meningkat. Antiserum juga dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi langsung terhadap ekstrak daun krisan yang terinfeksi CMV. Kepekaan antiserum tertinggi pada pengambilan darah ke empat dan ke enam dengan konsentrasi 1/100 dan 1/500 terhadap pengenceran sampel 1/10 dan 1/100. Study on developing of polyclonal antiserum for rapid detection of cucumber mosaic virus on chrysanthemum. Cucumber mosaic virus is one the major pathogens on some horticulture crops, including chrysanthemum. A rapid detection method should be developed to support the evaluation of initial infection of the virus in plants. The objective of this experiment was to obtain polyclonal antiserum to CMV on chrysanthemum for rapid detection. The experiment was conducted in Virology Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Plants Institute in Segunung from April to December 2000. A polyclonal CMV antiserum had been produced by injections of purified CMV into rabbits with concentration 1 mg/ml each injections. The antiserum from six bleeding periods were tested. An indirect ELISA method was used to determine the sensitivity of the antiserum. Results indicated that six bleeding periods had positive reaction, with concentration of the virus antibodies increased gradually from the first to the sixth bleedings. The antiserum can also be directly used to detect CMV from infected chrysanthemum plants. The highest antiserum sensitivity were the fourth and sixth bleedings with concentration 1/100 and 1/500 to sample dilution 1/10 and 1/100

    Induksi Mutasi Kecombrang (Etlingera Elatior) Menggunakan Iradiasi Sinar Gamma

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    . Dwiatmini, K., S. Kartikaningrum, and Y. Sulyo. 2009. Mutation Induction of Etlingera elatiorUsing Gamma Ray Irradiation. The torch ginger (Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith) is believed native to Indonesia,and has the potential for commercial cut flower. The experiment was conducted at Indonesian Isotope Technologyand Radiation Researh Institute, Pasar Jumat Jakarta and Indonesian Ornamental Crop Research Institute, Segunungfrom June 2003 until January 2004. The aim of the experiment was to obtain a wide torch ginger genetic variability.The torch ginger seeds was irradiated by gamma ray at 6 levels of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 Gy, under 2.044437KGy/h dosage rate. Number of survival plants, normal and abnormal plants were evaluated. The results showed thatthe LD50 was at 62.074 Gy. The higher the dosage, the more restricted the growth. Dosages of gamma rays between20-40 Gy, resulted in chimeras for some plants. While 60 Gy dosage, all plants showed chimeras. Recomended dosagegamma ray irradiation for torch ginger seed was at the range of 20-40 Gy


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    Physiological status of chrysanthemum cuttings during rooting process highly influences plant growth and flower production. Amongst other aspects, rooting capacity of the cuttings is the most important. Rooting capacity is influenced by environmental conditions such as growing medium and nutrition. The study was aimed to analyze the effects of different types of media, fertilizer concentration, and frequency of fertilizer application on the rooting capacity of chrysanthemum cuttings. The experiment was conducted at the Segunung Experimental Station of the Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute from February to May 2005. The treatments consisted of four different rooting media, i.e. carbonized rice husk, coco peat, perlite, and mixture of perlite and vermiculite (1:1 v/v); two concentrations of NPK (25:7:7) fertilizers, i.e. 1.75 and 2.5 g 1-l; and four frequencies of fertilizer application, i.e. every 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, and 4 days. The experiment was designed in a completely randomized block with four replications. Parameters observed were rooting capacity and cutting performances such as cutting height, cutting diameter, number of leaves, number of visible roots, and root length at 16 days after planting. The results showed that chrysanthemum cuttings rooted in carbonized rice husk had better performance than those rooted in coco peat, vermiculite, and mixture of perlite + vermiculite. Higher concentration of fertilizer solution up to 2.5 g l-1 also gave significant effect on the root formation and further root growth of cuttings. However, the rooting capacity of cuttings was not affected by the frequency of fertilizer application. This study implied that carbonized rice husk growing medium supplemented with NPK (2.5 g l-l) every 4 days during rooting period is the choice for traditional chrysanthemum growers to increase the perform-ance and quality of the cut flowers

    Proteksi Silang untuk Pengendalian Virus Mosaik Mentimun pada Krisan

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    Salah satu virus yang menyerang tanaman krisan adalah CMV. Alternatif pengendalian CMV pada krisan adalah menggunakan vaksin CARNA 5. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui teknik aplikasi vaksin yang paling efektif dalam memproteksi CMV pada krisan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Virologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2001. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok tiga ulangan dengan delapan perlakuan, yaitu (1) penyambungan, (2) inokulasi mekanis vaksin CARNA 5 dengan konsentrasi 5 μg/ml, (3) inokulasi mekanis vaksin CARNA 5 dengan konsentrasi 15 μg/ml, (4) inokulasi mekanis vaksin CARNA 5 dengan konsentrasi 20 μg/ml, (5) inokulasi mekanis vaksin CARNA 5 dengan konsentrasi 25 μg/ml, (6) melalui serangga (kutu daun), dan (7) tanaman krisan sehat (kontrol). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman krisan yang diberi vaksin pada berbagai cara aplikasi tidak menunjukkan gejala mosaik. Warna bunga pada semua perlakuan tidak menampakkan gejala pecah warna.Cross protection for controling cucumber mosaic virus on chrysanthemum. One of the virus that attack chrysanthemum is CMV. The alternative of CMV control on plant is the use of vaccine CARNA 5. The objective of the experiment was to find out the application technique of vaccine for CMV protection on chrysanthemum. The experiment was conducted in Virology Laboratory of Indonesia Ornamental Plant Research Institute in Segunung from January to December 2001. RCBD with eight treatments and three replications were used. The treatments were grafting; mechanical inoculation of CARNA 5 with concentration 5 μg/ml, 10 μg/ml, 15 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml, and 25 μg/ml; through vector (aphid), and healthy chrysanthemum plant (control). The results of the experiment showed that chrysanthemum treated with various vaccine application techniques did not show mosaic symptoms. The quality of flower color showed that all treatments did not cause color breaking

    Uji Kepekaan Gamma-Glob U Lin an Ti Serum Poliklonal Cu Cum Ber Mo Saic VI Rus Untuk Deteksi Cepat CMV Dengan Metode Elisa Tidak Langsung Pada Tanaman Tapak Dara

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    Vi rus mosaik ketimun merupakan salah satu patogen penting pada berbagai tanaman hortikultura, termasuk tanamantapak dara. Untuk dapat mengetahui secara dini infeksi vi rus pada tanaman, perlu dikembangkan metode deteksicepat. Salah satu metode serologi yang pal ing banyak digunakan dewasa ini untuk deteksi vi rus secara cepat adalahen zyme-linked immunosorbent as say (ELISA). Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh gamma-glob u lin murni dari an ti -serum poliklonal cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) dan mengetahui konsentrasi optimalnya untuk deteksi cepat.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Virologi, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung, dari bulan Januarisampai Desember 2001. An ti serum diproduksi dengan cara penyuntikan vi rus murni CMV secara bertahap padakelinci dengan konsentrasi setiap penyuntikan sebesar 1 mg/ml yang dilakukan pada penelitian sebelumnya.Pemurnian gamma-glob u lin mengikuti metode Clark & Adam. Konsentrasi gamma-glob u lin diukur denganspektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 280 nm. Pengujian kepekaan gamma-glob u lin terhadap an ti gen dilakukandengan metode ELISA tidak langsung. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan konsentrasi gamma-glob u lin sebesar 1 mg/mldengan uji ELISA tidak langsung, konsentrasi gamma-glob u lin yang op ti mal untuk deteksi CMV adalah sebesar 1mg/ml dengan pengenceran enzim con ju gated goat antirabbit dan sampel, masing-masing sebesar 1/25.000 dan 1/10atau konsentrasi gamma-glob u lin sebesar 1mg/ml dengan pengenceran enzim con ju gated goat antirabbit dan sampel,masing-masing sebesar 1/10.000 dan 1/100.AB STRACT. Rahardjo, I.B., Y. Sulyo, and E. Diningsih. 2004. Sen si tiv ity test of gamma-glob u lin of cu cum bermo saic vi rus polyclonal an ti serum for rapid de tec tion of CMV with in di rect ELISA on Vinca sp. Cu cum bermo saic vi rus is one of the ma jor patho gens on some hor ti cul ture crops in clud ing Vinca sp. A rapid de tec tion methodshould be de vel oped to sup port the eval u a tion of ini tial in fec tion of the vi rus on crops. A serological method com -monly used for rapid de tec tion of plant vi ruses is ELISA. The ob jec tives were to pro duce pu ri fied gamma-glob u lin ofCMV an ti serum and to de ter mine the op ti mum con cen tra tion for rapid de tec tion of the vi rus. The ex per i ment was donein Virological Lab o ra tory of In do ne sian Or na men tal Crops Re search In sti tute in Segunung, from Jan u ary to De cem -ber 2001. A polyclonal CMV an ti serum had been pro duced by in jec tions of pu ri fied CMV into rab bit with the con cen -tra tion of 1 mg/ml each in jec tion from pre vi ous re search. Clark & Adam method for gamma-glob u lin pu ri fi ca tion wasfol lowed. Gamma-glob u lin con cen tra tion was mea sured with spectrophotometer on wave length of 280 nm. The testof gamma-glob u lin sen si tiv ity was car ried out with in di rect ELISA method. The re sults showed that the gamma-globulincon cen tra tion ob tained in this study was 1 mg/ml. The op ti mum con cen tra tion of the gamma-glob u lin for CMVde tec tion with in di rect ELISA was 1 mg/ml with 1/25,000 and 1/10 of en zyme con ju gated goat antirabbit di lu tion andsam ples, re spec tively, or the op ti mum con cen tra tion of the gamma-glob u lin was 1 mg/ml with 1/10,000 and 1/100 ofen zyme con ju gated goat antirabbit di lu tion and sam ples, re spec tively