2,474 research outputs found

    Regression estimates of per capital gross domestic product based on purchasing power parities

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    The estimates of the gross national product (GNP) per capita in US dollars published in the World Bank Atlas are used throughout the world for comparing relative levels of income across countries. The Atlas method of calculating per capita GNP is designed to smooth effects of fluctuations in prices and exchange rates and consists of converting local currency values to US dollars by a form of average exchange rates. Since exchange rates do not measure relative purchasing powers of currencies in domestic markets, the Atlas estimates can often show changes in the relative ranking of two countries from one year to the next even if there are not changes in real growth rates but if there are changes in exchange rates which are not in line with relative price changes. Improved estimates can be obtained if purchasing power parities (PPP) rather than exchange rates are used as conversion factors. However, PPP-based estimates of per capita income are yet to cover all countries and all years in the Atlas. There have been attempts in the past to fill the gaps by short-cut estimates using regression techniques or by using a reduced set of information. In an attempt to fill these gaps, the Bank has used regression estimates of its own and published them in the World Development Indicators. This paper describes how these estimates were made. In addition, it: deals with choice of methods and explanatory variables; presents selected regressions; and, analyses the results. Finally, it compares the results with those of the Penn World Tables, the latest estimates available in the public domain.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Science Education,Scientific Research&Science Parks,ICT Policy and Strategies

    Intertemporal and interspatial comparisons of income : the meaning of relative prices

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    The conceptual issues confronting compilers of price indices have not changed much over the years. They include the intractability of basic index-number problems, the practical difficulties of sampling and matching prices, and the uncertainties about the appropriate weighting scheme for comparing events in specific locales over time and across locales. The author considers inconsistencies in some measures of time-to-time and place-to-place comparisons of income. He argues for a method that harmonizes price work across generally recognized national price compilations, such as consumer price indices (CPSs), the International Comparison Programme (ICP), and national accounting. Modern economies tend to be more open, so relative prices should be more similar, but it is increasingly apparent that price levels and trends can differ considerably even within a nation - particularly those encompassing economically heterogeneous areas. The global ICP exercise has provided useful insights into the issues involved. At the same time, international comparisons of the type ICP aims to facilitate are now seen as being more sensitive than expected to changes in relative prices. ICP has given little attention to this issue, but there is a rich literature on the subject with respect to CPS. The common ground for the two logics is essentially national accounts, broadly defined. Through conceptual and practical work done by the World Bank on the topic, the author suggests that harmonizing the various methods is essential to a proper interpretation of the market signals that prices send to economic agents. He also explains how a better synthesis reduces the overall cost of collecting relevant information and disseminating it to users.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Information Technology,Markets and Market Access,Access to Markets


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui gambaran aspek kepribadian dan minat berwirausaha siswa kelas XI Teknik Sepeda Motor SMK Negeri 3 Bone, (2) mengetahui pengaruh aspek kepribadian terhadap minat berwirausaha siswa kelas XI Teknik Sepeda Motor SMK Negeri 3 Bone. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 60 siswa dari 76 populasi siswa kelas XI teknik sepeda motor SMK Negeri 3 Bone. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data di analisis dengan dua cara yaitu analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (l) Siswa kelas XI Teknik aspek kepribadian yang baik dengan persentase 63,33%, dan minat berwirausaha yang tinggi sebesar 43,33%, seorang wirausaha harus memiliki kepribadian yang baik, sementara aspek kepribadian dalam penelitian ini termasuk kategori baik yakni pada aspek watak sebesar 58,33%, aspek sikap sebesar 61,66%, aspek soft skill dan aspek motivasi sebesar 58,66% ini menunjukan bahwa makin baik aspek kepribadian siswa maka akan mempengaruhi minat berwirausahanya, (2) Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara aspek kepribadian siswa dengan minat berwirausaha siswa karena Nilai thitung > ttabel atau 8,518>1,671, dengan kontribusi sebesar 55,6”4, minat berwirausaha dipengaruhi oleh aspek kepribadian


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    Saudi’s Export Demand Function: The ARDL Approach

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    Saudi Arabia has been witnessing a rapid growth in exports more specifically since the inception of 21st century. The paper intends to estimate Saudi’s export demand function using bound test approach to cointegration developed by Pesaran et al (2001). The result shows that there is long run equilibrium relationship between demand for export, world income and real effective exchange rate. The elasticity of demand for Saudi’s export with respect to world income and real effective exchange rate (REER) has been found to elastic, both, in the short run as well in the long run. The export has been found to more elastic in the short run than in the long run with respect to both the variables. Key Words: Export demand, price and income elasticity, bound test. JEL Classification: F1

    Revealed Comparative Advantage of Saudi’s Exports

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    Saudi Arabia is an oil based economy, getting about 40% of its GDP and around 90% of its export earnings from oil and gases. This paper aims at identifying the products in which country has comparative advantage using Balassa’s method of revealed comparative advantage, and to examine their long run and short run relationship with export price and world income. The paper found that Saudi Arabia has comparative advantage in exporting mineral fuels, oil, distillation products; non-mineral products like organic chemicals; fertilizers; and plastic and articles threof. The study further finds that mineral fuels, oil, distillation products and plastic and articles threof have significant relationship with world income and export price. Organic chemicals is found to be significantly related to world income but not to export price. Key Words: Export, comparative advantage, bound tes

    A Causal Relationship between FDI Inflows and Export: The Case of India

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    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is considered as an important means of promoting export of the host countries. By training the local work force and upgrading the technical and managerial skills, it helps in raising the efficiency and productivity of the factors and hence competitive strength in the international market. In addition to this, by facilitating access to large international market, FDI makes a significant positive contribution to the host country’s exports. However this is true if FDI comes for efficiency reason and not for domestic market. The present study examines the nature of relationship between export and FDI in India over the period 1980-2010. Using Johansen co-integration method, the paper finds a stable long run equilibrium relationship between FDI and export growth. The result of Granger causality based on vector error correction model (VECM) shows that causality runs from export to FDI inflow direction and not from FDI inflow to export direction. In the short run, however, neither export Granger cause FDI inflow nor FDI inflow Granger cause export from India. Key words: Foreign Direct Investment, Export, cointegration, causality


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji terkait pemungutan pajak pertambahan nilai atas Spotify yang merupakan subjek pajak yang berada di luar negeri dilihat dari Studi pemungutan pajak. Pajak merupakan sumber pemasukan negara yang segala ketentuannya diatur dialam perundang-undangan. Berkembangnya teknologi membawa dampak berkembangnya pula pajak digital lintas negara, salah satunya kegiatan transaksi Spotify di wilayah pabean Indonesia. Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan PMK No. 48/PMK.03/ 2020 sebagai dasar hukum pemungutan pajak pertambahan nilai terhadap subjek pajak luar negeri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah normative yuridis. Penelitain ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme pemungutan pajak pertambahan nilai yang optimal untuk mewujudkan penerimaan pajak bagi kesejahteran Negara. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa optimalisasi mekanisme pemuungutan pajak pertambahan nilai terhadap Spotify sebagai subjek pajak luar negeri telah diatur di dalam PMK No. 48/PMK.03/2020. Penjelasan terperinci mengenai tata cara pemungutan hingga pelaporan dan peran Pemerintah yang dominan membuat penerimaan negara dalam sektor perpajakan dapat maksimal

    Tidal and sea level changes at Jeddah, Red Sea

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    Tidal and sea level changes during 1991 at a coastal station (Jeddah) in the central part of the Red Sea are investigated. Analysis shows higher sea levels in winter and lower in summer. The amplitude of change at Jeddah is above 50cm. Analysis of wind stress at Jeddah indicates an insignificant contribution of the cross-shore component, while a major part of the changes in the sea level can be accounted for by the long-shore component

    Posterior Estimates of Poisson Distribution Using R Software

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    The Bayesian estimation of unknown parameter of the Poisson distribution is examined under different priors. The posterior distributions for the unknown parameter of the Poisson distribution are derived using the following priors: uniform, Jeffrey’s, Gamma distribution, Gamma-Chi-square distribution, Gammaexponential distribution and Chi-square-exponential distribution. Numerical and graphical illustrations of the posterior densities of the parameters of interest were conducted using R Software