26,947 research outputs found

    In situ ply strength: An initial assessment

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    The in situ ply strengths in several composites were calculated using laminate fracture data for appropriate low modulus, and high modulus fiber composites were used in conjunction with the least squares method. The laminate fracture data were obtained from tests on Modmor-I graphite/epoxy, AS-graphite/epoxy, boron/epoxy and E-glass/epoxy. The results show that the calculated in situ ply strengths can be considerably different from those measured in unidirectional composites, especially the transverse strengths and those in angleplied laminates with transply cracks

    Nonlinear response of boron/aluminum angleplied laminates under cyclic tensile loading: Contributing mechanisms and their effects

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    The nonlinear response of boron/aluminum angleplied laminates subjected to cyclic loads was investigated. A procedure is outlined and criteria are proposed which can be used to assess the nonlinear response. The procedure consists of testing strategically selected laminate configurations and analyzing the results using composite mechanics. Results from the investigation show the contributions to nonlinear behavior are from: premature random fiber breaks where the ply orientation angle is small relative to the load direction, ply relative rotation at intermediate values of the ply orientation angle, and nonlinear aluminum matrix behavior at large values of the orientation angle. Premature fiber breaks result in progressively more compliant material; large ply relative rotations result in progressively stiffer material; and pronounced matrix nonlinear behavior results in no significant change in the stiffness of the initial load portion

    Free vibrations of the ERDA-NASA 100 kW wind turbine

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    The ERDA-NASA wind turbine (windmill), which consists of a 93-foot truss tower, a bed plate that supports mechanical and electrical equipment, and two 62.5-foot long blades, was analyzed to determine its free vibrations using NASTRAN. The finite element representation of the system consisted of beam and plate elements. The free vibrations of the tower alone, the blades alone, and the complete system were determined experimentally in the field. These results were obtained by instrumenting the tower or blades with an accelerometer and impacting the components with an instrumented mass. The predicted results for natural frequencies and mode shapes were in excellent agreement with measured data

    A computational procedure to analyze metal matrix laminates with nonlinear lamination residual strains

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    An approximate computational procedure is described for the analysis of angleplied laminates with residual nonlinear strains. The procedure consists of a combination of linear composite mechanics and incremental linear laminate theory. The procedure accounts for initial nonlinear strains, unloading, and in-situ matrix orthotropic nonlinear behavior. The results obtained in applying the procedure to boron/aluminum angleplied laminates show that this is a convenient means to accurately predict the initial tangent properties of angleplied laminates in which the matrix has been strained nonlinearly by the lamination residual stresses. The procedure predicted initial tangent properties results which were in good agreement with measured data obtained from boron/aluminum angleplied laminates

    Combined-load stress-strain relationship for advanced fiber composites

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    It was demonstrated experimentally that only one test specimen is required to determine the combined-load stress-strain relationships of a given fiber composite system. These relationships were determined using a thin angle-plied laminate tube and subjecting it to a number of combined-loading conditions. The measured data obtained are compared with theoretical predictions. Some important considerations associated with such a test are identified, and the significance of combined-load stress-strain relationships in certain practical designs are discussed

    Advanced fiber-composite hybrids--A new structural material

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    Introduction of metal foil as part of matrix and fiber composite, or ""sandwich'', improves strength and stiffness for multidirectional loading, improves resistance to cyclic loading, and improves impact and erosion resistance of resultant fiber-composite hybrid structure

    Apollo experience report: Real-time display system

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    The real time display system used in the Apollo Program is described; the systematic organization of the system, which resulted from hardware/software trade-offs and the establishment of system criteria, is emphasized. Each basic requirement of the real time display system was met by a separate subsystem. The computer input multiplexer subsystem, the plotting display subsystem, the digital display subsystem, and the digital television subsystem are described. Also described are the automated display design and the generation of precision photographic reference slides required for the three display subsystems

    Iterative methods for plasma sheath calculations: Application to spherical probe

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    The computer cost of a Poisson-Vlasov iteration procedure for the numerical solution of a steady-state collisionless plasma-sheath problem depends on: (1) the nature of the chosen iterative algorithm, (2) the position of the outer boundary of the grid, and (3) the nature of the boundary condition applied to simulate a condition at infinity (as in three-dimensional probe or satellite-wake problems). Two iterative algorithms, in conjunction with three types of boundary conditions, are analyzed theoretically and applied to the computation of current-voltage characteristics of a spherical electrostatic probe. The first algorithm was commonly used by physicists, and its computer costs depend primarily on the boundary conditions and are only slightly affected by the mesh interval. The second algorithm is not commonly used, and its costs depend primarily on the mesh interval and slightly on the boundary conditions

    Automated testing data reduction computer program

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    The capability of a computer program which can be part of a larger computer program for a fully automated multiaxial testing facility is described. The program was designed to process test data from tubular or flat specimens made from isotropic or anistropic materials, including high modulus fiber composites. Data from a large number of strain gages and combinations of applied loads can be used. Options are provided for single element, 90-degree, rectangular or Delta rosettes, or any combinations of these types of strain gages. Options are provided for strain gage transverse sensitivities. The program outputs include: structural axes strains and stresses, initial and strain-dependent elastic constants, shift of principal strain direction with load, and local curvatures from back-to-back strain gages, and either Calcomp or microfilm plots. The computer program is described with respect to its flow chart, input/output, embedding or linking with other programs

    Boron/aluminum graphite/resin advanced fiber composite hybrids

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    Fabrication feasibility and potential of an adhesively bonded metal and resin matrix fiber-composite hybrid are determined as an advanced material for aerospace and other structural applications. The results show that using this hybrid concept makes possible a composite design which, when compared with nonhybrid composites, has greater transverse strength, transverse stiffness, and impact resistance with only a small penalty on density and longitudinal properties. The results also show that laminate theory is suitable for predicting the structural response of such hybrids. The sequence of fracture modes indicates that these types of hybrids can be readily designed to meet fail-safe requirements