3 research outputs found

    Littoral States' Defense Diplomacy in Malacca Strait Through the Malacca Strait Patrol Framework

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    Malacca Strait, as one of the strategic straits in world trade, often face various non-traditional security threats. In accordance with United Nations Convention on the Law of The Sea (UNCLOS), littoral states such as Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia are obligated to maintain the security in Malacca Straits, to ensure that world trades and world economic are not disrupted. This study analyzes how the Malacca straits patrol (MSP) framework is formed by littoral states in order to maintain the security stability in Malacca Strait. The authors employ qualitative method through literature study. The obtained data were analyzed using the theory of defense cooperation and concept of defense diplomacy. The results of the study conclude that MSP, which is consisted of the Malacca Straits Sea Patrol (MSSP), "Eyes-in-the-Sky" Combined Maritime Air Patrols (EiS), and the MSP Intelligence Exchange Group (IEG), is classified as a defense diplomacy activity in the form of multilateral contacts between military officials and multilateral military exercises aimed at increasing mutual trust and defense capabilities of each country

    Diplomasi Pertahanan Littoral States di Selat Malaka melalui Kerangka Patroli Selat Malaka

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    Selat Malaka sebagai salah satu selat yang memiliki nilai strategis dalam perdagangan dunia kerap menghadapi berbagai ancaman keamanan non-tradisional. Sesuai dengan UNCLOS, littoral states seperti Indonesia, Singapura, dan Malaysia berkewajiban untuk menjaga keamanan di wilayah perairan Selat Malaka agar perdagangan dan ekonomi dunia tidak terganggu. Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana kerangka kerjasama Malacca Straits Patrol (MSP) dibentuk sebagai sebuah kerjasama yang dibentuk oleh littoral states dalam rangka menjaga stabilitas keamanan di wilayah perairan Selat Malaka. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui studi pustaka. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan konsep kerja sama pertahanan dan diplomasi pertahanan. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa MSP yang terdiri atas Malacca Straits Sea Patrol (MSSP), “Eyes-in-the-Sky” Combined Maritime Air Patrols (EiS), dan MSP Intelligence Exchange Group (IEG) merupakan salah satu bentuk aktivitas diplomasi pertahanan berupa multilateral contacts between military officials dan multilateral military exercise yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya dan kapabilitas pertahanan masing-masing negara

    The Role of the Defense Institutions in Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The involvement of the military in the global health crisis has begun since the COVID-19 outbreak broke out in Indonesia, starting from the implementation of Large-Scale Social Distancing to the implementation of the new normal adaptation phase. However, the involvement has received mixed responses. Some parties consider it as natural, while others question the urgency of the military involvement. This study focuses on the role of two defense institutions, namely the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense in handling the COVID-19. It employs a qualitative research method and the theory of role, the concept of national defense, and the concept of Pandemic Management to analyze the problem. This study finds that the Indonesian National Armed Forces has a strategic role in several fields such as health, security and socio-economic as part of the efforts to contain COVID-19. The Ministry of Defense also plays a strategic role both internally and externally, by cooperating with other ministries, domestic private companies, state-owned enterprises in the defense industry sector, and with other countries in containing the COVID-19 pandemic