42 research outputs found

    Pola Penyebab Kematian Kelompok Bayi Dan Anak Balita, Hasil Sistem Registrasi Kematian Di Indonesia Tahun 2012

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    The activities of recording and reporting causes of death through Mortality Registration System, whichcarried out regularly, complete, and pfocedurally will be able to provide reliable information to assessintervention activity against prevention of disease. This paper aim to find out the pattern of leading of causeof death in infant and underfive children. Study location selected in 12 districts/cities spread all overIndonesia. Sample taken from secondary data selected by stratified random sampling through 3 phases:phase 1, Indonesia is divided into 5 regions. Phase 2, each region is divided according to the City andCounty. Phase 3, each/city district good and poor performance stratified based on IPKM and 30 percent ofthe total sample for the City and 70 percent for the county are randomly selected. The sample size wascalculated using the life table (strata of death) with a high level of child and adult mortality, with a range of95% and a relative standard error of 15%. The sample size is approximately 2 million per region. Thenumber of deaths of infants (0-I years) is 1517 deaths and children under 5 years are 332 deaths. Theproportion of neonatal deaths are 56 percent of total deaths 0-5 years, post- neonatal mortality 10.6 percentof the total deaths 0-5 years. The proportion of children deaths are 1.3 percent of the total deaths. The causeof death of newborus up to 6 days old are low birth weight (21.3 percent), asphyxia (17.3 percent), Respiratory Distress of Newborn(RDS) (11 percent) and 5.9\u27 percent of neonatal sepsis. The highest causeof death of infants aged 7-28 days is pneumonia (34.5 percent), followed by neonatal sepsis (10.2 percent), congenital abnormalities (8.6 percent). The cause of death in infants aged 29 days to 11 months wasdominated by infectious diseases such as pneumonia (29.5 percent) and diarrhea (11 percent). The cause ofdeath of children agedIto 4 years dominated by pneumonia (12.3 percent) and diarrhea (8.7 percent). Ingeneral the highest proportion of cause of death on infant and children under five years are pneumonia anddiarrhea

    Penerapan Model Pengembangan Sistem Registrasi Kematian Dan Penyebab Kematian Di Kabupaten/kota Daerah Pengembangan

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    Registrasi Vital termasuk didalamnya penguatan registrasi kematian dengan mencatat sebab kematian sangat dibutuhkan di bidang kesehatan untuk membuat perencanaan intervensi guna meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Undang-undang no 23 tahun 2006 tentang kependudukan tercantum bahwa setiap kejadian kematian harus dilaporkan.Salah satu tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan model sistem registrasi kematian dan penyebab kematian di tingkat Kabupaten/Kota yang berkelanjutan menuju Sistem Registrasi Vital yang menyeluruh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian “Operasional” yang berupa studi pengembangan sistem registrasi kematian dan penyebab kematian dalam rangka menuju Registrasi Penyebab Kematian secara penuh yang mencakup seluruh Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia. Prinsip dari Model Sistem Pelaporan Penyebab Kematian merujuk pada model generic. Informasi kejadian kematian di peroleh dari administrasi kependudukan dan jajarannya. Selanjutnya dari informasi tersebut ditelusuri oleh petugas kesehatan untuk mendapatkan penyebab kematian dengan menggunakan kuesioner Autopsy Verbal(AV) dan mengisi Formulir Keterangan Penyebab Kematian (FKPK). Pengembangan sistem ini menghasilkan informasi tentang angka kematian dan pola penyebab kematian. Data kematian belum tercatat seluruhnya di Kelurahan/ Kantor desa maupun di kecamatan. Untuk itu sangat diperlukan adanya koordinasi lintas sektoral. Dari model generic registrasi pelaporan pencatatan kematian dan penyebab kematian, dikembangkan menjadi model yang sudah disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan daerah.Tidak semua daerah pengembangan memodifikasi model generic, karena sudah dirasa memadai dan sesuai dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan daerah setempat. Pengembangan sistem registrasi kematian dan sebab kematian di kabupaten/ kota dilakukan bersama-sama lintas sektor dengan Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil menjadi leading sector. Dinas Kesehatan berperan dalam perbaikan catatan dan pelaporan sebab kematian. Kerjasama ini harus dapat dijabarkan hingga desa/kelurahan

    Akurasi Sistem Registrasi Kematian dan Penyebab Kematian (Studi Tipikal Sejumlah Daerah di Indonesia) Masih Perlu Banyak Peningkatan: Sistem Registrasi Kematian dan Penyebab Kematian di Beberapa Daerah, Indonesia 2014

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    Death Registrations System and Cause of Death are fundamental in creating demographic andepidemiological measures needed by regional planning in various sectors, such as education,employment and health. The aims of this study are to address the strengths and weaknesses of the Death Registrations System and Causes of Death in several regions in Indonesia; so they will know the areas that require improvement and actions that need to be done. The current system status is determined using a rapid assessment which has been developed by WHO and Health Information Systems Knowledge Hub, from the University of Queensland (2010a). Twenty-five questions were discussed by participants consisting of 2–4 groups of senior staffs responsible for various aspects ofthe Death Registration System and Cause of Death. The assessment was conducted in 13 districts/municipalities in 2014. As a result, there are still some aspects of the function of the system should beimproved. Regions with a high enough value is Surakarta (80%) and Yogyakarta (68%) included in thecategory of moderate or 65–84; functional but not sufficient. The average area with values below 64%,is classified as weak. There are variations in the strength and a weakness of each region. It is importantto develop appropriate strategies to obtain Death Registrations System and Cause of Death better.Keywords: rapid assessment, Death Registrations and Cause of Death, Indonesia

    Faktor Determinan Yang Berhubungan Untuk Terjadinya Drop Out Tbc Pada Responden Umur > 15 Tahun Di Indonesia (Analisis Lanjut Survei Prevalensi Tuberculosis 2004)

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    One of the efforts to decrease tuberculosis prevalence in Indonesia is to increase cure rate minimally by 85 percent. The impact of not cured or drop out of tuberculosis medication is that respondents will transmit the disease and became resistance toward the medicine. This analysis used the 2004 National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey and the 2004 Susenas (National Socio-Economic Survey) data. This survey was household survey, cross sectional and designed for national representative. Totally, there were 20,000 households with 34,606 respondents and the respondent with the age > 15 year old were interviewed for their tuberculosis history and their medication. Limitation of this study is that the information was obtained only from their statement stated in the questionnaire. Drop out of tuberculosis medication was defined as respondents who ever diagnosed tuberculosis and stopped medication before declared cured by health provider. Percentage of respondents who ever diagnosed TB by health provider was 1.65 percent (571 from 34,606 respondents) and the percentage of drop out from tuberculosis medication of these respondents was 48 percent (274 out of the 571 respondents). The main reason of drop out was feeling better and had no money. Bivariate analysis found that five out of nine independent variables had significant value P <0.05, which were: place of living, region, household expenditure, access to health facility and health seeking behavior. Multivariate analysis (final model) showed that four variables with p value <0.05, which were: region, household expenditure, education and health seeking to health facility. Respondents in Eastern Indonesia had twice dropped out of tuberculosis treatment than those in Java and Bali. Respondents with low household expenditure had twice dropped out of tuberculosis treatment than respondents with high household expenditure. The lower their education the higher they stop medicine. Respondents who went to private practice tend to drop out comparing to respondents who went to health center and hospital. The highest drop out occurred in the private health facility. Compliance or adherence of tuberculosis treatment is the very important issue especially for low educated, poor people and living inthe Eastern Indonesia. Drug taking watcher (PMO= Pengawas Minum Obat) methods need to be improved to reach the target

    Pengaruh Status Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan Terhadap Perilaku Ibu Selama Kehamilan Dan Setelah Kelahiran Di Indonesia (Analisis Data Sdki 2012)

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    Background: The status of unintended pregnancies is an important concern as unintended pregnancy can affect mother and infant health. Objective: This study aimed to determine the description and influence of unintended pregnancies towards mothers' behaviour during prenatal and postnatal within different economic status. Methods: An analysis of secondary data from Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012 is conducted. A sample of 11.742 respondents qualified into inclusive criteria were women aged 15-49 years who had pregnant and gave birth to single births since January 2007 until the time of the survey. The analysis was performed with logistic regression and stratified multivariate logistic regression. Results: The results showed that mothers who experienced an unintended pregnancy were 1.79 more likely to not conduct prenatal care compared to those who didn't, and had the same opportunities of not having behaviour of exclusive breastfeeding and not giving complete basic immunization as those who didn't. The study also obtained results that behaviour of obstetric care, exclusive breastfeeding and complete basic immunization also influenced by economic status. Conclusion: Unintended pregnancy affected behaviour of antenatal care (ANC) visit whereas exclusive breastfeeding and complete basic imunization were not different compare to intended pregnancy. Effect unintended pregnanvy toward materna; behavior's mother are vary according economics status

    Penyebab Kematian di Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2010-2012

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    Abstract Cause of death statistics is one of key indicators to determine the health status of Gianyar community for 3 years (2010-2012) as part of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) study. The instruments used were Verbal Autopsy (AV) questionnaire and Causes of Death Form (FKPK). Data were collected from 13 puskesmas and 4 hospitals and analyzed descriptively according to ICD 10. Based on demoghraphic characteristics, the number of deaths is higher among males and older groups, and mostly occurred at home. The highest cause of death is non- communicable diseases (stroke, COPD, IHD, and malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri) followed by communicable diseases (TB and diarrhoea) and transportation accidents. The top ten causes of death in Gianyar show that a non-communicable and communicable diseases would be a double burden for health services. It is essential to establish integrated posts for elderly and NCD, and measures for prevention of TB transmissions and treaments as well as early detection malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri for women had married or sexually active, and to increase the implementation of safe traffic programs. Keywords : cause of death, vital registration, Gianyar Abstrak Penyebab kematian merupakan salah satu indikator kunci untuk menggambarkan status kesehatan masyarakat di masyarakat Gianyar sebagai bagian dari penelitian registrasi sipil dan statistik vital selama 3 tahun (2010-2012) dengan menggunakan kuesioner Autopsi Verbal (AV) dan Formulir Keterangan Penyebab Kematian (FKPK) dari WHO. Data kematian dikumpulkan dari 13 puskesmas dan 4 rumah sakit, dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif, dengan pengelompokan penyebab kematian berdasarkan ICD 10. Berdasarkan karakteristik demografi jumlah kematian lebih banyak laki-laki, kelompok umur tua, dan di rumah. Penyebab kematian tertinggi disebabkan oleh penyakit tidak menular (stroke, PPOK PJK, dan kanker serviks.) diikuti penyakit menular (TB dan diare) dan kecelakaan lalu lintas. Sepuluh besar penyebab kematian terbanyak memperlihatkan adanya penyakit tidak menular dan menular yang merupakan beban ganda bagi pelayanan kesehatan yang harus dihadapi dalam pembangunan bidang kesehatan. Perlunya prioritas program promotif dan preventif seperti mengaktifkan posbindu (Pos Pembinaan Terpadu) lansia dan PTM, sosialisasi tentang upaya pencegahan penularan TB dan adanya program OAT gratis, deteksi dini kanker serviks pada wanita yang sudah menikah atau berhubungan seksual, dan penegakkan peraturan tata tertib pengguna jalan raya lebih ditingkatkan.Kata kunci : pola penyebab kematian, vital registrasi, Gianya

    Penilaian Kualitas Pelaporan Kejadian Kematian Melalui Metode Dual Sistem Di Kabupaten Gorontalo Tahun 2007 & 2008

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    Valid and reliable information on causes of deaths in the community is important to provide basic data and information for health policy formulation and program development, set health priorities, evaluate program effectiveness and for research. In order to evaluate the completeness of vital registration, the mortality registration system data would be assessed through a dual record system. These death data were then would be directly matched with death data derived from medical certificate cause of death from mortality registration system to analyze the mortality registration completeness. The objective of Dual System which consists of registration system and population enumeration method were used to examine and monitor the coverage of the cause of death registration system in the project areas and to provide correction factor to construct a life table and mortality parameter. This survey was carried out by independent institution, Politeknik Kesehalan, (Health Polytechnique) Government Organization in the Gorontalo District. This survey collected death data in the randomly selected sub-district or village. A sample of households was asked whether a member has died in the previous two years 2007-2008, January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2008. The total number of household sample was about 10.000 for the study area. Data collection of the survey for death event in the community carried out by Health Politechnique of Gorontalo District in the 18 subdistricts. The number of sample that interviewed was 9,225 households and 35,184 population. The number of deaths in the period of two years starting from January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2008 in the dual system was 461 cases (include still birth 22 cases). This study found that the the registration completeness was 68.5%, this figure come from: 415/605 x 100% or 316/461 x 100%. From this result, there was 31.5% of death event has not been covered in Sentinel Gorontalo District in 2007 and 2008. This study also found that Crude Death Rate (CDR) was 6,1 per mil after correted from 9,0 per mil, it was closed to estimated national crude death rate 7 per 1000