60 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Kinerja Pemasaran USAha Mebel melalui Inovasi dan Ketrampilan di Klaten

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    Firm develops some marketing strategy in order to increase the firm profitability and to achieve the properprofitable level. From the previous research, Learning is stated as the newer responsive or better activity, asmatter of fact it is faced by the changing of environment, which eventually the changing itself will determine theinnovation (Daft and Schon, 1978). Marketing performance is the important concept to find out marketachievement of certain product. Performance is defined as the system related to the activity along with theoutcome that achieved. The purpose of this research is to prove whether Learning Orientation, Communicationand Commitment have positive influences toward Performance. This research intends to find out the empiricalevidence which shows Learning Orientation, Communication and Commitment influence to the performance offurniture industry in Klaten Regency. The population on this research is 1802 units of furniture entrepreneurlocated in Klaten Regency, using sample by the means of stratified random sampling for 100-200 units. ( Hairet al, 1995). The analysis method used is confirmatory factor full model of analysis (SEM). From SEM, thecomputation result for the test of significance model is as following: Adjusted Goodness of index (AGFI),Goodness of index (GFI), The Comparative fit index (CFI), Tucker Lewis Index (TLI), Root Mean SquareError of Approximation (RMSEA) and Critial Ratio (CR). The result of this research shows that the model onthis research meets with the goodness of fit criteria and Regression Weight requirements. (Chisqure=87,653,probability=0,088, AGFI=0,843, GFI=0,894, CFI=0,981, TLI=0,976, RMSEA=0,049). Thus, LearningOrientation, Working Motivation and Commitment have positive influence toward the performance of furnitureentrepreneur in Klaten Regency

    Hubungan Faktor Lingkungan Kerja dan Praktek Pengelolaan Pestisida dengan Kejadian Keracunan Pestisida pada Tenaga Kerja di Tempat Penjualan Pestisida di Kabupaten Subang

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    Background: The production of agriculture in developing countries increase because of pesticides using to control pest in agriculture. Pesticides are poison and dangerous materials. It can cause negative effects. District of Subang is one of many district in West Java producted of agriculture. This research was conducted in District of Subang when found 330 seller/retailer of pesticide and they are not cholinesterase activity examination. The aim of this research was to study was factors that related to pesticide poisoning on worker who work in pesticide retailers. Method: The research done observationally through cross sectional approach, the population was all worker of pesticide retailers at Sub District of Pamanukan, Pusakanagara, Pusakajaya and Tambak Dahan. The sample of this research were 62 people taken with simple random sampling. Data would be analyzed using Chi-square and logistic regression techniques. Result: The research showed significant relationship between working environment sanitation (p=0,018), protective equipment (p=0,012) and practice of pesticide management (p=0,002). The analytic data using logistic regretion test was found 2 variable had influence directly, namely personal protectif equipment (p=0,049) and practice of pesticide management (p=0,021). Conclusion:The cholinesterase examination on worker of pesticide retailers who protective got pesticide poisoning was measwed 66,1%. To avoid pesticide poisoning, it is suggested to give training to the owner and workers, use personal protective equipment, inspection related to the health of the worker periodically, and improve the environment sanitation of the working environment

    Faktor-faktor Risiko Kejadian Malaria pada Wilayah Penambangan Timah di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

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    Background : Indonesia is a tropical country which is appropriate of the mosquito vector, particularly Anopheles. In Java and Bali Islands malaria is still an endemic disease. Malaria in Central Bangka Regency in 2007 was reported with an Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) of 38,07 ‰. Especially in Koba (Sub-District) , the cases were still high, and Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) was measured at 48,1 ‰. and Annual Parasite Incidence (API) was 30,52 ‰. Hence, Central Bangka Regency was still above the National Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) which was measured less than 30 ‰. Method : An observational retrospective research by Case Control Study Design method was done to measure the risk factor of independent variable of indoor, out door and its effect effect on malaria incidence. The case group was people with blood specimen positive malaria while the control group was negative blood specimen. The number of patients and control groups were both 76. Data were analyzed by using Chi-square analysis for bivariate analysis and logistic regression analysis for multivariate analysis. Result : Anopheles identification showed, that malaria vector was consisted of Anopheles sundaicus, Anopheles letifer and Anopheles Nigerrimus. The dominant species was Anopheles letifer because the population vector was more than the others. The analysis result of bivariate was demonstrated that sex was a risk factor for malaria incidence. Six factors were analyzed by multivariate house wall-density (OR=2,357;95% CI=1,019 – 5,452), the gauze wiring on ventilation (OR = 5,063; 95% CI = 1,925 – 13,312), the existence of water pond (OR = 4,407; 95% CI=1,542-12,591), the brush wood existence(OR = 2,693; 95% CI = 1,466 – 5,985), the USAge of mosquito potion (lubricated, roasted, or sprayed) (OR = 7,169; 95% CI = 2,912 – 17,650). Conclusion : Variable that is most dominant to malaria case is the USAge of mosquito net has value p = 0,0001 with Confidence Interval ( CI) 95 % = 6,835-91,281 in tin mine region in sub district Koba Central Bangka Regency. Habit applies mosquito net at group of lower case that is 57,9 %, while at group of konrol habit applies higher mosquito net that is 90,8 %

    Hubungan Kualitas Air Sumur dengan Kejadian Diare di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solo

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    Background: Water has a role as media of many infectious diseases. One of disease whisch is often transmitted through water is diarrhea. The quality of water consumed by the community must be fillfull for health. So, It becomes the important thing in preventing the incidence of diarrhea. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between the quality of well water and the incidence of diarrhea on the community living along the riverside area of Bengawan Solo. Method: This was an observational research using cross sectional design. The subjects of this research were 66 persons staying for each upstream and downstream of Bengawan Solo.The quality of well water was assessed based on the parameters for temperature, pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), total dissolved solid (TDS), and E. coli. The occurrence of diarrhea was determined by interviewing. Data would be analyzed using chi-square test at 0,05 level of significance. Result: The result of this research showed that variables which had relationship (p-value<0,05) to the incidence of diarrhea were: education, income, distance of well to septictank and to river, knowledge, attitude, practice, pH, BOD, TDS, and E. coli content. Well water located on upstream area of Bengawan Solo containing E. coli. Person who had well water containing E. coli over standard had 0,17 of probability to suffer diarrhea. The other one, well water located on downstream area of Bengawan Solo containing total dissolved solid. Person who had well water containing E. coli and TDS over standard had 0,13 of probability to suffer diarrhea. Conclusion: well water containing E. coli is the main variable associated to the occurrence of diarrhea on upstream area of Bengawan. The content of E. coli and TDS are two variables associated to the occurrence of diarrhea on downstream area of Bengawan

    Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kualitas Bekteriologis Air Minum Isi Ulang Tingkat Produsen di Kota Semarang Tahun 2004.

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    ABSTRACK Background:Water represents an absolute medium to human life and other living things. However, water can also be the best media of diseases to spread. Therefore, before consumed, water has to be processed drinking to eliminate or degrade impure materials up to the safest level. As water becomes more problematic these days, it attracts the attention of drinking water refill depots to. Furthermore, dringking water that produce is not yet legalized and standardized in terms of its process. This research to know determine factors related to bacteriological quality of drinking water product drinking water refill in Semarang City. Methods:This research was an Explanatory Research. Using observation with a cross sectional approach. Samples are determined with standard error of 10% from 49 depots divided proportionally towards the spreading of depots throughout Semarang city. The variables used are a parameter of the bacteriologic number of coliform, E_Coli germs. Data analysis using Test correlation of kontingensi chi-square to know relation between variable. Results:The result of this research shows the relation to the variables using Chi-square test, it is shown that the condition of standard water and the condition of Bacteria of refill drinking water are C = 0,494, p = 0,0001, consequently Ho rejects it. Correlation test of instrument condition and the bacteriologic quality of refill drinking water showed that when C = 0,178, p = 0,447, Ho accepts it. While correlation test of processing of drinking water and the bacteriologic quality of refill drinking water showed that when C = 0,346, p = 0,035, Ho rejects it. Correlation test of hygienic officer of depot and the bacteriologic quality of refill drinking water shows that when C = 0,263, p = 0,162, so Ho accepts it. And correlation test of DAMIU sanitation and the bacteriologic quality of refill drinking water showed that C = 0,512, p = 0,0001, so Ho rejects it. Conclusions: All depots have not yet met the requirements of producing standard water as requested by Department of Health. The hygienic behavior of workers is still poor. The bacteriologic quality of refill drinking water based on the result of lab. test indicates that 34 samples ( 69,4%) have fulfilled the requirements of standard drinking water but the rest have not yet reached the minimum standard of drinking water. This matter is caused by the standard water which is used, the procedure of processing and the environmental condition of depot. Keyword; drinking water, refill depots, bacteriology qualit

    Analisis Karakteristik Lingkungan pada Kejadian Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah Tahun 2009

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    Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonosis disease caused by Leptospira bacteria and transmitted to human by contact with contaminated animal urin or contaminated environment. Leptospirosis cases in Demak district increased for 4 year later. Until April 15th 2008, there were 62 leptospirosis cases with CFR=9,67%. The aim of this research was to determine environmental characteristic related to leptospirosis incidence in Demak district. Method: It was an observational research using a case control design with 44 cases and 44 controls. Cases were leptospirosis diagnosed by leptotek dri dot in Demak Health District Agency. Controls were neighbour of leptospirosis cases who didn't have clinically symptom of leptospirosis, with age and sex appropiate to inclusion criteria. Laboratory diagnosis with leptotek dri dot had done for controls who agreed to sign inform consent. Data were analyzed using chi square test at Ξ±=5%. Variable with p value<0,25 would be continued with multivariat test using Regressi Logistic - Backward Likehood Ratio method. Result: The result of this research showed that there were 10 controls with no clinical diagnosis but positive at leptotek dri dot diagnosis. At statistical analysis 10 cases and 10 controls dropped. Univariat analysis showed controls and cases have environmental risk factor and knowledge, attitude, practice about leptospirosis similarly. Bivariat analysis showed there was no relationship between environmental characteristic and knowledge, attitude, practice with leptospirosis. Test of water sample had been done at 8 location. One of them of creek showed positif contain Leptospira sp. Rat trapped had been done at four location, showed trap succes about 8,7%-29,8%. Eventhough environment factor and knowledge, attitude, practice showed there were no but water from ditch that positif Leptospira sp, significant association and highly succes at rat trapped were concidered to be the risk of leptospirosis transmission

    Identification of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor Active Compound in Medicinal Forest Plants

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    Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, hypercholesterolemia is one of the causes. Three medicinal forest plants are potential natural resources to be developed as cholesterol-reducing herbal product, but scientific informations on their mechanism is still limited. The objective of this research is to explore the potency of the leaf of Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia), Jabon (Antocephalus macrophyllus), and Mindi (Melia azedarach) as inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR), a key enzyme in the regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis. Samples were macerated in ethanol 96% and the filtrate was partitioned using n-hexane and chloroform to obtain the ethanolic flavonoid extract. The effect of each extracts on the HMG-CoA reductase activity were analyzed using HMGR assay kit. At concentration of 10 ppm the G.ulmifolia ethanolic extract showed the highest inhibitory activity as well as pravastatin control inhibitor. The phenolic content of the ethanolic extracts of G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach were: 11.00, 34.83, and 13.67 mg gallic acid AE/g dried leaves, respectively. The flavonoid content of the ethanolic extracts of G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach were: 0.22, 0.64, and 0.78 mg QE/g dried leaves, respectively. Interestingly, G.ulmifolia extract the lowest concentration of phenolic and flavonoid content. HPLC analysis showed that all samples contain quercetin at similiar small concentrations (6.7%, 6.6%, and 7.0% for G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach, respectively). This indicating other active compounds may play some roles in this inhibitory action on HMG-CoA reductase activity. Further identification using LC-MS/MS showed that G.ulmifolia flavonoid extract contained an unidetified coumpound with molecural weight of 380.0723 Da

    Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity of Endophyte Bacteria Associated with Curcuma Longa Rhizome

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    Most cases of bacterial resistance towards antibiotics, encourage various efforts to gain new sources of antibiotics. Endophyte bacteria is a microorganism has important role as the producer of bioactive compounds. Endophyte bacteria from Curcuma longa with antimicrobial and antioxidant activities have not been studied yet. Curcuma longa has been utilized as the main ingredients of traditional herbal medicines (jamu). The objective of this research was to investigate the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of endophyte bacteria associated with Curcuma longa rhizome. Based on morphological characteristics of bacterial colonies, eight endophyte bacteria was isolated from Curcuma longa rhizome. Screening of endophyte isolate has antimicrobial activity was done using agar well diffusion method. The culture supernatant of each endophyte isolate was dropped on agar well against pathogenic bacteria Salmonella enterica ser. Typhi, Staphylococcus aureus and yeast Candida albicans. Three endophyte isolates K3, K2 and M1b showed antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and yeast. Isolate K3 showed strong antimicrobial activity against C. albicans and S. aureus, however, isolate K2 and isolate M1b showed antimicrobial activity against Salmonella enterica ser. Typhi and S. aureus, respectively. Those endophyte bacteria also had antioxidant activity shown by scavenging ability toward DPPH radical with consecutive percentage of isolate K3 (72.3 %), K2 (51.3 %) and M1b (64.6 %). Isolate K3 showed the highest antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. Based on biochemical characteristics using Microbact 24E kit, isolate K3 was identified as Paenibacilus alvei and isolate K2 as Enterobacter agglomerans

    Analisis Pemaparan Radiasi terhadap Profil Hematologi Pekerja Radiasi Divisi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Dr. Kariadi Semarang.

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    Background : In responding to the increasing community demand for radiological service, Dr. Kariadi Hospital has increased its modern radiological equipment, both for diagnostic and terapeutic services. To ensure quality radiation services, special knowledge and skills are required to protect the safety of both the radiation workers and the patients from hazardous radiation exposure for routine blood circulation or haematology, especially white blood cell ( leucocyte ) which are very sensitive towards biological effect of ionic radiation. Radiation impact my cause biological change in the muscles, in the form of direct action which may destroy macro biological molecule and inderect action through DNA wich impact the descendants of the radiation workers. This research also to know about the different count of leucosyt while of the radiation exposure of operation of x-ray mechine at Dr. Kariadi Hospital semarang. Therefore it is neccessary to conduct research is exfected to be used as an initial reference of the routin check – up each radiation worker. Methods : The method used is explanatory reserach with cross-sectinal approach, and written questionnaires as well as interviews of the respondents to attest differences t-tes is used whle for analysis of lenght of contact with radiation source, correlation test of rank Sperman. The amount of samples is 62 person from radilogical division, 31 person of radiation workers as with radiation source as : radiologist, radiograher, engineer, and physicist other is nnot direct contact whit source of radiation as : nurse, servant. Use of free random wityhreal catagories of samples, the differences pf haematology profile were analysed by t test and the corelation Test of Rank Spearman. Results : There was significant correlation between lenght of radiation and different count of total leucosyte, eosinophyl, segment, monocyte,and lympocyte. Observation during the research periode June 2002 until Nopember 2003 ), reveals that on 90 % occation, the approns were not used by radiation workers eventhough approns were available in each radiation treatment rooms. Conclusions : based on the result of this research it can be concluded that it seem there is a significant differences of haematological profile between direct contact radiation workers and not direct contact radiation workers. Recomendation annual check-up of radiation workers ( in accordance with Goverment Regulation No. 63 of the year 2000 ), must ecarried out with more consistency and comprehensive haematological profile
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