141 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penentuan Persediaan Berdasarkan Peramalan Penjualan pada CV. Agung Jaya Cabang Pabean

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    CV. Agung Jaya Branch Customs is a distributor of office stationery and various plastics. In the determination of inventory, the company is not using the method. The number of competition raises the sales volume is not stable, especially a variety of plastic products. Result in the accumulation of stock in warehouse and other stocks due to insufficient, thus making customers switch to other distributors.Winters exponential smoothing method is used as a forecasting method, is based on the analysis of the data pattern of plastic products that contain the data pattern trend and seasonal elements. MAPE is used to measure the degree of forecasting error. The author uses the method of PRS (Periodic Review System) to determine the order quantity 1 month to come based on forecasting data, review stock last and maximum inventory.Applications are designed and built to help the general manager CV. Agung Jaya Customs branch in decision support for inventory after knowing the sales forecast in the future. Demand can always be met and the application is designed and constructed to reduce the accumulation of stock in warehouse. Seen on Plastic Glasses 12 with MAPE 0,025. Plastic cups 14 to 0,020 MAPE. Aqua Plastic cups with MAPE 0,025. Plastic Ice cream cups with MAPE 0.089. Plastic bag No. 15 with 0,165 MAPE. Plastic bag No. 21 with a 0.070 MAPE. Plastic bag No. 28 with 0.175 MAPE. Plastic bag No. 35 with 0,002 MAPE. Plastic bag No. 40 with 0,013 MAPE. Transparent Plastic 1 Kg with MAPE 0.01

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Atas Kualitas Pelayanan PT Federal International Finance (Fif) Cabang Semarang

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang semakin stabil membawa dampak positif bagi sektor-sektor ekonomi di Indonesia. Usaha untuk menarik minat pelanggan serta mempertahankan yang sudah ada merupakan suatu pekerjaan yang tidak mudah. Mengingat pelanggan merupakan individu yang bebas berpindah-pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya tergantung dengan kepuasan yang diperolehnya. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan dalam bidang pelayanan harus dilakukan agar pelanggan menjadi puas dan loyal. Penelitian ini berangkat dari permasalahan masih di jumpai adanya komplain dari pelanggan dan adanya fluktuasi jumlah pelanggan PT FIF Cabang Semarang selama tahun 2010, yang diperkirakan dapat timbul sebagai akibat belum maksimalnya pelayanan PT FIF Cabang semarang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelanggan atas kinerja pelaksanaan pelayanan PT FIF Cabang Semarang.Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner yang diajukan kepada 99 responden. Sampling techniq yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan atas layanan PT FIF Cabang Semarang, maka digunakan importance performance analysis (analisa perhitungan rata-rata).Dari hasil perhitungan rata-rata dari rata – rata penilaian pelaksanaan/ kinerja Perusahaan dengan tingkat kepentingan/ harapan pelanggan maka akan diperoleh tingkat kepuasan atas kinerja Perusahaan sebesar 3,70 yang masuk dalam kategorisasi kurang memuaskan. Atribut yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian adalah atribut yang berada di kuadran A dalam diagram kartesius, yaitu Kemampuan petugas untuk cepat tanggap dalam menghadapi masalah yang timbul (misalnya tentang perbedaan jumlah angsuran), kemampuan petugas untuk cepat tanggap apabila terjadi kesalahan dalam pencatatan transaksi, kemampuan petugas dalam menjalin komunikasi yang efektif dengan pelanggan, sikap petugas dalam mengutamakan kepentingan dan kebutuhan pelanggan, sikap petugas dalam memberikan pelayanan yang baik tanpa membedakan status sosial, pengaturan parkir kendaraan bermotor

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Document Management System pada Bagian Kepegawaian di Perusahaan Daerah Pasar Surya Surabaya

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    The company Solar Market Area (PDPS) is a company engaged in the field of community service in the city of Surabaya. In the process of its business, coupled with PDPS administrative staffing processes. Document management administration process is divided into six staffing processes. In those processes, currently experiencing difficulty in managing documents. This is because the process of shipping, receiving, storage, search, and document approval is done manually. It also results in the process of pengirimanan, search, and document storage became longer, the difficulty in providing additional information, security, and permissions settings for the document

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pelayanan Administrasi Perawatan Sepeda Motor di PT.Surapita Unitrans Surabaya

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    PT. Surapita Unitrans constitute a service company that handles process Kawasaki motorcycle. In handling process motorcycle vehicle maintenance there are some problems that occur in the company, namely the customer can\u27t information scedule queue service, no booking service for customers who have a solid rushing, there is no information available for customer, and in preparing reports to the section of After Sale still using MS Office.From the above problems, then be made a system design aplication administration service motorcycle in PT. Surapita Unitrans which can be set queue service customer automatically by using method Shortest Job First, there is booking service system available for customer, and system can provide information service form history service available for customer, and there is a reporting system for the division after sale.Based on trial results application system administration services made This application can help companies in addressing the queue automatically, generating system booking services for customer, produce history service so that customers can obtain the required information service, and there is reporting period for division After Sale

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Website terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Berdasarkan Metode Webqual 4.0 pada Website STIKOM Career Center (SCC) Surabaya

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    Stikom Career Center is one part that is in Stikom Surabaya which serves to career development, which is under the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni. Stikom Career Center officially have a website with the address scc.stikom.edu as a means to share information and act as a mediator between companies / institutions / industries job seekers and job seekers, especially those who come from the alumni Stikom Surabaya to seek employment information. During the service was implemented has not been done an evaluation of the quality of the website is based on the perception of the end user as feedback to party business website (Management) so that users become dissatisfied with the services of the website itself. The purpose of this study was to look into the matter by analyzing the relationship between the quality of the website (Website Quality) and user satisfaction (User Satisfaction) with 4.0 WebQual method that has Usability, Information quality and Service Interaction. Distributing questionnaires conducted obtained a sample of 75 respondents. Data from the questionnaire testing the variables with the validity and reliability, test assumptions to the multiple linear regression . The conclusion of the study is that there is the effect of variable Usability and Information Quality on User Satisfaction. This means that the increase can be carried out on each indicator variable that has the lowest average. Usability improvement for more emphasis on Display website, while for Information Quality improvement by managers can be emphasized at the complete information so that users become more satisfied

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pelayanan Tugas Akhir di STIKOM Surabaya

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    On the process of implementation thesis. Determine of examiner, the schedule of thesis proposal session, and thesis session, there are part of the process of the thesis. The problem at there first, the schedule of the thesis proposal session and then thesis session. There are really complicated, we need to get the match the schedule of the determine examiner and lecturer. This is the main problem, determine of examiner, this is must refer to Keputusan Menteri Negara Koordinator Bidang Pengawasan Pembangunan dan Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor: 38/KEP/MK.WASPAN/8.To meet the ideal, it will be made an application condition which the determination of the examiners using the weighted product method to conform the regulation. Likewise with scheduling, which produces an alternative schedule thesis proposal session and thesis session for students who ask a thesis proposal session and thesis session.Based on results of making the application, the conclusion can be taken that the application to generate alternative examiners and scheduling of thesis proposal session and thesis sessio

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Monitoring Perijinan Perusahaan dan Industri Berbasis Web pada Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Kota Surabaya

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    Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian (Disperdagin) Kota Surabaya mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan dan pelayanan umum seperti pembuatan ijin Perusahaan. Proses pembuatan ijin saat ini terlalu lama karena kurangnya informasi bagi Perusahaan saat akan mendaftar. Pihak Perusahaan harus membawa kembali dokumen formulir untuk mempersiapkan dokumen yang dibutuhkan dan kembali lagi untuk menyerahkan dokumen ke Disperdagin. Masalah lain yang timbul yaitu belum adanya sistem yang memberikan informasi untuk Disperdagin mengenai status perijinan yang dibuat.Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang mampu mempermudah proses pembuatan ijin secara online bagi Perusahaan. Perusahaan tidak perlu berulangkali datang ke kantor Disperdagin untuk melengkapi dokumen. Selain itu juga dibutuhkan sistem yang membantu pihak Disperdagin untuk memonitoring status ijin Perusahaan. Sistem yang dibuat dikembangkan menggunakan metode Waterfall.Berdasarkan hasil uji coba yang telah dilakukan, sistem ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pada Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Kota Surabaya dalam proses pendaftaran ijin, persetujuan ijin, penerbitan ijin, pemantauan posisi dokumen, pembuatan laporan ijin USAha, dan ijin industri serta memberikan peringatan apabila ada ijin yang habis melalui sms gateway
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