18 research outputs found

    Penapisan Mikroba Laut Perombak Senyawa Nitril Dan Protein Yang Diisolasi Dari Spons Di Perairan Ternate

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    Screening of Nitrile and Protein-Degrading Marine Bacteria Isolated from Sponge in TernateSea Water. Thirty three marine bacteria have been isolated from marine sponge in Ternate byenrichment culture. Screening bacteria-degrading nitrile was done by microtitter plate methodbased on growth ability tested by Iodonitrotetazolium chloride. Product of nitrile degradationwas determined by Gas Chromatography (GC) and the potential bacteria-degrading proteinwas also screened by using selected media which contained casein. The results showed thattwenty one isolates were able to show the clearing zone in selected media. Five isolatescapable of utilizing acetamide as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. Acetate and ammoniaproduced for hydrolysis acetonitrile by using resting cell of Lysobacter sp

    Performa Bakteripadatanah Tercemar Pestisida [Bacterial Perform in Soil Contaminated with Pesticide]

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    Preliminary study on bacterial survive in soil containing pesticide has been carried out. Soil samples collected from Lembang and Dieng. The soil deprive from agriculture area that intensively using pesticide, and compared to other samples gathered from forest soil. All samples examined for total bacteria, denitrification bacteria, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, soil induce respiration, urease and phosphatase activities. Pattern of whole parameters in each soil sample configured similarly, but the value performed differently in the same parameters. Total bacterial population in soil samples also inspected after the samples amended with some certain pesticides. Survival bacteria subjected to media amended with insecticide (Propoxur, Diazinon, and Chlorpyrifos), and herbicides (Bromacil and 2,4-D), and correlation of bacterial growth between sample location were varied. Bacterial degrading pesticide particularly isolated from the soil samples containing 1000 ppm Curzate (fungiside) and 500 ppm 2,4-D.The isolates then cultured in the medium containing insecticide and herbicide, and the response on growth observed in 7 days incubation. Bacterial perform were meaningful to reference of soil degrading pesticide residue in agriculture soil; and it would make representative reference in an effort to use bacteria throughout biofertilizer improvement

    Pertumbuhan Beberapa Isolat Mikroba Dari Berbagai Limbah Industri Pada Benzamida [Growth of Microbial Isolates From Various Industrial Effluents on Benzamide]

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    Twenty five microbes could be isolated from industrial effluents.Seven isolates of those examined microbes were able to grow on benzamide as sources of carbon,energy,and nitrogen..The highest growth on benzamide was shown by bacterial isolate D1.Besides on benzamide, isolate D1 could grow on acetamide,acrylamide, benzamide,nicotinamide and propionamide, respectively.. On carboxylic acids, however isolate D1 could grow only on acetic acid, propionic acid, and benzoic acid as carbon and energy sources.When isolate D1 grew on 40 mM benzamide, the doubling time(\j was 6 h 40 minutes, the specific growth rate (\J) was 0,046 h\u27\ the attained maximum cell biomass was 4.96 g cell dry weigtAiter medium, and the yield coefficient (Y) was 124 g cell dry weight/mole benzamide

    Studi Degradasi Dibenzothiophene Oleh Sphingomonas Paucimobilis Bakteri Indigenous Muara Baru-teluk Jakarta

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    Dibenzothiophen (DBT) adalah salah satu senyawa Hidrokarbon Aromatik Polisiklik yang dikenal beracun di lingkungan. Sebagian besar PAH bersifat karsinogenik dan persisten di lingkungan. Teknik Biostimulation digunakan untuk mengisolasi bakteri indigen dari Muara Baru yang mampu mendegradasi DBT. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini untuk mengisolasi dan meneliti bakteri laut yang dipilih untuk mendegradasi senyawa DBT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri isolat M4 (Sphingomonas paucimobilis) dapat tumbuh optimal pada 30 oC dengan 1,6 X 109 sel / ml dan waktu penggandaan (td) adalah 6 jam. Pertumbuhan Sphingomonas paucimobilis pada konsentrasi 2% NaCl adalah 2,6 X 109 dengan Waktu penggandaan 11 jam. Proses biodegradasi DBT menunjukkan bahwa Km dan Vmaks untuk KNO3 adalah 0,0307 jam-1 dan 12,27 mglt-1 h-1. KNO 3 dan NH4NO3 adalah sumber yang cocok dari nitrogen untuk mempercepat kecepatan biodegradasi Sphingomonas paucimobilis. Efisiensi degradasi mereka adalah 62,5% dan 57,6%

    Metabolisme Benzonitril oleh Flavobacterium SP. NUB 1

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    Metabolism of Benzonitriles by Flavobacterium sp. NUB 1. Flavobacterium sp. NUB 1 was isolated from industrial waste of PT. Petrokimia Gresik. The bacterium was able to utilize benzonitrile and acetonitrile and propionitril as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. Growth on benzonitrile gave higher growth rate and biomass yield than growth on acetonitrile and propionitrile. When Flavovobacterium sp. NUB1 grew on benzonitril 15 mM , the doubling time is 9 hours 54 minutes and the specific growth rate (?) was 0,07 h-1. Whole cell of Flavobacterium sp. NUB 1 could hydrolyzed aromatic and aliphatic nitriles. The bacteria isolate has ability in metabolism of acetonitrile greater than benzonitrile. Activity of nitrile hydratase and amidase are more dominant than nitrilase in metabolism of benzonitrile