15 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kesadaran Sejarah Siswa Melalui Pemanfaatan Sumber Isu Kontroversial Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Di SMP Negeri 4 Palu

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    This research aims to: 1) analyze the utilization of controversial issue learning source in social learning of SMP Negeri 4 Palu; and 2) analyze the students' history awareness improvement through controversial issue learning source in social learning of SMP Negeri 4 Palu. The method employed was quantitative with data collection covered interview, observation, documentation and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using qualitative technique from Miles and Huberman interactive model. The result and conclusion were as follow: social subject teacher has already utilized learning source such as school environment, books, especially textbooks. Controversial issue happen frequently causing pro and contra that history contented material, like the entry of religion and its development and Islam culture in archipelago and other events around proclamation and its preparation. The utilization of learning source on controversial issue has increased students' history awareness in good category. Substantial reference indicates that students' history awareness increased to 30 indicators which were classified into 4 main aspects, namely: discipline, communication, psychology and routine. Discipline and communication were evaluated good enough whereas psychology and routine were categorized good. Viewed from technical aspect or the place of the occurrence of students' history awareness, it can be divided into 2 parts, namely: learning process and supporting facility of learning (learning source). From the learning process, it can be concluded that it already run well except Indonesian map is nothing. If history awareness is viewed from outside class, then, it concluded there is an indication of history awareness particularly when ceremony commencement and do not throw the garbage improperly

    Analisis Sikap Kerja Karyawan Perbankan Syariah Berdasarkan Karakteristik Biografis

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    The purpose of this study is to compare job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employee's Islamic banking based on biographical characteristics. Biographical characteristics are consists of age, gender, marital status, and education. Total sample in the research are 125 respondents. Data analysis is executed by independent samples t-test and Analysis of Varians (Anova) with SPSS 16 version. Based on the research indicate that employee job satisfaction is quitely different between men and women. Organizational commitment based on gender is quietly different too. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment of men are higher than women. Managerial implications of human resource management requires to enhance an organizational commitment and job satisfaction of Islamic banking women employee

    Successful Endovascular Bailout Strategy for Retained Accunet Embolic Protection Device During Vertebral Artery Stenting

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    Introduction: Vertebral artery stenosis can lead to posterior circulation TIAs and stroke. Stenting is often performed to treat symptomatic vertebral artery stenosis. As with carotid stenting, embolic protection devices (EPD) are increasingly used when stenting a vertebral artery stenosis. In general, EPDs may rarely become detached or retained in the circulation during stent revascularization. We discuss a 77-year-old male with a history of cerebral atherosclerosis and prior left occipital lobe and right insular infarcts who presented with increasing left sided weakness and was found to have severe stenosis of the proximal left vertebral artery. We report the only known case and successful endovascular bailout for an irretrievable EPD occurring during vertebral artery stenting.Methods: Systematic reviews of the medical literature were performed using PubMed and multiple combinations of keywords to search for irretrievable EPDs in either the carotid or vertebral arteries. The bibliographies of the results were used to identify additional publications until this process was exhausted.Results: No prior reports were found for retained or detached vertebral artery EPD. A total of six cases were found where an EPD was lost in the carotid circulation. In three of the cases, a carotid arteriotomy was required to retrieve the EPD. In two other cases, diagnostic catheters were used to retrieve the EPD. In our case, an EverFlex Biliary Stent was used to flatten the irretrievable EPD into the vertebral artery wall while preserving robust vertebral artery perfusion. 21-month clinical and 16-month imaging follow-up demonstrated durable vertebral artery patency and no ischemic symptoms.Conclusion: Successful bailout strategy for a retained vertebral artery EPD during stenting may be achieved with a self-expanding stent. The resultant revascularization remained durable and without clinical sequelae

    Kewenangan Notaris Atas Pembuatan Surat Keterangan Hak Dalam Waris Terhadap Anak Di Luar Nikah

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    Legal concepts concerning the status of a child born outside marriage with only a civil relationship with the mother and her mother's family experienced a shift in the issuance of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 46/PUU-VIII/2010 concerning the Material Test against Article 2 Paragraph (2) and Article 43 Paragraph (1) Number 1 Year 1974 concerning Marriage. There are 2 (two) issues to be discussed, namely the rights and position of the child outside of marriage after the decision of the Constitutional Court, as well as the authority of Notary in the making of Certificate of Inheritance to the Outer Child after the Constitutional Court Decision. The research method is normative legal research, to obtain the necessary data in connection with the period issues. The result of research is obtained that the decision of the Constitutional Court opens opportunities for the Outer Child to have a civil relationship with father and his father's family as well as the authority of Notary in the making of Certificate of Inheritance to the Outer Child after the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 46 / PUU-VIII / 2010 becomes very important , It is based on Article 280 of the Civil Code of the civil relationship between the newlyborn child arises when there is already recognition from the mother or his biological father to the child. The deed of recognition shall be made authentically as mandated in Article 281 of the Civil Code. So the government should make regulations relating to children outside of marriage in accordance with the mandate of the Constitutional Court's decisio

    Tanggungjawab Hukum Notaris Terhadap Pembatalan Akte Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli Hak Guna Bangunan

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    The problem of this research is how the legal responsibility of notary on the cancellation of the agreement on the binding of sale and purchase of building rights and how the legal protection of the holder of the abandoned purchase agreement of Hak Guna Bangunan. In order to conduct this research, research method used by writer is normative juridical research method supported by empirical data, using normative juridical approach because the target of this research is law (norm). The result of the research that the legal force of the deed of binding agreement of sale and purchase of land rights made by Notary in the execution of the Deed of Sale is very strong, because the deed is a notary certificate that is authentic deed, the giving of irrevocable power in sale binding agreement Purchase is not included in the absolute power prohibited by the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 14 of 1982 concerning the Prohibition of the Use of Absolute Power as the Transfer of Building Use Rights, and Protection of the law against the fulfillment of the rights of the parties if either party default in the sale and purchase agreement Depends heavily on the strength of the contract of sale and purchase that is made, that is, if it is made under a deed under the hand, its protection in accordance with the protection of the deed under the hand

    Kurikulum Akhlaq Santri Tahfidz Al-qur'an Tingkat SMP (Analisis Kitab Tazkiyatun Nafsi Karya Ibnu Taimiyah dan SMP IT El Ma'mur Bogor)

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    SULHAN. Kurikulum  Akhlaq Santri Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Tingkat SMP (Analisis Kitab Tazkiyatun Nafsi Karya Ibnu Taimiyah dan SMP IT El Ma'mur Bogor). Dibimbing oleh Abas Mansur Tamam dan Anung Al-Hamat. Wajah pendidikan di Indonesia terus mengalami degradasi yang sangat mengkhwatirkan diantaranya hilangnya nilai-nilai moral, etika dan akhlaq. Banyak terjadi tawuran, pergaulan bebas, LGBT, melakukan aborsi, peredaran narkoba Kurangnya rasa hormat anak-anak terhadap guru di sekolah. Juga tidak jarang ditemukan santri yang pacaran, kasus kekerasan, kasus pencabulan, menonton video porno, mengkonsumsi miras dan bahkan obat- obat terlarang. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif, dalam metode penelitiannya menggunakan metode library research (studi pustaka) dan lapangan. Sebagai riset lapanganya dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yakni membuat satu bentuk kurikulum akhlaq santri tahfidz al-qur'an untuk tingkat SMP. Dalam pembuatan kurikulum berpedoman pada komponen utama kurikulum yaitu komponen tujuan, komponen materi, komponen metode dan komponen evaluasi

    Pengaruh Media Internet sebagai Sumber Informasi Bagi Pelajar di Smk Wonomulyo Kecamatan Wonomulyo Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    This study aims to determine the effect of internet media (positive and negative impacts) on Wonomulyo Vocational School students and to describe the assessment of Wonomulyo Vocational School students in using internet media as a source of information. The data collection process prioritizes the emic perspective. This type of research is descriptive-quantitative to describe the picture of the influence of internet media as a source of information for students. Techniques for collecting data through surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation to collect as much data as possible from the field relating to the influence of internet media as a source of information. The results of the study state that the main motivation of Wonomulyo Vocational School students using the internet is to find information that is closely related to school assignments. The internet makes it easy for every user to give and receive information from anyone, anytime and anywhere. The internet can facilitate the learning process at school. Internet media becomes the second teacher where everything related to subjects and other knowledge can find out by opening the internet media

    Penerapan Asas Keseimbangan dalam Perjanjian Kerja Sama Penyediaan Layanan Sebelum Penerbangan

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    The Cooperation Agreement of Provision of Pre-Flight Services is signed by the Secretary General of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (as The First Party and the Service User) and the Director of Operations of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk (as The Second Party and the Service Provider). The principle of proportionality becomes very important in this Cooperation Agreement with an assumption that if the positions of the rights and obligations of The Parties in this agreement are equal then it is felt fair by both parties. The study was conducted by using Normative Juridical method. In writing this thesis, the author examines the Document of Cooperation Agreement of Provision of Pre-Flight Services Between the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia and PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Year 2016, in particular the rights and obligations of The Parties contained in Article 7 and Article 8. The author also conducted interview to the service user, service provider and experts in the agreement field. Based on researcher's analysis, the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement of Provision of Pre-Flight Services is not equal so it is unfair. If the Cooperation Agreement is to be extended for the Year 2018, it is recommended to the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia to renegotiate Article 7 and Article 8 which regulate the rights and obligations of The Parties so that it can be reviewed and modified based on what is expected

    Women Farmers as Entrepreneur in the Sebatik-Nunukan Border, North Kalimantan Province

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    Policies in the economic and development sector still place men as the main actors, women only as “task assistants” in economic activities. The women of Liang Bunyu village in West Sebatik District make Seaweed farming a source of household income and become a leading commodity in village economic development. The women in the village bind seaweed farming for the nursery. A job that men are reluctant to do, but the most important part of the production process. This paper discussed how Sebatik women play a crucial role in making seaweed cultivation a household business. It will be an essential input for the local government policy of developing a household business driven by housewives. The research method used was a qualitative description with an ethnographic approach to make participant observations and in-depth interviews are accurate in collecting data and field findings. The research found that Sebatik women had the prospect to be an entrepreneur. It's just that Sebatik's economic development does not necessarily increase women's empowerment. Not many Sebatik women farmers think about selling seaweed as a processed product, which is more economically valuable and profitable. Education and community culture were the main causes, even though kinship and ethnic networks could function as economic capital. Sebatik woman farmers need government support in both policy regulation and practical assistance, especially in entrepreneurial training