208 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Makanan Pendamping Asi dengan Kejadian Diare pada Bayi dan Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tanjung Satai Kabupaten Kayong Utara

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    Background: High incidence of diarrhea in infants and toodlers isinfluenced by various factors, one of them is the incorrect feeding practicecaused by mother\u27s knowledge and attitude. Objectives: To know thecorrelation between mother\u27s knowledge and attitude aboutcomplementary feeding with the incident of diarrhea in infants andtoodlers. Methods: This study was an analytic study with cross sectionalapproach. Samples were taken for 48 mothers at working area of TanjungSatai primary health centre in Kayong Utara. Result: The result ofbivariate analyze by Fisher test show that mother\u27s knowledge hadcorrelation with the incident of diarrhea in infants and toodlers withp=0,004. Attitude had correlation with the incident of diarrhea in infantsand toodlers with p=0,048. Conclusion: There is a significant correlationbetween mother\u27s knowledge and attitude about complementary feedingwith incident of diarrhea in infants and toodlers.Key words: diarrhea, knowledge, attitude, complementary feeding1)Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, KalimantanBarat2)Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat3)Department of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine, TanjungpuraUniversity, Pontianak, Kalimantan Bara

    Senam Hamil Bantu Melahirkan Tanpa Kecemasan

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    Saat ini, wanita yang tengah hamil tidak menjadi halangan untuk tetap berolahraga termasuk senam hamil. Senam hamil merupakan serangkaian gerakan senam yang bermanfaat untuk mempersiapkan kondisi ibu hamil menghadapi proses persalianan. Tidak hanya itu, jika dilakukan secara teratur, gerakan senam ini juga bermanfaat mengurangi berbagai keluhan yang mungkin muncul saat hamil, terutama pada tiga bulan terakhir masa kehamilan, seperti pegal – pegal pada bagian tubuh tertentu. Kehadiran senam hamil dilatarbelakangi hasil penelitian seorang ahli kebidanan bernama Dr. Gratley Dick Read dan dilanjutkan oleh muridnya Helen Heardman (fisioterapis). Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, mereka sepakat bahwa setiap wanita harus dipersiapkan secara mental dan fisik untuk melahirkan bayi.Persiapan ini akan sangat bermanfaat apabila juga dibarengi dengan tindakan relaksasi yang bermanfaat pada persalinan, serta menghilangkan ketakutan dan kecemasan yang biasanya dirasakan banyak wanita. (Eko Susanto,10 Agustus 2011,hal; 16, Joglosemar) Senam hamil biasanya diikuti oleh ibu hamil kala persalinan sudah dekat. Sebetulnya tidak ada batasan kapan harus mulai melakukan senam hamil. Pada prinsipnya senam hamil hanya melatih otot-otot ibu, sama halnya bila jalan pagi. Banyak hal yang diajarkan pada senam ini, misalnya: cara menghadapi persalinan termasuk posisi, mengatur nafas saat megejan, sampai cara megejan

    Cointegrated Index Mover Stock and Composite Stock Index at ISE (Random Walk Analysis)

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    Many models of market balance has created by some researchers, one of this is CAPM Model, as the model to measure the market efficiency. The utilization of this model also enables to explain the role of information from public and private and valuable to advantage strategy in investation decision. In CAPM the use of index number as proxy of market information is an important issue. The index number also became a problem if they are not reflected all the market information, because the imbalance of the liquidity of stocks in the market.This research tries to test weather there is or not the cointegration under Index Mover Stock and the Composite Stock Index in ISE. If the IMS only consist of the small number of conyegration stock in CSI, it\u27s indicate the market information stil not reflected the whole information the public information, and the movement of the public information is influence by the private information, as vice versa.The results indicate the significant cointegration between IMS and CSI, means market information as public still not reflected the the whole available information. It is indicate JSE market still in the Weak Form Efficient Market. This research implicate it is need to be aware in the use of market index in testing the CAPM model (beta score) as proxy as the performance measurement or expected return prediction of individual stock in JSE in Weak Form Efficient Market condition is against the CAPM assumption itself
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