22 research outputs found

    Penerapan Algoritma Rabin-karp dengan Pendekatan Synonym Recognition sebagai Antisipasi Plagiarisme pada Penulisan Skripsi

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    Plagiarisme dalam penulisan karangan ilmiah saat ini sangat mudah dilakukan. Untuk mengatasinya, setiap karya ilmiah tersebut perlu diperiksa apakah hasil plagiarisme atau bukan dengan memeriksa setiap jengkal teks yang ada. Sistem ini dibangun dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma Rabin-Karp. Untuk mendeteksi adanya kemiripan, dua teks dibandingkan dengan mentransformasikan ke dalam bentuk deretan angka yang mengacu pada tabel ASCII, disebut juga dengan proses hashing. Algoritma ini dikombinasikan dengan metode Synonym Recognition sehingga dapat menemukan kata-kata yang benar-benar sama atau kata yang sudah dirubah kebentuk kata yang bermakna sama

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Merangin Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Php dan Mysql

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    Asset managements is most needed by every businessm especially in recording asset at the local government agencies. Setting is done so that each asset procurement of equipment and goods in these institutions can be properly maintained. In the presence of an inegrated asset management system within the scope of government Merangin to perform data collection and monitoring of assets that can be used as guidelines for decision-making in procurement and rejuvenation of  government asset

    Kadar Hematrokrit, Glukosa dan Urea Darah Sapi Jawa yang Diberi Pakan Konsentrat dengan Tingkat yang Berbeda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat pemberian konsentrat yang berbeda terhadap pemanfaatan pakan oleh ternak melalui kadar hematokrit, glukosa dan urea darah. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 12 ekor sapi Jawa jantan umur 1,5-2 tahun dengan kisaran bobot badan 200-325 kg (rata-rata 262,5 kg). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok dengan 3 perlakuan dan 4 kelompok. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah dengan pemberian pakan 30, 50, dan 70% dari kebutuhan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan uji F dan apabila terdapat perbedaan dilanjutkan dengan uji wilayah-berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kadar glukosa darah pada sapi Jawa antar perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05), dengan rata-rata kadar glukosa pada 0 jam (sebelum makan) adalah 53,54 mg/dl, sedangkan pada 3, 6 dan 9 jam setelah pemberian pakan masing-masing adalah 51,11; 63,61; dan 54,93 mg/dl. Hasil yang sama diperoleh juga pada kadar urea darah (P>0,05%), dengan rata-rata pada 0 jam (sebelum makan) adalah 29,92 mg/dl, darah pada sapi Jawa yang diberi pakan konsentrat dengan tingkat yang berbeda pada 3, 6 dan 9 jam setelah pemberian pakan masing-masing adalah 26,49; 26,25 dan 48,51 mg/dl. Konsentrat juga tidak membedakan kandungan hematokrit darah antar perlakuan (P>0,05%), dengan rata-rata pada awal perlakuan adalah 36,83%, sama persis dengan nilai pada akhir perlakuan, yaitu 36,83%. Disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh tingkat pemberian konsentrat yang berbeda terhadap kadar hematokrit, glukosa dan urea darah pada sapi Jawa

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Filariasis di Kecamatan Buaran Kabupaten Pekalongan

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    Title: Factors Related toThe Incidence of Lymphatic Fillariasis in Buaran, Pekalongan DistrictBackground: Filariasis or elephansiasis is one of infectious disease, is a systemic infection caused by filarial worms that live in the lymph nodes (lymph) and human blood that transmitted by mosquitoes (vector-borne disease). The survey result endemicity of filariasis in 2007 found that the highest area was in Buaran District with the number of microfilariae (mf) rate of 3.9% and according to the data Filariasis Research 2015, the result of Finger-prick Blood in Subdistrict Buaran discovery of microfilariae are 37 people. Based on this fact the purpose of this research is to describe environmental condition and behaviour society as a risk factor for the incidence of filariasis in Subdistrict Buaran Pekalongan regency.Method: This study was observational study with case control design. The subjects consisted of two groups of case and control, with each sample of 74 people. The independent variables studied were the vectors inside and outside the home existing, marshes existing, rice fields existing, trenches existing, ditches, puddles, aquatic plants existing, bushes existing, cattle existing, wire netting on the ventilation esiting, the habit of using nets, habits of hanging clothes have been used, the habit of using anti-mosquito drugs, the habit outdoors at night, knowledge and health efforts. While the dependent variable was the incidence of filariasis. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and measurement. Data would be analyzed using univariate, bivariate chi-square, and multivariate logistic regression at level of significance 0.05 (5%).Result: Bivariate analyze of 17 variables are the vectors inside and outside the home existing, marshes existing, rice fields existing, trenches existing, ditches, puddles, aquatic plants existing, bushes existing, cattle existing, wire netting on the ventilation esiting, the habit of using nets, habits of hanging clothes have been used, the habit of using anti-mosquito drugs, the habit outdoors at night, knowledge and health efforts, indicated that there were three variables that have a correlation to incidence of filariasis. They were staying or being around filariasis sufferers, density residential, and medication adherence. Results of multivariate analysis that density residential is the most dominant factor related to the incidence of filariasis with p-value = 0.044; OR = 6,145 (1,051 - 35,938). Conclusion: This study concluded that environment factors need to be improved, especially for staying or being around filariasis sufferers, density residential, and medication adherence to reduce fillariasis incident

    Hubungan Antara Ukuran-ukuran Tubuh Dengan Bobot Badan Kambing Jawarandu Jantan Berbagai Kelompok Umur Di Kabupaten Blora (the Correlation Between Body Measurements with Body Weight of Male Jawarandu Goats on Various Age Groups at Blora Regency)

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    The research aimed toanalyze the correlation or the relationship between body weight and body measurements of male Jawarandu goats at various age groups at Blora, Central of Java. Total 125 male Jawarandu goats were measured and divided into five groups (25 heads of each group) of age i.e. >0-3 months; >3-6 months; >6-12 months; >12-18 or Poel 1; >18-30 months or Poel 2, respectively. The research was carried out based on survey methods and site selection using purposive sampling technique. Body size measured were body length (PB), chest circumference (LD), chest width (LbD), the chest depth (DD), shoulder height (TP),the hips width (LPi), hip height (TPi) and body weight (BB). The results showed that body weight and all body measurements in all age groups differ significantly (P<0.01), eventhoughthe body weight, shoulder height,body length and hip height had a similar growth pattern. At age group of >0-3 months to age of>6-12 months the body weight and body length grownsignificantly (P<0.05), whereas at age >12-18 months or Poel 1 and >18-30 months or Poel 2 the growth tended to remain (P>0.05). The chest circumference, chest width, the chest depth, and hips width had the same growth pattern namely increased from age >0-3 months to age of>18-30 months or Poel 2 (P<0.05). The conclusion of this research was body length and chest circumference was highly correlated to estimatethe body weight

    Respon Fisiologis Harian Sapi Madura Jantan Yang Diberi Pakan Dengan Kuantitas Berbeda (Daily Physiological Response of Madura Bull Fed of Different Feeding Level)

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of different level intake of feeding on daily physiological response of Madura cattle. Materials used in this research were 12 heads of male Madura cattle with average initial body weight 143.4 ± 10.21 kg (CV= 7.11%). The research was arranged based on Completely Randomizes Design with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The cattle was fed based on dry matter intake consisted of napier grass (30%) and consentrate (70%), with three level of feeding i.e. 1.8% BW (T1), 2.7% BW (T2), and 3.6% BW (T3). Parameters observed were dry matter intake (DMI), physiological condition of livestock including breathing frequency, pulse frequency, and rectal temperature. The result showed that pulse frequency of T1 (77) was lower (P<0.01) than of T2 (90) and T3 (92). Respon of rectal temperature of T1 (38.1 oC) was similar to T3 (38.5 oC), but both was higher (P<0.05) than T2 (38.1 oC). The breathing frequency among the treatments were different (P<0.05), being 18 and 26 for T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The research concluded that increasing level of feeding up to 2.7% BW influenced physiological daily responses in Madura bull

    Tingkah Laku Makan Kambing Kacang yang Diberi Pakan dengan Level Protein-energi Berbeda

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    Lima belas ekor kambing Kacang jantan dengan bobot badan (BB) sekitar 14,28 ± 3,36 kg (CV = 23,55%), digunakan untuk mengukur tingkah laku makan kambing Kacang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku makan kambing kacang yang diberi pakan dengan level protein-energi berbeda. Kambing tersebut dikelompokkan menjadi 5 kelompok dengan 3 perlakuan, yaitu pakan T1 (PK 9,20%; TDN 54,67%), T2 (PK 11,67%; TDN 58,61%), dan T3 (PK 18,33%; TDN 65,23%). Parameter yang diukur adalah konsumsi pakan, lama waktu yang digunakan untuk makan, ruminasi, serta efisiensi waktu makan dan ruminasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan PK yang berbeda tidak memberikan perbedaan yang nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsumsi pakan, tingkah laku makan dan efisiensinya

    Tingkah Laku Makan Domba Lokal Jantan Yang Diberi Pakan Pada Waktu Siang Dan Malam Hari (Eating Behaviour of Local Ram Are Given Feed on Day and Night)

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    This study was aimed to determine the effect of feeding time on behavior of eating and rumination on Local Ram. The material used was 12 Local Ram aged of 12-18 months, mith average body weight of 20.65±1.88 kg (CV = 9.14%). Complete feed was used with 69% TDN and 16.64% CP. The design of experiment used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) for 3 treatments and 4 replications. Tratments used were T1's feed given during the day at 06.00 AM-06.00 PM, T2's feed given during the night at 06.00 PM-06.00 AM and T3's feed given during all day (24 hours feed given). The results showed total consumption DM intake of all treatments 1.073 g/day showed there was no significant different (P > 0.05), as well as average daily gain which was averaged at 75.00 g for all treatments. The average of chewing activity for eating and rumination and total number of chewing showed that there was no significant different (P>0.05), being 3.739.50 and 5.808.12 times per day for eating and rumination, respectively. Conclusion of the the feeding time's differentiation was not influencing eating behavior in local ram