132 research outputs found

    Kinerja Organisasi Pada Dinas Perhubungan, Pariwisata, Kebudayaan, Komunikasi Dan Informatika Kabupaten Blora

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    This research is done to describe the performance of the organization in the Department of Transportation, Tourism, Culture, Communication and Information Blora using organizational performance measurement indicators and the factors that affect organizational performance. Blora has considerable potential to compete with other regions, but the maintenance of tourism destinations, transportation, and communication to the public has less impact on the lack of existence of Blora. This research was done to find out the reach of productivity, responsiveness, outcomes, quality of service, and the use of resource DPPKKI Blora. Researcher also describes the factors that support and obstruct the performance of the organization. This research is kind of descriptive qualitative research, that the data collection techniques through observation, interview, and literature research. Informants were taken by the researcher is head of department, head of the DPPKKI and some Bloras' societies. In this research, researcher used indicators of organizational performance from Jerry Harbour, Dwiyanto, and the Institute of Public Administration that combined according to problems in the field. The targets are made do not fully reached. The research found that human resources be a big factor in supporting and obstruct the performance of DPPKKI. Another thing, the researcher assume that organizational cultureof DPPKKI affects organizational performance is incoreect, but the results of research in the field of technology which is a factor supporting and obstructing organizational performance. Based on the results of this research concluded that the performance of the organization in the Department of Transportation, Tourism, Culture, Communication and Information Blora is needs to be increased. Recommendations given by the researcher is to increase the amount of human resources, need for education and training in turism and transport, infrastucture and facilities also need to do the filing procurement of renewable techonogies is a data processor

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda) Kota Semarang

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    The paradigm of the regional development plan has begun in 2011. As the implementation of UU No. No. 22/1999 and UU No. 25/1999, regional development plan is giving to regional government. The regional development plan institution (BAPPEDA) in Semarang City is the institution that work for manage the development plan. Based on Semarang City rule number 13, year 2008, BAPPEDA has duty for implement the regional policy formulation and implementation especially for regional development plan. The purpose of this research is to identity and analyzes performance, skills, and motivation of BAPPEDA Semarang employees. This research is using explanatory quantitative design with the respondent from BAPPEDA employees. The process begin with determine the number of sample from the total BAPPEDA employees. It\u27s using questionnaire so the answer can be gotten from every variable. The research result of the effects of the ability and motivation to employee performance BAPPEDA Semarang with Kendal Tau formula has correlation between the ability and motivation of the employee\u27s performance. Based on the results of correlation Kendal Tau, significance relationship exists between the ability and motivation of the employee\u27s performance. The need for improvements to improve employee performance

    Analisis Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Pada Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya

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    Performance appraisal is an activity carried out management / supervisors to assess and measure also evaluate the performance of employees for the work they do. Performance appraisal could be used to determine the weaknesses and strengths of employees. The weaknesses and strengths used as foundation to improve the weaknesses and strengthen the advantages in order to improve productivity and employee development. Performance appraisal is intended to determine the level of employee performance. This study was to describe how the level of employee performance at Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya and What the indicators which are the weak levels of employee performance appraisal at Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya with quantitative descriptive. The data analyze is used an average or mean, mode, median and frequency distribution and graphs. Informants in this study are civil servants of Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya and data collected through questionnaires, observation, and documentation to provide information about employee performance. The results of this study explains that the level of employee performance Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya are good and indicators that are weak and need to increase with the lowest average is an indicator of time, teamwork and some sub indicators are indicators of quantity and discipline. Based on these results, the performance level civil servants at Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya are good. There are some suggestions that can be done such as socialization of time management to all employees and also employee need more focus and concentration to their work, more understand the importance of teamwork with superiors, subordinates, colleagues and other organization, so that the work can be done properly and according to expectations of organization
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