31 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Raskin dalam Mencapai Enam Tepat

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    Program raskin yang dilaksanakan sejak 1997/1998 (dengan nama operasi pasar khusus [opk] hingga tahun 2001) telah berkembang dari program jaring pengaman sosial menjadi bagian dari program perlindungan sosial, khususnya program penanggulangan kemiskinan klaster pertama. namun, hingga memasuki 14 tahun pelaksanaannya, kemampuan raskin dalam mencapai enam indikator ketepatan –yakni tepat sasaran, jumlah, harga, waktu, administrasi, dan kualitas– sering menjadi perdebatan dan perhatian banyak pihak. hal ini karena enam indikator ketepatan tersebut menjadi penentu efektivitas keberhasilan raskin dalam mencapai tujuannya. makalah ini secara khusus mengkaji ke-enam aspek ketepatan program tersebut berdasarkan analisis beberapa data sekunder, berbagai informasi dari hasil studi lembaga penelitian smeru dan lembaga lain, serta dari berbagai informasi tentang raskin yang terbit dalam bentuk media cetak maupun elektronik. hasil kajian ini memperlihatkan bahwa ke-enam indikator ketepatan tersebut belum sepenuhnya tercapai sehingga program raskin masih perlu perbaikan agar lebih efektif dalam mencapai tujuan program. kata kunci: raskin –beras untuk rumah tangga miskin, pencapaian indikator ketepata

    Is Conditionality Pro-women? a Case Study of Conditional Cash Transfer in Indonesia

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    Following on successes in several south american countries, Indonesia initiated its own pilot conditional cash transfer program beginning in 2007 called, program keluarga harapan (pkh). the program follows a similar design to south american models in that it designates the mother (or the woman in the household) as the primary recipient of the transfer. this paper presents the findings of a qualitative study that focuses on the impact of the program on intrahousehold gender relations. lt looks at how local culture and norms interact with the program at the household and community levels and how it influences the outcomes of the program. the case study which was conducted in four villages from the two different cultural backgrounds of West Java and East Nusa Tenggara found that after two years of its implementation the program had neither affected intrahousehold gender relations nor the relative position of women within the household. given the dominant role of the husband in decision-making related to a child's education and birth delivery assistance; as well as his involvement in deciding on the use of the money provided by the program, it is important to involve the husband in the program as much as possible. keywords: conditional cash transfer, gender, gender role

    The Perception of Young Voters Towards the Integrity of the 2014 Election1 a Survey in Special Region of YOGYAKARTA

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    The research examines the perception of youngvoters regarding the quality of theimplementation the 2014 election. There are sixindicators to measure the integrity: 1) theelection law, 2) the electoral procedure, 3) thevoter registration, 4) the political party and itscandidate registration, 5) the role of massmedia, and 5) the candidate campaign. Theresearch findings revealed that, in general,young voters have an adequate perceptionconcerning the electoral integrity. Morespecifically, the good perception is only to twothings namely political party and its candidateregistration and the electoral procedure. Therest is adequate perception. In addition, theresearch portrayed that young people havehighest trust merely to the CorruptionEradication Commision (KPK). On the otherhand, they have lowest trust into twoinstitutions: political party and parliament