9 research outputs found

    Sypmtomatology of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) and Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus (CVMV) on six local Chilli

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    Single and mixed inoculations of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and chilli veinal mottle virus (CVMV) were carried out mechanically on one month old seedlings of stx local chilli cultivars to study symptomatology. Test seedlings singly infected expressed symptoms typical of the ISolate whereas mixed infection resulted in plants showing combined symptoms of both Isolates


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    Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is one of the most destructive diseases in many citrus growing areas of Indonesia. Effective strategies for controlling CTV depend on diagnostic procedure namely enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Study aimed to purify the CTV antigen and produced its polyclonal antibody. Virion of the severe CTV isolate designated UPM/ T-002 was concentrated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation combined with low speed centrifugation. Semipurified antigen was further purified by sodium dodecyl sulphatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The specific coat protein (CP) band of CTV with molecular weight of 25 kD was excised and eluted using elution buffer containing 0.25 M Tris-HCl pH 6.8 + 0.1% SDS, then used as antigen for injection into 6-month-old female of White Leghorn chicken. Results, showed than the specific polyclonal antibody raised against the 25-kDa CP had a titer of approximately 104, gave low background reaction with healthy plant sap and reacted specifically with CTV isolates. The reaction was equally strong for a severe, a moderate, a mild, and a symptomless isolate, suggesting a broad reaction range of this antibody toward different CTV isolates. Optimal virus titer can be obtained since virus loss during purification could be minimized and the highly purified antigen as an immunogen could be obtained by cutting out the CP band from SDS-PAGE gels. Large amount of highly titer of CTV antibody can be produced in chicken egg. The simplicity of the procedure makes it economically acceptable and technically adoptable because the antibody can be produced in basic laboratory

    Intercultural communication and conflict management among Malaysian employers and Indonesian domestic workers in Kuala Lumpur

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    This paper aims to investigate sources of conflict in communication at the domestic workplace among Malaysian employers and Indonesian domestic workers in Kuala Lumpur. The following questions will be addressed: what patterns and context of communication do they use, what strategies do they use in managing with these conflicts? The data collection methods included both descriptive quantitative and qualitative that consisted of a survey questionnaire, open-ended guided interviews, and a review of the relevant literature. Data were collected from the 110 Malaysian employers and 110 Indonesian domestic workers in Kuala Lumpur who filled out the survey in January 2009. The findings indicate that: 1) conflicts in communication at domestic workplace among participants arose out of culturally-based differences in context and pattern of communication, difference assumptions about verbal and non-verbal or direct and indirect communication styles, and differences strategy in manage these conflict 2) The Malaysian employers tended to use either a dominating style or an integrating style in dealing with conflict, and 3) The Indonesian domestic workers tended to use either a avoiding style or integrating style in dealing with conflict. Finally, this study makes recommendations as how to better prepare Indonesian domestic workers working with Malaysian employers at domestic workplace in Malaysia and other Indonesian domestic workers working in intercultural or international domestic workplace, to resolve culturally-based interpersonal conflicts more effectively

    Konflik komunikasi antarabudaya: pola komunikasi dan strategi pengurusan konflik komunikasi di kalangan majikan Malaysia dan PRA Indonesia

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    Kertas kerja ini membincangkan perihal pola komunikasi dan strategi pengurusan konflik komunikasi di kalangan Pembantu rumah asing (PRA) Indonesia dan Majikan Malaysia. Kajian tinjauan kuantitatif menggunakan instrumen soal selidik ini dilaksanakan sekitar Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Seramai 110 pasang (majikan dan PRA) sekitar Kuala Lumpur dipilih sebagai responden kajian ini menggunakan teknik persampelan mudah dan rantaian bertujuan. Bagi dapatan kajian berkaitan pola komunikasi, data menunjukkan bahawa majikan dan PRA sama-sama mengamalkan komunikasi konteks tinggi dan juga mengutamakan komunikasi dua hala. Manakala bagi strategi pengurusan konflik komunikasi pula majikan lebih mengamalkan strategi dominasi manakala PRA lebih mengamalkan strategi mengelak. Cadangan kajian menekankan agar majikan dan PRA sama-sama berusaha mengenal pasti budaya dan cara hidup masing-masing agar penerimaan dan adaptasi budaya dapat berlaku lalu membawa keharmonian dalam perhubungan