9 research outputs found

    ETOU electricity tariff for manufacturing load shifting strategy using ACO algorithm

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    This paper presents load shifting strategy for cost reduction on manufacturing electricity demand side, by which a real test load profile had been used to prove the concept. Superior bio-inspired algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) had been implemented to optimize the upright load profile of load shifting strategy in the Malaysia Enhance Time of Use (ETOU) tariff condition. Subsequently, significant simulation results of operation profit gain through 24 hours electricity consumption had been analyzed properly. The proposed method had shown reduction of approximately 6% of the electricity cost at peak and mid peak zones, when 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% load shifting weightages were applied to the identified 10% controlled loads consequently. It is hoped that the finding of this study can help poise the manufacturers to switch to ETOU tariff as well as support the national Demand Side Management (DSM) program

    Development of Building Heat Detection System: An Improvement Study

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    ABSTRACT- The increment of the numbers for accidents due to building safety system errors has created a serious disaster over the year. Due to that reason, this paper presents the entitled Building Heat Detection System (BHD System) by the objectives to develop the proper circuit in order to secure the detection device during the building fire attack. A BHD system, also known as fire protection system consists of heat sensing and monitoring system. The sensors detect extreme heat in an area or zone; the control unit processes the signals and sets off evacuation alarms to alert building occupants. This study focused on the design and fabrication of the system prototype to demonstrate the operation of a BHD system in case of fire accidents. Hose reel indicator is included to display the exact location in a building to aid in firefighting. On top of that, exit indicators were added to show the available exits should fire breaks out in a building. This study is hoped to help the system engineers to improve and secure their building safety system in the future

    Impact of solar photovoltaic system on transformer tap changer in low voltage distribution networks

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    This paper investigates the impact of solar resource variability on the operation of a low-voltage On-Load-Tap-Changer (OLTC) in a generic distribution network from the Malaysian grid. The OLTC's operation is studiedin two different weather conditions - sunny and cloudy days. The aspects analysed are the OLTC's time delay setting, PV penetration levels and PV installation location. The results suggest that the number of tap changes in a cloudy day is approximately 1.5 times higher than in a sunny day. In addition, at 50% PV penetration level on a cloudy day, the OLTC operation increases by 38% and it is doubled at 100% penetration

    Optimum Enhance Time of Use (ETOU) for Demand Side Electricity Pricing in Regulated Market: An Implementation Using Evolutionary Algorithm

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    The energy growth in Malaysia is rapidly increasing as the country moves forward with the advancement of industrial revolution. Peak hours require more energy generation, thus cost is also more expensive than during off-peak. Due to this reason, Demand Side Management (DSM) through Demand Response (DR) technique is introduced to modify the demand profile by implementing different strategies of measures. The objective of this study is to optimize the energy profile for commercial sector, as well as analyse the significance of electricity cost reduction by using the optimization technique. A Meta-heuristic technique called as Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) has been implemented in this study to optimize the load profile of a commercial installation. Significant testing shows that the proposed optimization technique has the ability to reform the Maximum Demand from peak zone to off-peak zone to reduce electricity cost. The test results have been validated through 4 cases, which are conventional method for C1 ETOU, C2 ETOU, and C1 ETOU with Optimization technique, and C2 ETOU with optimization technique tariff, respectively. The impact of the EP has been analysed, while the performance of six-time segmentation of C1 and C2 ETOU tariff indicate that the electricity cost for the medium voltage of installation has been reduced. It is hoped that the results from this study can benefit consumers by giving them the flexibility to rearrange their own energy consumption profile, so that the demand side will enjoy significant reduction of electricity cost in the future.

    Microgrid and load shedding scheme during islanded mode: A review

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    Microgrid (MG) innovation is an enhancement medium for incorporate numerous distributed energy resources (DER) into power distribution systems. In the utility power industry, the implementation of microgrid can give network support at times of stress by helping restoration after faults to fulfill the power demand by end customer. However, when disengagement from the Medium Voltage (MV) grid happens, the MG would instead operate as an emergency mode. So as to manage with this mode of operation, energy management strategies (EMS) is applied ensure the reliability of energy flow between load and supply. Load shedding schemes can be utilized to decrease the quantity of associated burden to a level that can be securely supported by accessible generation during emergency mode. This paper provides a review on the load shedding strategies that can be embraced for operation of a microgrid when it gets to be isolated

    Quantifying Variability for Grid-connected photovoltaics in the tropics for microgrid application

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    This paper quantifies the variability of solar resource for PV systems located in the tropical climate. Global horizontal irradiance data is obtained from a site in Melaka, Malaysia with one-minute-average values for a full year. Clearness index and variability index are used together with a clear sky model for tropical location to classify the days according to its fluctuation profile. The results show that significant amount of variability occur throughout the year for this site while days with clear skies are almost negligible. PV can potentially supply part of the loads during the day but precise planning on storage and backup generators is crucial for independent microgrid operation

    A new technique for the reconfiguration of radial distribution network for loss minimization

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    Abstract-Over 50 years Malaysia is using the same power transmission channel from the colonial of the British. It is very old and needs some improvement especially in distribution network system. An increment of load demand and losses occurrences in distribution network system have worsen the existing condition. Pertaining to that, a reconfiguration of the distribution network is introduced to resolve the problem. In this paper, a new technique called as Improved Genetic Algorithm (IGA) for reconfiguring distribution network simultaneously implemented with the placement of small scale power generation or Distributed Generation (DG) is presented. Both conventional and improved genetic algorithms are employed within parameter constraint to be significantly compared in response to power losses and voltage profile performances. The algorithm process is initially started with the search solution for the best switching combinations throughout 33 IEEE distribution bus systems. The results convey a better improvement in performance of the improved method compared with the genetic algorithm (GA)

    HĂ€ufigkeit von und MortalitĂ€t bei HochbaueinstĂŒrzen

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    Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Bestimmung der EinsturzhĂ€ufigkeiten von Hochbauten bzw. GebĂ€uden fĂŒr verschiedene LĂ€nder und Regionen. ZunĂ€chst werden entweder direkte Angaben des GebĂ€udebestands verwendet oder GebĂ€udebestĂ€nde ĂŒber Ersatzparameter abgeschĂ€tzt. Die Einsturzereignisse wurden aus der Tagespresse oder aus der Literatur entnommen. Neben der Berechnung der EinsturzhĂ€ufigkeiten werden auch die MortalitĂ€ten durch GebĂ€udeeinstĂŒrze bestimmt. Dazu wurden wiederum Angaben aus der Tagespresse oder Literatur verwendet. Außerdem erfolgt eine kurze Diskussion der Ursachen der GebĂ€udeeinstĂŒrze. FĂŒr IndustrielĂ€nder ergibt sich eine mittlere jĂ€hrliche EinsturzhĂ€ufigkeit von 2,4 × 10–7 pro Jahr und fĂŒr EntwicklungslĂ€nder von 4,7 × 10–6 pro Jahr. Die mittlere MortalitĂ€t liegt bei 9,8 × 10–8 fĂŒr die IndustrielĂ€nder und 1,5 × 10–6 pro Jahr fĂŒr die EntwicklungslĂ€nder. Die Ursachen von GebĂ€udeeinstĂŒrzen liegen in den EntwicklungslĂ€ndern – und damit bei der ĂŒberwiegenden Anzahl der EinstĂŒrze – in der ungenĂŒgenden Qualifikation der Beteiligten