134 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Reactivity of Phosphate Rocks by Acidulation

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    Indonesian soils requiring a considerably large amount of P fertilizer, since it comprises a large area of phosphate poor soils as Ultisols, Oxisols, and part of Inceptisols. Phosphate rock, particularly of domestic origin, is one of cheapest P sources if it can be applied directly. Acidulation is performed to obtain sufficiently reactive phosphate rocks to give dissolved P (in weak acid) required by annual crops, although not too soluble (in water) to easily leach. The objective of this study was to obtain an efficient P source fertilizer with inexpensive production cost. Eight types of phosphate rocks of domestic and overseas origins were gradually acidulated with sulphuricand phosphoric acids. P fertilizers reactivity were tested by using extracted P content in water, citric acid, and formic acid to total P content ratio. The results showed that the reactivity (in citric acid) orders of tested phosphate rocks were Ciamis > Cileungsi > Algeria > Gresik > Maroko > Sukabumi >Christmas > Senegal. Based on gained regression equation, total P content and reactivity of produced fertilizer for each degree of acidulation with H2SO4 and H3PO4 can be calculated. Water extractant gives the most sensitive indicator value of increased reactivity, followed by citric and formic acids

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Kelayakan USAhatani Padi Sawah di Desa Maranatha Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aimed to determine the income and the feasibility of wetland rice farming in Maranatha village, Sigi Biromaru sub district of Sigi district.The location was determined purposively whererespondents were selected using a simple random sampling technique and the number of the samples using Slovin formula. The Samples were 38 households taken from 280 farmer households with the error of approximately 15%. The analysis used wasthe income analysis (Ï€) and feasibility analysis (R/C). The results showed that the mean value of the respondents income in one planting period was about IDR 8,150,109/1.04 ha or IDR 7,836,643.33/ha. The result of R/C analysis was 2.00 indicating that every IDR 1spent will generate income of about IDR 2.00. Therefore, it is feasible for the rice farming to be developed in Maranatha

    Perception Factors, Intentions and Attitudes with Market Community Participation to Prevent Occupational Diseases

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    An Occupational Disease was a disease caused by work or work environment. One of the efficient and effective strategies for controlling Occupational Disease was the empowerment and participation of the community called Occupational Health Unit (Pos UKK) in the workplace. Based on the data of market health inspection in Pos UKK Imogiri market in March 2017, there were only 67 participants (19.17%) from 365 invited people.: The purpose of this research was to know the internal factors with the community participation in Pos UKK Imogiri market Bantul. This research was a quantitative analytic research with cross sectional design. The population was 365 people and the sample was 150 respondents. The sampling used purposive sampling technique. Kendall Tau test showed that there was a relation between perception and community participation (p value <0.05, r = 0.677); Intentions related to community participation (p value <0.05 r = 0.486); Attitudes related to community participation (p value <0.05 , r= 0.802). F test result showed that the variables of Perception, Intentions and Attitudes related simultaneously to community participation (F value = 387.41> F table = 2.67). The dominant independent variable was Attitudes with the highest Standard Beta Coefficient value was 0.776. Perceptions, Intentions and Attitudes related both partially and simultaneously to community participation; the independent variable that had dominant influence was Attitudes

    Kombinasi Penggunaan Model Warna Dalam Pendeteksian Letak Bibir Pada Gambar Digital Berwarna

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    Different color model has been used to detect the location of lips within color images. These color models have different advantages and weakness. This paper intends to compare several uses of color model (namely the rgb, normalized rbg, and the YCbCr color model that is used frequently on several lip localization technique) and try to propose a combination of color model to minimize post processing in lip localization. The proposed combination combines the normalized rgb color model, the YcbCr colod model and the intensity based rgb model to obtain lip area. The combination proved to provide better distinction with only slighty more calculation

    Utilization of Wood Waste Mahang (Macaranga SP.) From Sawmill Industry for Making Wood Vinegar

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    Wood vinegar is the result of condensation and combustion products directly or indirectly. One of the methodes to make wood vinegar is by condensing the smoke products of incomplete combustion (pyrolysis). Materials used for the manufacture of wood vinegar is mahang wood waste from the sawmill industry in the form of sawdust, shavings and slashes. This study aims to determine how much rendement, chemical constituents of wood vinegar (phenol, total acid and pH) as well as the colors of the various forms of raw materials. This experiment was carried out using a completely randomited design (CRD) consist of 3 treatments and 5 replications with parameters analyzed were rendement, chemical content and color wood vinegar produced. These results indicate that the form of raw materials affect rendement, chemical content, and color. Sawdust (C1) rendement yield of 14.66 %, phenol content of 15,48 mg/l, total acid of 5,08 %, pH of 2,1 and color of wood vinegar is yellow light brown. Chips (C2) rendement yield of 20,67 %, phenol content of 18,61 mg/l, total acid of 5,78 %, pH of 2,0 and color of wood vinegar is yellow brown. Slashes (C3) rendement yield of 38,98 %, phenol content of 18,80 mg/l, amount 7,72 % total acid, pH of 1,9 and color of wood vinegar is yellow dark brown. Recommended for more efficient utilization of wood waste mahang (Macaranga sp.). As materials are shaped blade of wood vinegar, because it has the highest rendement and good quality wood vinegar

    Tingkat Pemahaman Pengunjung terhadap Hutan Kota Bukit Cadika dan Manfaatnya Bagi Lingkungan Hidup di Kecamatan Bangkinang Kabupaten Kampar

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    The higher growth of urban people and development of advanced technologies caused on a huge conversion on green areas to become public office, supermarket, industrial purpose, etc which decreasing the ecosystem sustainability of urban environment. One of offorts to manage urban environment, such as building urban forest. Urban Forest Cadika Hill is located on Bangkinang District, Kampar Regency. This area is usually used for camping, recreational purpose and sports facilities for local communities. Despite of its popularity and multifunctional purpose, there are lots of troubles such as waste problem, security issue and plant damage which are caused by huge. This research is conducted to analyze visitor's understanding level of urban forest and its benefit for environmental data was collected by using survey method through interview and questionnaires that had been prepared. To achieve the aim of research, data obtained was analyzed by descriptive. To know the level of visitors understanding might seen from the score that determined. The results show the level of visitors understanding to urban forest in Cadika Hill categorized to be high with score 36,71 and also the level of understanding to environment with score 37,32
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