49 research outputs found

    Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This research aimed to determine the socio-economic conditions of people who become the root causes of forest fires and field, obtain information efforts to control forest fires and land that has been done by the public and develop appropriate strategies to empower communities in the implementation of the prevention of forest fires in Rokan Hilir. This research is descriptive. The collection of data on community empowerment strategies in the prevention of forest fires and field with interviews and direct observations. The analysis used in this study is a descriptive analysis using analytical techniques and percentage SWOT analysis. The social conditions that influence the occurrence of forest and field fires in Rokan Hilir is the level of the majority of people who are not in school and worked as a farmer clearing by culture and economic situation of people who lands <2 hectare burning education. Forest fire prevention efforts undertaken by the field is public worked together to set fire using simple tools and semi-mechanical tools. Community empowerment strategies for the prevention of forest fires and land is established good cooperation among agencies, improve people skills, develop types of horticultural crops pineapple, using their areas, the government socialize penalty facilitate the heavy equipment and additional suppression of forest fires and strict enforcement tools

    Efektifitas Bahan Pengawet dari Asap Cair Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis) terhadap Serangan Rayap (Coptotermes Curvignathus Holmgren) pada Kayu Pulai (Alstonia Scholaris)

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    Pulai wood have economic value, while durable grade is V and powerful class is IV-V and it is low-grade durable, because of that it is needed preservation on Pulai wood. Many Preservation using chemicals that are harmful to environment and humans. In utilizing natural ingredients derived from plants as safer alternative preservatives for environment and humans, it can be renewable for preserving wood from invading organisms wood destroying, especially termites. Materials used as a preservative is liquid smoke empty fruit bunches of oil palm. The aims of this research are to determine termite mortality, retention, weight lose, and water content as well as know the effectiveness of the provision of liquid smoke on Pulai wood preservation against termite attack. The methods used in this research is (RAL), the concentration of liquid smoke oil palm empty fruit bunches of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% with 5 replications for three weeks is fed on termites. The results showed that using of preservatives smoke liquid at concentrations of 30% has a value of lose weight on Pulai wood of 0.00g/cm3 and 100% termite mortality

    Karakteristik Kayu Lapis dari Bahan Baku Kayu Karet (Hevea Braziliensis Muell. Arg) Berdasarkan Umur Pohon

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    Product testing made reference to Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 01-5008.2-1999 Plywood for Structural. Physical properties of plywood includeswater level of plywood withtree ages 20 yearswith average 14,43% ranged from 14,12% until14,67% andfor plywoodwith tree ages 25 yearswith average 14,60% ranged from 14,31% until 14,91%. Plywood densitywith tree ages 20 yearswith average 0,63 g/cm3ranged from 0,62 g/cm3until 0,64 g/cm3and for plywoodwith tree ages 25 years with average 0,65 g/cm3ranged from 0,63 g/cm3until 0,66 g/cm3. Firmness an adhesive plywood withtree ages 20 yearswith average 9,25 kg/cm2ranged from 9,15 kg/cm2until 9,36 kg/cm2and for plywoodwith tree ages 25 yearswith average 9,98 kg/cm2ranged from 9,60 kg/cm2until 10,23 kg/cm2. Mechanical properties of plywood includesfirmness broken (Modulus of Rupture) ofplywood withtree ages 20 years with average 19,32 kg/cm2ranged from 18,00 kg/cm2 until 20,70 kg/cm2 and for plywoodwith tree ages 25 yearswith average 21,40 kg/cm2ranged from 18,72 kg/cm2 until 23,34 kg/cm2. Constancy of an arched (Modulus of Elasticity) plywoodwith tree ages 20 years with average 19,35 kg/cm2ranged from 18,11 kg/cm2until 20,65 kg/cm2and for plywoodwith tree ages 25 years with average 21,38 kg/cm2ranged from 18,70 kg/cm2until 23,33 kg/cm2

    Karakteristik Wood Pellet Dari Limbah Kayu Karet (Hevea Brazilliensis Muell. Arg) Sebagai Alternatif Sumber Energi Terbarukan

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    This research to investigate the characteristics of wood pellets from wood rubber waste as alternative renewable energy sources and determine the best treatment. This research was conducted in experiments with completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of three treatments three replications, with the use of wood rubber waste, tapioca flour and water as well as the tools use are peletmill, calory meter combustion bomb, hammermill, oven, container, stirrer, weigher, measure cups, stopwach, wood pellets stove and camera. It can be concluded that the water content wood pellet 15,06% - 17,26%, wood pellet density 0,408 g/cm3 (408 kg/m3) – 0,628 g/cm3 (628 kg/m3), long burn wood pellets 5,42 minutes/200gr – 7,29 minutes/200gr and a calorific value 4029 Kcal/kg - 4106 Kcal/kg. Treatment to three with tapioca powder rubber wood + 30% + 300 ml water have the appropriate or best treatment approach by SNI, where the water content of 15,06%, density of 0,628 g/cm3 (628 kg/m3), long burning 5,42 minutes/200gr and calorific value of 4106 Kcal/kg

    Strategi Pengembangan USAha Lebah Madu Kelompok Tani Setia Jaya di Desa Rambah Jaya Kecamatan Bangun Purba Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Honey bee breeding business is a business development and sales of livestock products of honey bees. Development of beekeeping businesses have good prospects for the future, the need for business development strategies to increase public interest in promoting the beekeeping business. The business location of honeybees of Farmers Group Setia Jaya located in the village Rambah Jaya subdistrict Bangun Purba, district Rokan Hulu has good prospects to produce the amount of honey due to its location adjacent to the acacia plantations owned by the Company Sumatra Silvia Lestari and rubber plantations has planted by local people. It is obviously very profitable for farmers honeybees as a source of food or feed bees directly derived from nature. This study aims to find out what activities undertaken farmer groups to develop a business honeybees. The research was conducted in February until March 2015. Based on the results of the research shows that the first Setia Jaya Farmer's Group in conducting maintenance and upkeep, harvesting, packaging and distribution (marketing) is still done manually, which means the traditional and still wearing human intervention so that the results are not optimal. Second Alternative business development strategies that can be applied by Farmers Group Setia Jaya, one of which is making honey product quality, create excellent honey products and maintain the authenticity and purity of the honey as well as improving the productivity of honey in order to increase customer loyalty to the farmer groups

    Tingkat Pemahaman Pengunjung terhadap Hutan Kota Bukit Cadika dan Manfaatnya Bagi Lingkungan Hidup di Kecamatan Bangkinang Kabupaten Kampar

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    The higher growth of urban people and development of advanced technologies caused on a huge conversion on green areas to become public office, supermarket, industrial purpose, etc which decreasing the ecosystem sustainability of urban environment. One of offorts to manage urban environment, such as building urban forest. Urban Forest Cadika Hill is located on Bangkinang District, Kampar Regency. This area is usually used for camping, recreational purpose and sports facilities for local communities. Despite of its popularity and multifunctional purpose, there are lots of troubles such as waste problem, security issue and plant damage which are caused by huge. This research is conducted to analyze visitor's understanding level of urban forest and its benefit for environmental data was collected by using survey method through interview and questionnaires that had been prepared. To achieve the aim of research, data obtained was analyzed by descriptive. To know the level of visitors understanding might seen from the score that determined. The results show the level of visitors understanding to urban forest in Cadika Hill categorized to be high with score 36,71 and also the level of understanding to environment with score 37,32

    Potensi Pertumbuhan Trubusan Pada Tunggak Sisa Penebangan Pohon Eucalyptus Pellita

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    Forest is a natural resource which has an usefull existency to life. Development on plantation of industrial forest (HTI) needs to choose a kind of suitable plant which Eucalyptus pellita is the one that can be easily adapted. Stumps of Eucalyptus pellita from residual logging in the head office of University of Riau area produces coppices which can be a source of vegetative multiplication of plant. The aim of this research is to perceive a potential of the third generation of coppices which are able to grow in one stump of Eucalyptus pellita residual logging and to perceive the growth of the third generation of coppices on the stump of residual logging. This research exercises using an observation method. This specimen taken exercises a purpossive sampling method. The result of this observation indicates that coppices which grow on the stump of Eucalyptus pellita residual logging have a potential in avarage amount of 9 coppices in each stump so that can be produced aprroximately 14.400 coppices/ha in a grow distance 2.5m x 2.5 m. This third generation has an average amount of 60 pieces of leaves in each stump and 10,5 cm high average accretion in 8 day measurement

    Persebaran Tumbuhan Obat Pasakbumi (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack.) Di Jalur Utama Patroli Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Sultan Syarif Hasyim Provinsi Riau

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    Taman Hutan Raya Sultan Syarif Hasyim (Tahura SSH) is a monument of natural forest in Riau province. Tahura SSH has kind of plants that have benefit medicinal. One of kind medicinal plants in Tahura SSH and has benefit is pasak bumi plant. The purpose this research to know distribution of pasak bumi in the main line patrol Tahura SSH in Riau province. This research using census method to make line transect. Using the analysis of Morisita index as a form of pasak bumi plant distribution along the Tahura Sultan SyarifHasyim's mainline patrol formed a clustered pattern with values >1 for the right side of the line 5,78 and 4,90 for the left side of the line