75 research outputs found

    Multimodel Response Assessment for Monthly Rainfall Distribution in Some Selected Indian Cities Using Best Fit Probability as a Tool

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    We carry out a study of the statistical distribution of rainfall precipitation data for 20 cites in India. We have determined the best-fit probability distribution for these cities from the monthly precipitation data spanning 100 years of observations from 1901 to 2002. To fit the observed data, we considered 10 different distributions. The efficacy of the fits for these distributions was evaluated using four empirical non-parametric goodness-of-fit tests namely Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, Chi-Square, Akaike information criterion, and Bayesian Information criterion. Finally, the best-fit distribution using each of these tests were reported, by combining the results from the model comparison tests. We then find that for most of the cities, Generalized Extreme-Value Distribution or Inverse Gaussian Distribution most adequately fits the observed data.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Looking for ancillary signals around GW150914

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    We replicated the procedure in Liu and Jackson (arXiv:1609.08346), who had found evidence for a low amplitude signal in the vicinity of GW150914. This was based upon the large correlation between the time integral of the Pearson cross-correlation coefficient in the off-source region of GW150914, and the Pearson cross-correlation in a narrow window around GW150914, for the same time lag between the two LIGO detectors as the gravitational wave signal. Our results mostly agree with those in arXiv:1609.08346. We find the statistical significance of the observed cross-correlation to be about 2.5 σ\sigma. We also used the cross-correlation method to search for short duration signals at all other physical values of the time lag, within this 4096 second time interval, but do not find evidence for any statistically significant events in the off-source region.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids: A Review of its Wide Range of Applications and Possible Mechanisms of Action

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    Consumption of fish/fish oil has been reported to modulate the symptoms in cardiovascular disease, inflammatory responses, cancer, and neurological disorders. The objective of this review is to provide therapeutic role of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) with practical evidences carried out in recent years. Literature studies were selected using the Google, Pub Med and Medline database on the basis of the following criteria: (1) significance of omega-3-fatty acid in nutrition and disease (2) randomized controlled design, placebo controlled studies using Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid. Imbalance in fatty acid composition is thought to be the major risk factor for the development and progression of various diseases. Omega-3 fatty acid up regulates anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic gene expression. It also competes with enzymes essential for ù-6 PUFA derived proinflammatory eicosanoid mediators. In addition, it reduces blood pressure, angiogenesis process. Interactions of PUFA with signal transduction pathways reverse the symptoms associated with depression whereas transcription factors modulates tumor metabolism. Consumption of fatty fish/ fish oil is associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, inflammatory responses, cancer and neurological disorder

    Optimization of Physiological Growth Conditions for Maximal Gamma-Linolenic Acid Production by Cunninghamella Blakesleeana-Jsk2

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    Effects of various cultural conditions on biomass, lipid and Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) production were investigated in the oleaginous fungus Cunninghamella blakesleeana-JSK2 isolated from soil. The GLA production was influenced by various factors such as growth condition (static and shaken), incubation time, pH, temperature, carbon and nitrogen sources. The results indicated that optimum GLA production (21 %) was obtained when the fungus was grown under shaken condition at 120 rpm for 6 days with optimum pH and temperature of 6 and 28 °C ,respectively. Glucose and potassium nitrate enhanced the GLA production. Urea and sucrose were poor substances for biomass, lipid and GLA production

    Endophytic Fungi: Are they Potential Candidates for the Production of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids?

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    One hundred and fifty endophytic fungi were isolated from different plant samples. Their total lipid and fatty acid profile were analysed. Our results show that the total lipid content in 50% of the isolated endophytic fungi ranged between10-14% and in the remaining 50% ranged between 7-9%. None of the endophytic fungi tested were found to be oleaginous in nature (accumulating more than 20% lipid). The endophytic fungi produced saturated fatty acids i.e palmitic acid, stearic acid, and monounsaturated- oleic acid in the range of 13-23%, linoleic acid from 40-50%, and alpha-linolenic acid- 2-14%. Few endophytic fungi accumulated arachidonic acid in a very low concentration i.e. 0.1-0.3%. The results of our study suggest that, endophytic fungi are capable of producing the precursors of PUFAs i.e. linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid but not the pharmaceutically important PUFA’s as such. Our work also revealed that, there is not much difference in fatty acid profile of all the endophytic fungi isolated by us, irrespective of the differences in the living conditions (such as nutritional and environmental parameters) of the plants from which they were isolate

    G-DaM: A Distributed Data Storage with Blockchain Framework for Management of Groundwater Quality Data

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    Groundwater overuse in different domains will eventually lead to global freshwater scarcity. To meet the anticipated demands, many governments worldwide are employing innovative and traditional techniques for forecasting groundwater availability by conducting research and studies. One challenging step for this type of study is collecting groundwater data from different sites and securely sending it to the nearby edges without exposure to hacking and data tampering. In the current paper, we send raw data formats from the Internet of Things to the Distributed Data Storage (DDS) and Blockchain (BC) edges. We use a distributed and decentralized architecture to store the statistics, perform double hashing, and implement access control through smart contracts. This work demonstrates a modern and innovative approach combining DDS and BC technologies to overcome traditional data sharing, and centralized storage, while addressing blockchain limitations. We have shown performance improvements with increased data quality and integrity


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    Obesity and its related disorders have become a major concern across the world. However, there are only few medications for treating obesity. Reducing the fat absorption through the inhibition of pancreatic lipase has become most favorable strategy for treating obesity since pancreatic lipase is a safe target and its inhibition does not alter the central pathways. However, the only available pancreatic lipase inhibitor for the treatment of obesity is orlistat and it is derived from lipstatin which is produced by a microbe, Streptomyces toxytricini. Many pancreatic lipase inhibitors are reported from the plant sources and they can be classified in to saponins, phenols, terpenes, glycosides, alkaloids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Plant pancreatic lipase inhibitors are reported to show the antiobesity effects in the animal models. However, there is no plant inhibitor in the clinical use. This review describes the different lipase inhibitors from plant sources and their effects on the obesity and its related parameters.Keywords: Obesity, Pancreatic lipase inhibitor, Orlistat, Saponins, Phenols, Terpenes, Glycosides, Alkaloids, Carotenoids, Polysaccharides

    agroString: Visibility and Provenance through a Private Blockchain Platform for Agricultural Dispense towards Consumers

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    It is a known fact that large quantities of farm and meat products rot and are wasted if correct actions are not taken, which may lead to serious health issues if consumed. There is no proper system for tracking and communicating the status of the goods to their respective stakeholders in a secure way. Consumers have every right to know the quality of the products they consume. Using monitoring tools, such as the Internet of Agricultural Things (IoAT), and modern data protection techniques for storing and sharing, will help mitigate data integrity issues during the transmission of sensor records, increasing the data quality. The visibility state at the customer end is also improved, and they are aware of the agricultural product’s conditions throughout the real-time distribution process. In this paper, we developed and implemented a CorDapp application to manage the data for the supply chain, called “agroString”. We collected the temperature and humidity data using IoAT-Edge devices and various datasets from multiple sources. We then sent those readings to the CorDapp agroString and successfully shared them among the relevant parties. With the help of a Corda private blockchain, we attempted to increase data integrity, trust, visibility, provenance, and quality at each logistic step, while decreasing blockchain and central system limitations

    Seroprevalence of transfusion transmissible infections among healthy blood donors at KIMS blood bank

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    Background: Safe blood is a critical component in improving health care and in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Aims & Objectives: Blood transfusion can cause the transmission of infectious to recipients. This is an important mode of infection. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of such type of infection among blood donors and to compare the seroprevalence of transfusion transmitted diseases in blood donors. Retrospective study was conducted for 5 years from January-2009 to December-2013 at KIMS Blood Bank, Secunderabad. Materials and methods: All donors reporting to the blood bank during the period January-2009 to December-2013 were screened for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 & 2, hepatitis C viruses, malaria and syphilis. Screening of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses were done by chemillumiencies and syphilis was screened by RPR method. Results: A total of 39780 voluntary blood donors were screened, of which 38697 were males and 1083 were females. Seropositivity of HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C viruses & syphilis were 0.26%, 1.28%, 0.51% and 0.03% respectively. No blood donors test showed positivity for malaria parasite. Conclusion: With the implementation of strict donor selection criteria and use of sensitive screening test, it may be possible to reduce the incidence of TTIs

    Significance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) viremia in anti-HCV antibody (IgG) positive subjects

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    Introduction: Hepatitis C is one of the most common bloodborne diseases causing significant morbidity and mortality globally. Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the correlation between 3rd generation ELISA positives for anti-HCV antibodies with real time PCR, among various categories of patients attending KIMS hospital. Methods: This is a hospital based retrospective study at KIMS hospital, Secunderabad, India conducted between August 2013 and July 2015. From laboratory data, 115 patients, found to be anti-HCV antibody positive (done by CLIA method) were included in the study. Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) for hepatitis C virus (HCV) was done for these patient samples subsequently. Results: Among a total of 115 anti-HCV antibody positive cases, 70(60.86%) were positive and 45(39.13%) were negative by HCV RNA PCR. Conclusion: ELISA assays have many advantages in diagnostic settings including ease of automation, ease of use, relative cost effectiveness and low variability. Additional or confirmatory testing like RT-PCR is often helpful. The HCV RNA test is still regarded as a standard in the detection of active infection and for monitoring treatment