22 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Agility Level of the Organization

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    Organizations and teams are switching to agile methodology more and more often. The problem lies in the fact that organizations and teams are not certain at which agility level they currently are and at which agility domains they fail. This research focuses on creating a new method and tool for evaluation of the agility level of the company. The proposed method is based on the agility model of the company with agility domains, subdomains and attributes. Expert evaluation of domains, subdomains and attributes is the core of this method. The result of this research is the agility assessment method and blueprint of the architecture for the agility evaluation tool

    Web-Environment for Engineering Education

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    The Web-based information system ORTUS is developed and used in Riga Technical University to increase the quality of engineering education. The system includes several subsystems to support learning and administrative functions of the university: Course management system, Moodle based e-learning environment, Course register, Resource planning system, Questionnaire and study evaluation system, Student records management system etc. Students, academic staff, employees, administration, alumni and pupils can use ORTUS in any place and time. The structure of ORTUS and its subsystems is outlined. Blended learning approach and e-learning environment is used in the study process of Riga Technical University. Web-based solutions play an important role in supporting the internal quality assurance system of the university. The goal of the paper is to describe the features and possibilities of ORTUS system, as well as to show how the system is used for learning

    Model-Driven Secure System Development Framework

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    Security is definitely one of the most important aspects in business information systems. This aspect is strongly related to costs, risks and reputation of organization. That’s why authors want to propose “secure-by-design” principle by using innovative and proven development approaches in whole system lifecycle to maintain high security level. There are already some existing techniques to solve this problem but they are mainly linked with specific technologies and most frequently focus only on production phase. This paper presents new secure system development methodology based on three general aspects – model-driven secure code development, model-driven policy development and usage of run-time security management system to maintain necessary security level. All these aspects are integrated into one framework

    Evaluation of the Agility Level of the Organization

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    Organizations and teams are switching to agile methodology more and more often. The problem lies in the fact that organizations and teams are not certain at which agility level they currently are and at which agility domains they fail. This research focuses on creating a new method and tool for evaluation of the agility level of the company. The proposed method is based on the agility model of the company with agility domains, subdomains and attributes. Expert evaluation of domains, subdomains and attributes is the core of this method. The result of this research is the agility assessment method and blueprint of the architecture for the agility evaluation tool

    Drošas programmatūras izstrādes iespējas modeļvadāmās arhitektūras kontekstā

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    Rakstā ir sniegts modeļvadāmās drošības pārskats un ar to saistīto aspektu izklāsts. Autori izskaidro pašreizējās problēmas un aplūko modeļvadāmo drošību kā vienu no iespējamajiem risinājumiem. Tālāk rakstā ir analizēta ļaunprātīgo lietošanas gadījumu izmantošana un piedāvāta metode nefunkcionālo drošības prasību pārveidošanai funkcionālās prasībās. Raksta nobeigumā ir analizētas vienotas uz MDA balstītas drošas programmatūras izstrādes metodoloģijas izveides iespējas. Pētījums varētu būt interesants sistēmanalītiķiem un programmatūras drošības speciālistiem

    Using ODA Method and FOIL Algorithm to Determine Organizational Agility Level

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    Agile software development has become more common during the past decade. Transitioning an organization to be agile is not an undemanding task, and it requires an active involvement of all the stakeholders. The main issue is that organizations are not aware of their agility level and the necessary operations they should perform to become more agile. The purpose of this research is to use Agility Impact Index (AII) in combination with Organization Agility Model (OAM), question generation algorithm and First-Order Inductive Learner (FOIL) algorithm to calculate the agility level of an organization. The result of the research is a proof of the Organization Domain Agility (ODA) method concept. The intention of the ODA method is to determine the agility level of a Software Development Company (SDC), which is an important step to improve the agility level of an organization

    Brief Overview of Modelling Methods, Life-Cycle and Application Domains of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are systems that connect the physical world with the virtual world of information processing. They consist of various components that work together to create some global behaviour. These components include software systems, communication technologies and sensors, executive mechanisms that interact with the real world, often including embedded technologies. One CPS may include a variety of components from different manufacturers or service providers, often without even knowing that their products and services are integrated with others as a result of CPS. This paper systematises information about CPS modelling methods and domains and presents the CPS modelling cycle – from abstraction to architecture and from concept to realisation

    Supporting Inter-Institutional Knowledge Feedbacks in the Context of Engineers' Educational System

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    Inter-institutional networks become more and more important for today’s organizations. Business-oriented organizations are recognizing the advantages that come with these networks. Academic and educational systems are a typical example of inter-institutional network and viewing these institutions as elements of a single network would yield positive results for all the parties. The purpose of this study is to consider the engineers’ educational system as an inter-institutional network and to define the feedbacks existing within it in order to improve the network’s overall performance. Method of the research includes an analysis of existing research results within the context of the feedback types and parameters and development of inter-institutional model including all relationships between elements of the engineers’ educational system. The analysis of feedbacks allows adjusting to environmental changes, thus providing a positive effect on the entire network