6 research outputs found

    Hydra, a model for studying the role of injury-induced ROS signalling during regeneration and monitoring the autophagy flux in live animals

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    Hydra is a freshwater cnidarian polyp that regenerates any missing part after amputation. This study focuses on the potential role of injury-induced ROS signaling in triggering head regeneration. We detected immediately after mid-gastric bisection symmetrical levels of mitochondrial superoxide and asymmetrical levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), higher in head-regenerating tips than in basal-regenerating ones. This asymmetry likely results from a higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in head-regenerating tips while catalase is lower. Pharmacological treatments (Tiron, DPI) and transient gene silencing approaches (sod-1, catalase) indicate that signaling via mitochondrial ROS plays a role in wound healing while high levels of H2O2 are necessary for apical regeneration. Through paracrine signalling, H2O2 triggers CREB phosphorylation as well as death of interstitial cells, while H2O2 levels are amplified by apoptotic cells via a feedback loop. Thus, asymmetric ROS signaling immediately after bisection is critical to induce cell death and apical regeneration

    Cellular, Metabolic, and Developmental Dimensions of Whole-Body Regeneration in <i>Hydra</i>

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    Here we discuss the developmental and homeostatic conditions necessary for Hydra regeneration. Hydra is characterized by populations of adult stem cells paused in the G2 phase of the cell cycle, ready to respond to injury signals. The body column can be compared to a blastema-like structure, populated with multifunctional epithelial stem cells that show low sensitivity to proapoptotic signals, and high inducibility of autophagy that promotes resistance to stress and starvation. Intact Hydra polyps also exhibit a dynamic patterning along the oral-aboral axis under the control of homeostatic organizers whose activity results from regulatory loops between activators and inhibitors. As in bilaterians, injury triggers the immediate production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) signals that promote wound healing and contribute to the reactivation of developmental programs via cell death and the de novo formation of new organizing centers from somatic tissues. In aging Hydra, regeneration is rapidly lost as homeostatic conditions are no longer pro-regenerative

    The ULK1 kinase, a necessary component of the pro-regenerative and anti-aging machinery in Hydra

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    Hydra vulgaris (Hv) has a high regenerative potential and negligible senescence, as its stem cell populations divide continuously. In contrast, the cold-sensitive H. oligactis (Ho_CS) rapidly develop an aging phenotype under stress, with epithelial stem cells deficient for autophagy, unable to maintain their self-renewal. Here we tested in aging, non-aging and regenerating Hydra the activity and regulation of the ULK1 kinase involved in autophagosome formation. In vitro kinase assays show that human ULK1 activity is activated by Hv extracts but repressed by Ho_CS extracts, reflecting the ability or inability of their respective epithelial cells to initiate autophagosome formation. The factors that keep ULK1 inactive in Ho_CS remain uncharacterized. Hv_Basel1 animals exposed to the ULK1 inhibitor SBI-0206965 no longer regenerate their head, indicating that the sustained autophagy flux recorded in regenerating Hv_AEP2 transgenic animals expressing the DsRed-GFP-LC3A autophagy tandem sensor is necessary. The SBI-0206965 treatment also alters the contractility of intact Hv_Basel1 animals, and leads to a progressive reduction of animal size in Hv_AEP2, similarly to what is observed in ULK1(RNAi) animals. We conclude that the evolutionarily-conserved role of ULK1 in autophagy initiation is crucial to maintain a dynamic homeostasis in Hydra, which supports regeneration efficiency and prevents aging

    Deficient autophagy drives aging in Hydra

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    Hydra exhibits a negligible senescence as its epithelial and interstitial stem cell populations continuously divide. Here we identified two H. oligactis strains that respond differently to interstitial stem cell loss. Cold-resistant (Ho_CR) animals adapt and remain healthy while coldsensitive (Ho_CS) ones die within three months, after their epithelial stem cells lose their selfrenewal potential. In Ho_CS but not in Ho_CR animals, the autophagy flux is deficient, characterized by a low induction upon starvation, proteasome inhibition or Rapamycin treatment, and a constitutively repressed Ulk activity. In the non-aging Hydra vulgaris, WIPI2 silencing suffices to induce aging. Rapamycin can delay aging by sustaining epithelial self-renewal and regeneration, although without enhancing the autophagy flux. Instead Rapamycin promotes engulfment in epithelial cells where p62/SQSTM1-positive phagocytic vacuoles accumulate. This study uncovers the importance of autophagy in the longevity of early-branched eumetazoans by maintaining stem cell renewal, and a novel anti-aging effect of Rapamycin via phagocytosis

    Deficient autophagy in epithelial stem cells drives aging in the freshwater cnidarian <i>Hydra</i>

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    Hydra possesses three distinct stem cell populations that continuously self-renew and prevent aging in Hydra vulgaris. However, sexual animals from the H. oligactis cold-sensitive strain Ho_CS develop an aging phenotype upon gametogenesis induction, initiated by the loss of interstitial stem cells. Animals stop regenerating, lose their active behaviors and die within 3 months. This phenotype is not observed in the cold-resistant strain Ho_CR. To dissect the mechanisms of Hydra aging, we compared the self-renewal of epithelial stem cells in these two strains and found it to be irreversibly reduced in aging Ho_CS but sustained in non-aging Ho_CR. We also identified a deficient autophagy in Ho_CS epithelial cells, with a constitutive deficiency in autophagosome formation as detected with the mCherry-eGFP-LC3A/B autophagy sensor, an inefficient response to starvation as evidenced by the accumulation of the autophagosome cargo protein p62/SQSTM1, and a poorly inducible autophagy flux upon proteasome inhibition. In the non- aging H. vulgaris animals, the blockade of autophagy by knocking down WIPI2 suffices to induce aging. This study highlights the essential role of a dynamic autophagy flux to maintain epithelial stem cell renewal and prevent aging