12 research outputs found


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    Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh para penyelenggara khususnya bagaimana manajemen dilaksanakan. Selain itu telah kita ketahui bersama, pendidikan akan berkualitas jika ditangani oleh SDM khususnya tenaga dosen berkualifikasi dan mempunyai relevansi keilmuan yang memadai, serta didukung oleh fasilitas, kurikulum yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, serta potensi masukkan mahasiswa. Bertolak dari uarain tersebut, diajukan permasalahannya sebagai berikut: "Berapa hesar konstribusi kinerja manajemen program studi terhadap hasil peringkat penilaian Badan Akreditasi Nasional " Hasil penelitian dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Pertama, ditinjau dari faktor-faktor pengembangan program studi, bertumpu pada upaya perbaikan kinerja (0.377) didukung oleh kepemimpinan yang kuat, solid dan dipercaya serta rentang waktu memimpin antara dua sampai delapan tahun (0.237), serta usia program studi (0.208). Alasan dari temuan ditinjau dari konsep pengembangan program studi adalah upaya perbaikan berkelanjutan melalui evaluasi program. Kedua, kedua puluh faktor yang dikemukakan faktor yang paling dominan adalah jumlah dosen yang memadai (0.541) disusul pengembangan Iptek (0.266) dan pengembangan diri di luar kampus (0.240). ketiga faktor dominan tersebut nampaknya sangat rasional, jika satu program studi ditunjang oleh jumlah dosen yang memadai, dan terus-menerus mengembangkan Iptek serta setiap individu mempunyai kesadaran unuk mengembangkan diri maka program studi akan lebih maju. Ketiga, kesepuluh faktor yang dominan adalah adanya kurikulum nasional (0.914) dan diikuti peninjauan kurikulum lokal (0.357), dan pedoman akademik (0.188). Kedua faktor yang disebutkan implementasi kurikulum sangat ditentukan oleh adanya dokumentasi kurikulum nasional sebagai acuan, dan kurikulum lokal sebagai bahan penambahan atau pendalaman. Keempat, kesepuluh faktor yang dominan adalah adanya ruang program studi yang representatif (0.540) dan diikuti media belajar (0.437), dan fasilitas praktikum (0.213). Ketiga faktor yang disebutkan merupakan fasilitas strategis tingkat pelayanan PBM. Kelima, keduapuluh faktor yang dominan adalah pelayanan administrasi bagi mahasiswa (0.296) dan diikuti pengembangan bidang kreativitas mahasiswa (0.206). Kedua faktor yang disebutkan merupakan wujud pelayanan program studi kepada kebutuhan mahasiswa sebagai konsumen


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    This research is motivated by the results of preliminary observations of researchers in the field which show that students of Elementary School Teacher Education Study Programs who will carry out field teaching programs (PPL) in Karang Pawulang State Elementary School Bandung are still having difficulty in making good quality planning tools based on the applicable curriculum. This is evidenced by the results of researchers' interviews with two students who were carrying out PPL who said that they still had difficulty in compiling teaching tools such as the annual program (prota), semester program (promissory notes), syllabus, learning implementation plan (RPP) and so on in accordance with material obtained during lectures on teaching planning and based on the demands of the applicable curriculum. In the implementation of learning, prospective teacher students must have made the necessary learning tools but in their implementation there are still some inappropriate components such as planning tools used in schools. Therefore a research about the relationship between the ability to design teaching planning tools in this case in the form of a lesson plan (RPP) with the practice of teaching PPL students in carrying out learning in elementary schools. This research uses a qualitative approach while this type of research is correlational. In this study, what was investigated was the relationship between the ability to make lesson plans (RPP) and teaching practices in the classroo


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    Kesempatan memperoleh pengetahuan literasi harus merata kesemua lini tak terkecuali untuk sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB). Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan literasi numerik dan mendampingi guru-guru SLB BC Bina Kasih dalam  mengajar literasi numerasi kepada siswa. pengabdian ini telah dilaksanakan dengan dua tahap, pertama tahap pengenalan literasi numerasi, pada tahap ini disampaikan dengan tatap muka tranfer pengetahuan dan penguatan pemahaman konsep numerasi. Tahap kedua pendampingan dalam mengajar literasi numerasi, pada tahap ini guru didampingi dalam mengajar literasi numerasi kepada  siswa SLB. Hasil yang diperoleh pada pengabdian ini, guru SLB BC Bina Kasih menujukkan antusias yang besar dan menunjukkan bertambahnya pemahaman dalam literasi numerasi, serta mendapat pengetahuan baru dalam mengajarkan literasi numerasi untuk siswanya


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    The School Literacy Movement (GLS) is a program implemented in schools that has the aim of improving student learning achievement, and it has been proven by the work of students, including making conclusions from what is read and presented. This research is a type of qualitative research using the method of observation, interviews and documentation from data source. The interviewees include: the principal, some teachers and some students in the school. The results of the research that the researchers did lead to the conclusion that the School Literacy Movement (GLS) in improving student achievement succeed. The   supporting factors of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) at the school are the availability of adequate infrastructure and students are on time to school to take part in the School Literacy Movement (GLS) activities. While the inhibiting factors are the lack of motivation from both students and from outside students, the delay of students attending school and the lack of infrastructure. The solution to the obstacles to the School Literacy Movement (GLS) is the motivation of the school and parents of students, as well as the existence of adequate infrastructure for the School Literacy Movement (GLS). With the School Literacy Movement which is implemented in daily teaching and learning activities in schools, it has been proven to be able to increase students' interest in reading and writing which has an impact on increasing student achievement as well

    Isu-isu dan Tren Aktivitas Siswa dalam Belajar Matematika

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    The rapid development of technology and science and the ever-expanding globalization requires students to have new skills and knowledge ready to deal with them. To prepare for this, the student activity in learning must be independent, students learn faced with the problem then directed to look for conjecture and analyze the problem until the students get new knowledge. Students' activities in such learning are the types of learning that lead to learning with the problem base learning (PBL) model. In some countries such as in America, Japan and Australia, student learning activities are directed towards problem-solving activities with learning-type Problem Base Learning (PBL) and Project Base Learning (PjBL) and assisted with ICT skills. Such learning activities are expected so that students can face challenges in the 21st century

    Pelatihan Mengajar Bilangan Pecahan dengan Metode Matematika Gasing Bagi Guru Pendidikan Dasar di Sekolah Muhammadiyah Secabang Cilawu Garut

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    Tujuan Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan melatih keterampilan  kepada guru-guru Sekolah dasar dan menengah Muhamadiyah di Kecamatan Cilawu Kabupaten Garut dalam mengajarkan materi pecahan dengan metode matematika Gasing. Mengajar matematika dengan metode yang menyenangkan merupakan suatu metode yang harus dimiliki oleh seluruh guru matematika yang mengajar pada sekolah dasar dan menengah. Metode matematika Gampang, Asyik dan Menyenangkan (GASING) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat membuat siswa belajar gampang dan menyenangkan terlebih di sekolah dasar. Metode dalam pengabdian ini adalah pelatihan secara langsung (tatap muka) kepada guru SD dan SMP di ruangan (secara teori) dan dilakukan bimbingan langsung cara mengajarkan bilangan pecahan dengan metode gasing. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan ini sebagian besar peserta pelatihan dapat mempraktekkan metode matematika gasing dalam mengajarkan bilangan pecaha

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Visualization Auditory Kinestetic (VAK) Terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Mata Pelajaran Seni Musik di Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the application of the Visualization Auditory Kinestetic (VAK) model to the increase in student learning activities in music art subjects in elementary schools. This research is motivated by a problem in the low learning activities of students in music art subjects. The population in this study were students of SD Negeri Puntangsari class IV A 30 people as the experimental class and class IV B 30 people as the control class. The research instrument used in the form of a questionnaire that was previously tested and analyzed with validity and reliability, and observation sheets of learning activities of educators and students. Data from the final questionnaire of the experimental class and the control class were analyzed using the Independent-Sample T-Test to determine the effect of applying the learning model. The average results of increased learning activities in the experimental class that is equal to 0.8987 and the average value of the learning activities of the control class is 0.5777. Based on the results of the average increase in learning activities of the experimental class and the control class it can be concluded that there is an effect of the application of the Visualization Auditory Kinestetic (VAK) learning model to the increase in student learning activities in music art subjects in elementary schools. This Visualization, Auditory, Kinestetic (VAK) learning model is appropriate and can be recommended to educators to use the learning model as an alternative learning model in music art subjects so that it can improve the quality of music art learning, specifically to improve the learning activities of students at music art subjects

    Penggunaan Model Make A Match Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Pada Peserta Didik Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    This research is motivated by the low ability of students to understand the concepts in science subjects at SDN Pelangi 01 Kec Majalaya District. Bandung. There is still a lack of understanding of students' concepts in science subjects. The lack of willingness of students to deepen and develop curiosity about understanding the concept of natural science subjects. Less pleasant learning process. Responsibility and confidence of students has not been seen. Learning is still centered on educators. This study aims to obtain information about the use of the Make a Match learning model to improve the ability of students 'understanding of concepts in natural science material compared to the increase in students' understanding of concepts by conventional methods, namely lectures. The research design used is Quasi Experimental Design type Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population in this study were all grade IV students of SDN Pelangi 01 Elementary School with a total number of classes, 2 classes totaling 56

    Study of Lecturer Performance at Private University Case Study in Bandung and Cimahi, West Java

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the increase in understanding of the fraction The important role of private universities is increasingly felt in the midst of the limited number of state universities. Private universities are proven to be able to accommodate 300% more students than state universities. Thus, so that human resources are qualified. The quality of private higher education institutions needs to have a serious concern from the leader. This research is a quantitative descriptive study that wants to capture the performance of private universities based on the quality and performance of lecturers, management performance and learning outcomes. The study was conducted at 4 (four) private universities in Bandung and Cimahi, West Java Province which had educational characteristics. The used data are obtained from documents and are strengthened by data from surveys and interviews for each variable of university performance. All data were quantified using a Likert scale and categorized into four qualifications namely very good, good, moderate, and low, and analyzed the correlation with student learning outcomes. The results of the study indicate that the performance components of private universities, in general, need to be improved because they are still in moderate qualifications. The management component has the highest score, followed by sequential components of lecturer quality and lecturer performance. In general,  student learning outcomes  are also in the moderate category. The three components analyzed have a very strong influence on student learning outcomes