1 research outputs found

    Perubahan Mutu Hedonik Telur Asin Sangrai Selama Penyimpanan

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    Egg is one of the food product derived from avian that is easily damaged and nonperishable. Therefore, one of the ways to prevent damage is by processing it into another product that is more durable. Marinating the egg is one way of preservation. The egg preservation process conducted by using brick powder mixed with salt and water. This stage is considered as processing effort because it creates new product named salted eggs. Storage time of salted eggs that have been boiled which only 1-2 weeks are still not enough, so another process would require in order to extend the storage time of salted eggs and maintain the nutritional quality. Salted eggs which processed by applying roast process technology is improving the quality of livestock products that have high economic value. The product is mainly used as a food source for humans. Meat, milk, and eggs are the major commodities of the farm. High nutritive value and flavor favored by most people is the main attraction of these products. Nevertheless, these products have a weakness that is easily damaged and nonperishable. Water is a good medium for microbial growth therefore roasting process conducted to reduce the water content of the egg. It makes salted egg more durable. Generally, roasting process can also reduce the fishy smell on salted eggs. The results of the analysis shows that the roasting process have a significant impact on salted eggs (P <0.05) against its white and yellow color but does not significantly affect its chewy and salty taste. The best result can be seen in the stage with 5 minutes roasting time and 2 weeks for storage time