168 research outputs found


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    Background : Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) was widely found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. WHO noted Indonesia as a country with the highest DHF cases in Southeast Asia. DHF was an endemic disease, discovered in1954, entered Indonesia in 1968. In Sleman Regency, the number of DHF cases in2017 was 427 (IR 46.31 of 100,000 population with 3 deaths (CFR 0.7%). The number of cases was decreased, compared to 2016. That was recorded at 880 cases (IR 82.7 of 100,000 population with 9 deaths (CFR 1%). Larva-free number (ABJ)  in Sleman Regency was 91.79%, below standard 95%. But the incidence of DHF was decreased. The general objective of study was determined the relationship between ABJ with the Incidence Rate of DHF in Sleman Regency in2013-2017.Method : The population was the incidence of DHF in Sleman Regency in 2013 - 2017, using secondary data. The independent variable was ABJ and the Incidence Rate of DHF as the dependent variable. Univariate analysis was done to get a decription of ABJ and IR DHF. Bivariate analysis was performed to examine the relationship between ABJ and DHF Incidence Rate. The strength of relationship was obtained by regression and correlation analysis.Result : these results was showed a very low relationship and a positive pattern. A coefficient of determination was closed to zerro, indicated no relationship.Conclusion : between 2013-2017, the Larva-free Numbers in Sleman Regency was fluctuated, in 2016-2017 it was below standard. Incidence Rate in Sleman Regency 2013-2017 was fluctuated, the lowest case occurred in 2017. There was a weak negative relationship between ABJ and IR DHF in Sleman Regency namely 2013-2017, but statistically not meaningful


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    Background : Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) was widely found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. WHO noted Indonesia as a country with the highest DHF cases in Southeast Asia. DHF was an endemic disease, discovered in1954, entered Indonesia in 1968. In Sleman Regency, the number of DHF cases in2017 was 427 (IR 46.31 of 100,000 population with 3 deaths (CFR 0.7%). The number of cases was decreased, compared to 2016. That was recorded at 880 cases (IR 82.7 of 100,000 population with 9 deaths (CFR 1%). Larva-free number (ABJ)  in Sleman Regency was 91.79%, below standard 95%. But the incidence of DHF was decreased. The general objective of study was determined the relationship between ABJ with the Incidence Rate of DHF in Sleman Regency in2013-2017.Method : The population was the incidence of DHF in Sleman Regency in 2013 - 2017, using secondary data. The independent variable was ABJ and the Incidence Rate of DHF as the dependent variable. Univariate analysis was done to get a decription of ABJ and IR DHF. Bivariate analysis was performed to examine the relationship between ABJ and DHF Incidence Rate. The strength of relationship was obtained by regression and correlation analysis.Result : these results was showed a very low relationship and a positive pattern. A coefficient of determination was closed to zerro, indicated no relationship.Conclusion : between 2013-2017, the Larva-free Numbers in Sleman Regency was fluctuated, in 2016-2017 it was below standard. Incidence Rate in Sleman Regency 2013-2017 was fluctuated, the lowest case occurred in 2017. There was a weak negative relationship between ABJ and IR DHF in Sleman Regency namely 2013-2017, but statistically not meaningful


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    Background : Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) was widely found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. WHO noted Indonesia as a country with the highest DHF cases in Southeast Asia. DHF was an endemic disease, discovered in1954, entered Indonesia in 1968. In Sleman Regency, the number of DHF cases in2017 was 427 (IR 46.31 of 100,000 population with 3 deaths (CFR 0.7%). The number of cases was decreased, compared to 2016. That was recorded at 880 cases (IR 82.7 of 100,000 population with 9 deaths (CFR 1%). Larva-free number (ABJ)  in Sleman Regency was 91.79%, below standard 95%. But the incidence of DHF was decreased. The general objective of study was determined the relationship between ABJ with the Incidence Rate of DHF in Sleman Regency in2013-2017.Method : The population was the incidence of DHF in Sleman Regency in 2013 - 2017, using secondary data. The independent variable was ABJ and the Incidence Rate of DHF as the dependent variable. Univariate analysis was done to get a decription of ABJ and IR DHF. Bivariate analysis was performed to examine the relationship between ABJ and DHF Incidence Rate. The strength of relationship was obtained by regression and correlation analysis.Result : these results was showed a very low relationship and a positive pattern. A coefficient of determination was closed to zerro, indicated no relationship.Conclusion : between 2013-2017, the Larva-free Numbers in Sleman Regency was fluctuated, in 2016-2017 it was below standard. Incidence Rate in Sleman Regency 2013-2017 was fluctuated, the lowest case occurred in 2017. There was a weak negative relationship between ABJ and IR DHF in Sleman Regency namely 2013-2017, but statistically not meaningful

    Efektivitas Air Perasan Kulit Jeruk Manis sebagai Larvasida Nyamuk Aedes aegypti

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    Demam berdarah dengue ditularkan nyamuk Aedes aegypti yang dapat dicegah dengan temefos. Penggunaan yang berkelanjutan berdampak pada resistensi nyamuk dan kerusakan lingkungan. Untuk itu perlu larvasida alami dengan menggunakan air perasan kulit jeruk manis. Tujuan penelitian untuk membuktikan efektivitas air perasan kulit jeruk manis dalam membunuh larva uji dilihat dari nilai LC50 dan LT50 serta perbedaan efektivitasnya dengan temefos. Sampel 25 larva Aedes aegypti setiap gelas media dengan kriteria inklusi instar III yang aktif dan kriteria eksklusi larva instar I, II dan yang telah menjadi pupa/mati. Larva uji diamati selama 24 jam dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Desain penelitian adalah eksperimental murni. Tempat penelitian di Laboratorium Entomologi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan pada Juni 2014. Larvasida alami dibuat dengan menghaluskan kulit jeruk manis dan disaring sampai diperoleh sarinya. Konsentrasi yang digunakan adalah 0,05%; 0,2%; 0,4%; 0,6%; 0,8%; 1%; 1,2%; dan 1,4%. Penetapan konsentrasi berdasarkan pada uji pendahuluan, kematian larva tertinggi pada konsentrasi 1% dan terendah pada 0%. Pengolahan data dengan analisis regresi linear dan regresi probit. Air perasan kulit jeruk manis efektif sebagai larvasida nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Nilai LC50 adalah 0,731% dan nilai LT50 adalah 13.211 jam. Kelompok perlakuan yang dibandingkan dengan temfos (kontrol positif) menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada konsentrasi 0,05% ; 0,2%; 0,4% dan 0,6%.Effectivity of Sweet Orange Peel Juice as a Larvasides of Aedes aegypti MosquitoDengue hemorrhagic fever is transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquito that can be prevented with temefos. Sustainable use affects on mosquito resistance and environmental damage. Therefore, it needs natural larvasides by using sweet orange peel juice. The study aimed to prove the effectivity of sweet orange peel juice in killing test larvae seen from the LC50 and LT50 value as well as any difference of its effectivity with temefos. Samples were 25 Aedes aegypti larvae in each glass medium active instar III inclusion criterion and instar I, II, and which had become pupa / die exclusion criteria. Tested larvae were observed for 24 hours with three times repetition. The study desaign was true experimental. The place of study was in Entomology Laboratory of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan on June 2014. Natural larvasides was made from sweet orange peel juice. Concentration used was of 0.05%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, 1%, 1.2%, and 1.4%. Determination of concentration based on preliminary test where the highest larva mortality 1% and the lowest at 0%. Processing of data was conducted using linear regression analysis and probit regression. Juice of sweet orange peel was effective as the Aedes aegypti mosquito larvicides. LC50 value was 0,731% and LT50 value was 13.211 hours. Group of treatment compared to temfos (control positive) resulted a significant difference in the concentration of 0.05%, 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6%

    Bukti Korespondensi Gangguan Mental Lingkungan

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    HKI Desain industri tas stunting

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