7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Istirahat terhadap Aktivitas Kolinesterase Petani Penyemprot Pestisida Organofosfat di Kecamatan Pacet, Jawa Barat

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    Pola Penggunaan Obat Dan Obat Tradisional Dalam Upaya Pengobatan Sendiri Di Tanjung Bintang, Lampung

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    Self-medication appeared to be the initial effort of around 60% of the urban community in three cities on Java Island, in 1993. Drugs were used more frequently than the traditional medicines. Self-medication might potentially be an efficient self-help means for the community before getting the opportunity to reach the Primary health center. To achieve effectiveness of the self-medication effort, providing good information, how ever is strongly needed. The cross sectional study has been carried out among a rural community in two villages of Subdistrict Tanjung Bintang, in the Southern part of Lampung province. The sample population consist of housewives, who had ever taken drug or traditional medicines within the last month prior to the interview. Respondents (320 housewives) were choosen by multistage random sampling based on the number of households, RT and RW. Data were analyzed and presented as means and as the frequency distribution of the variables. The result obtained are : (1) A total of 74,5% prevalence was found taking drugs and traditional medicines for a period of one month, drugs how ever were used more frequently. (2) Drugs were taken as an effort in relieving their perceived headache, fever, or cough, according to their knowledge obtained from advertisement through television and radio programs. They got acces to the remedial products in small shops (warung), within a distance up to 500 meter from their home, without needing any transportation, and with a cost of Rp 194 (SD.± 289). (3) On the other hand, traditional medicines were taken as a remedy against diarrhoea, muscle-aches and health preventive/ fitness, according their knowledge received from their relatives and neighbours. They obtained the remedial product from the Vendors, within a distance up to 500 meter from thier dweeling place, without needing any transportation, and with a cost of Rp 407 (SD.± 500). (4) Effectiveness of the self-medication effort were perceived by around 78,5% and 72,2% of the user, for drug and traditional medicines respectively

    Pola Resistensi Kuman Mycobacterium Tuberculosis dan Keefektifan Paduan Oat pada Penderita Tb Paru di 10 Puskesmas DKI Jakarta, 1997

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    Explorative study to find out the susceptibility pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the effectiveness of fixed pack of tuberculosis drugs for resistant TB patients, had been conducted at 10 Health Centers in Jakarta. The study was conducted prospectively and the cohort of TB cases were found out by passive case finding method during March-December 1997. Case management carried out complying the TB treatment guidelines at HCs. The HCs were selectedpurposively based on the number of TB patients per month during 1996. The cases being studied consist of cases with no prior treatment and cases with history of one month treatment or more. Sputum AFB confirmation and susceptibility testing had done at Persahabatan Hospital and 10% cross check at Laboratory of Microbiology University of Indonesia. A total of 226 cases out of 330 cases from 10 HCs, met the requirement of the inclusion criteria. More than 50% of the cases were people of productive age. Among the study cases with no prior treatment 15.2% were resistant to at least 1 drug. Among the cases with history of one month treatment or morefefhe resistance prevalence to at least one drug was 4.7%. The total resistance prevalence at 10 HCs was 19.9% (38 cases). Total resistance to isoniazide (INH) was 15.2% and the multi drug resistance (MDR) was 4.7%. The conversion rate of all study cases was 59.3%, 70.8% completed the full course of anti tuberculosis drugs and 20.8% drop out. Among the resistant cases (38 cases), the conversion rate was 47.4% and 63.2% completed the full course. Using Chi square test there was no significant difference statisticaly on conversion rate among the groups of the whole cases, cases with no prior treatment, cases with history of one month treatment or more and the resistant cases. Despite the need for further clinical significance confirmation, the information of non statistical significant difference among the conversion rates of all groups, offered healing expectation for the TB resistant cases if the more strict conditions of case holding management are applied

    The Kap of Pesticide\u27s Handlers in Relation of the Activity Blood Levet at Subdistrict Pacet, Cianjur - West Java

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    Dewasa ini berbagai upaya mencegah keracunan khususnya yang menyangkut pengaturan distribusi maupun upaya-upaya lainnya telah banyak dilakukan, tetapi keracunan akibat pestisida masih menjadi masalah di dunia. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa insidens keracunan pestisida banyak disebabkan oleh keti­daktepatan penggunaan pestisida. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi ketidaktepatan penggunaan, seperti tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku (KAP) pengguna pestisida dengan segala kondisi sosial yang melatarbelakangi­nya, penggunaan alat pelindung serta kurangnya informasi yang berkaitan dengan risiko penggunaan pestisida. Studi tentang KAP dan faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi keracunan pestisida oleh pengguna pestisida dilakukan di Keca­matan Pacet, Kab. Cianjur Jawa Barat pada bulan Mei 1996. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur prevalensi keracunan pestisida dalam kaitannya dengan KAP dan faktor-faktor lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan sccara \u27cross sectional study\u27 dengan sampel pemakai pestisida di Kecamatan Pacet, yang dipilih secara \u27systematic cluster sampling\u27. Sebagai cluster adalah kelompok petani di tiap desa. Informasi tentang KAP dan faktor lainnya dikumpulkan melalui survai rumah tangga melalui wawancara dan observasi. Prevalensi tingkat keracunan pestisida ditentukan melalui persentase kolinesterase dalam darah (% CHE), yang pengukurannya dilakukan dengan alat Lovibond Tintometer di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 6,3% dari responden mempunyai tingkat 62,5% CHE dan 40% dari responden mempunyai 75% CHE. Persentase ini digunakan sebagai titik yang menentukan seseorang keracunan atau tidak. Kec. Pacet merupakan daerah intensitas tinggi penggunaan pestisida, sehingga dengan tingkat CHE yang rendah saja dapat menyebabkan seseorang keracunan pestisida. Di lain pihak, tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara KAP dengan rendahnya tingkat % CHE