143 research outputs found

    The Cultural Heritage as Found in Javanese Wedding Pranatacara Genre : in Search of Identity in Diversity

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    Penelitian ini herusaha mengeksplorasi dan mendeskripsi-kan kekayaan budaya dalam genre pranatacara upacara perkmi·inan Jawa untuk menekankan arti penting pelestarian identitas dalam keberagaman. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan merekam secara audiovisual sebuah upacara perkawinan yang disebut "Tumplak Punjen,. dengan mehgutamakan khasanah kulwral, seperti seting, pakaian, perilaku manusia, dan penggunaan bahasa. Penelitian ini menemukan hahwa genre ini sangat kaya dengan khasanah yang mensimholisasi.fi/oso.fi dan ideologi .Jawa. Penelitian inijuga menjustffikasi pentingnya pelestarian warisan budaya sehagai salah satu usaha memelihara identitas dalam keberagaman sesuai dengan Kenyataan bahwa Indonesia mentpakan negara multi suku dan hahasa. Sangat ditekankan bahwa kekayaan hudaya tersebut dilestarikan karenajuga menqx1kan kekayaan budaya dunia. Penelitial} inijuga herimplikasi pedagogis bahwa hahasa dan budaya perlu diintegrasikan secara utuh dalam pemhelajaran, haik mengenai bahasa arau budaya. Key Words: cultural heritage, philosophy: ideolog

    Integrating Local Cultures in Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Character Building

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    Teaching a language, including English, without contents is meaningless for it consists of merely symbols and grammatical rules. Considering that language is a means of communication, the contents can be the message to be transferred. The contents of teaching English as a foreign language will be more meaningful if they are related to students' socio-economic cultural backgrounds. It does not mean that it ignores the ideas that teaching a language is also teaching its native speakers' cultures because a language itself is a kind of cultural products. In teaching English as a foreign language, the cultures of its native speakers can be used as meaningful input texts to explore and elaborate local cultures consisting of moral values and local wisdoms meaningful for character building. To do so, teachers and lecturers teaching English are suggested that they not only discuss linguistic components, but also integrate local cultures consisting of moral values and wisdoms as the contents of their teaching skills. The steps are (1) rendering meaningful input texts related to cultures; (2) discussing contents; (3) exploring and elaborating local cultures especially for productive skills; (4) using appropriate English expressions; (5) discussing contents related to cultures consisting of moral values and wisdoms; and (6) emphasizing moral values and local wisdoms for character

    Turbulent Characteristics of Shallow Flow Over Rough Surface with Regularly Arrayed Spheres

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    Turbulent nature of near-bed flow field was investigated in an open channel over a rough-bed artificially arrayed with glass beads, where ratios of the glass diameter to flow depth are 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8. Detailed spatial measurements of streamwise and vertical velocity fluctuations were made using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a vertical plane along the completely rough bed surface. Results indicated significant degrees of spatially regular variation in the time-averaged velocities, in which the upflow generated over upper region of roughness top is about 8% of the cross sectional average velocity, much stronger than the downflow. In addition, Reynolds shear stress and turbulent intensity showed minimum values at the ridge of roughness elements and maximum ones at the trough. These organized flow structure were suggested to be due to the vortex shedding brought about by the roughness elements

    Struktur Tahanan Aliran Turbulen Di Atas Permukaan Kasar Dasar Saluran Terbuka

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    Effect of regularly arrayed sphere and cylindrical roughness on flow resistance and turbulent structures at over completely rough-bed with uniform stainless steel rods, and glass beads in an open channel have been investigated. Detail measurement of flow depth were conducted by using Particle Image Velocimetry. Experimental results indicated that flow resistance with sphere roughness is stronger than cylindrical roughness. Significant degrees of spatially regular variation in the time-average velocity were generated along the rough element in case of the large ratio of the roughness height to flow depth. In addition, Reynold shear stress abruptly decreased near the ridge of roughness elements. It was suggested that the difference in flow resistance between sphere roughness and cylinder one, these organized flow structure were explained by form induce stres

    Penelitian Kuantitatif dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing

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    In finishing their study, almost every university student feels that writing skripsi, thesis or dissertation is a ´nightmare´. .Many negative ´short cuts´ are taken by the students in coping with the problem. One of the main reasons is that they do not master the kind of research they are going to conduct, i.e. to plan, conduct and report it. This paper is an effort to give a general overview on the quantitative research, especially in the field of foreign language teaching, in order to give a sound basis for the students and so to decrease their anxiety