206 research outputs found


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    Kondisi kekinian dalam proses pembelajaran masih dijumpai model pembelajaran yang masih berpusat pada tenaga pendidik (teaching center learning) dengan mengajarkan dan masih memberikan pembelajaran yang bersifat materi, serta dosen sebagai pusat pembelajaran itu sendiri. Pilihan lain adalah model pembelajaran dengan student center learning berbasis lesson study. Model pembelajaran lesson study yang dilaksanakan apakah akan dapat menjawab kelemahan dari teaching center learning, bahwa dengan model ini student center learning menjadi semakin dapat dirasakan dampaknya, untuk itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui apakah pembelajaran kolegialitas, mutual learning, kolaboratif dapat meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran, kompetensi dosen dan juga motivasi belajar yang semakin meningkat. Model pembelajaran lesson study dapat menjawab kelemahan dari teaching center learning, bahwa dengan model ini student center learning, kolegialitas, kolaboratif dapat meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran, kompotensi dosen dan juga motivasi belajar yang semakin meningkat


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    Although corporate social responsibility has been declared in realizing the three main pillars of development, namely reducing the number of unemployed (pro-job), reducing the number of poor people (pro-poor) and increasing economic growth (pro-growth), however serious efforts need to be made in realizing it, so that community empowerment is based on community needs. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the implementation of CSR programs based on community needs. The results of the study show that social responsibility emphasizes the dimensions of developing potential for empowerment and human resource development, institutional cooperation, and sustainable development. The characteristics of the targets of the empowerment program must pay attention to the communities surrounding the company, local potential for growth, capacity building (education and training), the program is sustainable and minimizes charity, provides added value, both economically and socially and to support and synergy with government programs. Identification of the type and level of need empowerment programs that increase independence based on the potential in the community, programs or more specific needs that can be done in a certain period in accordance with the strategic planning and work plan of the company while still based on the performance to be achieved by the compan

    Antecedents of Visiting Decisions on Artificial Travel Destinations: Millennial Generation Perspectives

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of tourist motivation, electronic word of mouthand destination image on the decision to visit the Gunung Mas Palace in Lamongan. The sample usesnon probability sampling method with a purposive sampling or random sampling procedure byselecting 106 visitors. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression. The results ofmultiple linear regression analysis prove that tourist motivation and destination image proved not tohave a significant effect partially on decisions leading to Gunung Mas Palace in Lamongan, whileelectronic word of mouth proved to have a partially significant influence on the decision to visit theGunung Mas Palace in Lamonga


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction in context of Word-of-Mouth. Data was collected through quizzes from "students of the Faculty of Economics Business University of Muhammadiyah Gresik (FEB-UMG). The results of the study show that service quality has an effect on customer value, quality service and customer value have an effect on customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction has an effect on positive words of mouth of FEB-UMG students. Further research on the topic of customer value, many factors can be used as response variables other than service quality including company reputation, benefits of service use, community effects and marketing mix. While the trust variable in higher education can be included as a response variable to customer satisfactio

    Social-Mapping Sebagai Landasan Perencanaan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berkelanjutan

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    Planning a community empowerment should be placed as a reference of how to implement development programs and empowerment in order to comply with the direction and expectations of society. Planning community development is often called social mapping. Social mapping is mean to see and know the state of society, and then do a need assessment. The purpose of research is to identify problems of socio-economic, socio-economic potential and other opportunities that can be developed, the characteristics of the targeted empowerment. And to identify the type and level of need empowerment programs that enhance self-sufficiency. This research approach uses a qualitative approach case study. Results show focuses on the socio-economic problems of the most visible problems and are at locations surrounding environment companies ranging from the causes and impact. The various socio-economic potentials focuses on the dimensions of the current potential, institutional cooperation and continued development. The characteristics of the targeted community empowerment have noticed about those directly affected, to develop local potential, capacity building, sustainable programs, provide added value and synergy with the government. That the identification program carried out within a specified period in accordance with the strategic plan and business plan and based on performance and public expectation

    The Role of Authentic Local Resources and Social Capital in the Development of Sustainable Village Tourism

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    This study aims to determine the role of authentic local resources and social capital in influencing the development of sustainable village tourism. This research refers to the social exchange theory and the theory of resources base view, using 30 managers of the village tourism "Lontar Sewu" as respondents who then carried out a bootstrapping process of 300 data. WarpPLS processed the collected data. The results revealed that the data collected met the validity and reliability requirements and the fit of the model. Estimation of the model showed that the authenticity of local resources and the social capital of the community had a positive relationship with sustainable village tourism. Likewise, the verification showed that the authenticity of local resources affected sustainable village tourism, and social capital affected sustainable village tourism. The findings showed that the authenticity of local resources and social capital was proven to have an important role in sustainable village tourism, such as the sustainability of the Lontar tree ecosystem (authenticity), the uniqueness of village tourism that is maintained, and local wisdom that makes the community involved in developing village tourism. This research provides a significant theoretical contribution to the sustainable tourism literature. Furthermore, this research has a number of practical implications for village tourism managers in terms of sustainable village tourism management

    Pengaruh Job-Engagement Terhadap Perilaku Withdrawal Melalui Komitmen Organisasi

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    Human resources (HR) as one of the keys for the company in achieving its goals and success. Achieving company goals if HR shows good reliability, therefore companies need to make HR play a key role in an organization so that there is involvement, love or employee engagement that impacts on the sustainability of an organization, which can build organizational commitment and also determine how employees will behave. In this study offers a new theoretical framework of management as a shaping factor for the importance of organizational commitment and also the behavior of withdrawal of employees, the sample is carried out on employees with a contractual status of 54 in a higher education institution. The analysis tool uses path analysis with warpPLS. The results show that job engagement negatively influences employee organizational commitment, job engagement has a negative influence on withdrawal behavior, organizational commitment has a negative influence on withdrawal behavior while organizational commitment cannot be a mediating variable between job engagement and employee withdrawal behavior

    Pengaruh Kepercayaan Konsumen, Promosi Media Sosial dan Celebrity Endoser Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Online Shop Shopee

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    Background - Development of technology and information on the economic aspect has changed the media for selling businesses in developing their business. Objective - This study aims to examine the effect of consumer trust, social media-based promotions, and celebrity endorsers on consumer buying interest in online shop shopee. Design/Methodology/Approach - This study using quantitative methods. This research was conducted at the Muhammadiyah University of Gresik. The number of respondents used was 85 students. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the questionnaire in the study were tested using the SPSS version 24 program. Findings - The analysis show that the variables of consumer trust, social media-based promotions, and celebrity endorsers have a positive and significant effect on consumer buying interest in online shop shopee. Research implications - Influence The highest score is obtained from the results of multiple linear regression coefficient analysis on the social media promotion variable of 0.419, which means that the higher the social media promotion is carried out, the higher the purchase intention that arises from consumers. Research limitations - this research was limited to users of the shopee platform for active management students in 2018 Muhammadiyah University of Gresik
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