12 research outputs found

    Acupressure and Aromatic Ginger Herb for a Migraine

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    Background: a Migraine is a headache with pain attacks lasting 4 - 72 hours. Pain is usually unilateral, it is pulsating, the intensity of pain is moderate to severe and aggravated by activity, and can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia. Headaches are one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. It has been estimated that 47% of the adult population experience headaches at least once in the past year in general. According to TCM, headache is a disease with a headache accompanied by a variety of symptoms, where the cause is an external pathogen and causes in the body. Acupressure is one form of traditional treatment skills by suppressing acupuncture points with emphasis on using fingers or blunt objects on the surface of the body, in order to support promotive, effective, rehabilitative efforts. In addition to acupressure, herbal drinks can also be used to reduce pain, namely aromatic ginger. Purpose: Knowing the effect of acupressure and aromatic ginger herbs (Kaempferia galangal Linn.) combination therapy in reducing migraine complaints. Methods: Acupressure at Fengchi point (GB20) 50 times, Taiyang (EX-HN5) 50 times, Sanyinjiao (SP6) 30 times, Taichong (LR3) 50 times and aromatic ginger herbs (Kaempferia galangal Linn.) 15 grams for 28 days. Results: Migraine complaints decreased from 5 times a month to 3 times a month. No more complaints of nausea, hypochondrium pain, diarrhea, and insomnia. Conclusion: Acupressure at Fengchi point (GB20) was 50 times of the pressure, Taiyang (EX-HN5) was 50 times of the pressure, Sanyinjiao (SP6) was 30 times of the pressure, Taichong (LR3) was 50 times of the pressure and the aromatic ginger herbs (Kaempferia galangal Linn.) As much as 15 grams for 28 days could reduce migraine complaints

    Pemuliaan Kentang Produk Rekayasa Genetik Tahan terhadap Penyakit Busuk Daun (Phytophthora Infestans) dan Aman Pangan di Indonesia

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    Pemanfaatan tanaman kentang produk rekayasa genetik (PRG) dalam pemuliaan tanaman melalui persilangan dengan Atlantic dan Granola telah menghasilkan enam galur PRG hasil silangan yang terseleksi. Sebelum komersialisasi, kentang PRG harus dikaji keamanan pangan dan lingkungannya. Penulisan bertujuan memberikan informasi mengenai tanaman kentang PRG di Indonesia yang tahan terhadap penyakit busuk daun Phytophthora infestans dan telah dinyatakan aman untuk di-konsumsi oleh manusia. Analisis stabilitas menunjukkan bahwa gen RB stabil terintegrasi selama empat generasi klonal ber-urutan dalam genom tanaman kentang PRG dengan satu sisipan gen. Hasil studi komposisi dan nutrisi, glikoalkaloid total, dan anti nutrisi pada kentang PRG Katahdin SP951 dan galur-galur silangannya bersifat sepadan dengan Katahdin non-PRG. Studi toksisitas menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan suspensi umbi kentang dan suspensi tepung kentang Katahdin SP951 dan galur-galur silangan tidak berdampak terhadap mortalitas, bobot badan, dan tanda-tanda klinis pada mencit. Protein RB tidak memiliki homologi yang tinggi dengan protein toksin sehingga tidak bersifat toksik. Studi alergenisitas dengan Simulated Gastric Fluid dan Simulated Intestinal Fluid menunjukkan bahwa protein umbi kentang Katahdin SP951 dan galur-galur silangan terdegradasi kurang dari 5 menit inkubasi setelah perlakuan enzim pepsin atau tripsin. Protein RB tidak mempunyai sekuen asam amino yang homolog dengan protein alergen, sehingga tidak berpotensi menimbulkan alergi. Kentang Katahdin SP951 telah dinyatakan aman untuk dikonsumsi melalui Keputusan Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan tahun 2016. Tanaman kentang PRG tahan P. infestans yang dapat mengurangi 50% aplikasi fungisida, dan telah mendapat sertifikat aman pangan dan aman lingkungan diharapkan dapat menjadi pilihan untuk dimanfaatkan petani

    Sinensetin-Rich Fraction Solid Dispersion Inhibits Cancer Cell Cycle

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    Drug development efforts to find new selective and safe drugs for cancer from natural resources are promising ones. The natural products are obtained in the multiple or single compounds. One of them is a sinensetin found in ethanol extract of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. Sinensetin could inhibit cancer cell proliferation. However, it has a poor solubility so the absorption is low and then it impacts on the low bioavailability. The solubility problem in conventional drug could be solved by pharmaceutical manipulation. In the previous research, the manipulation was tried although there was no single compound found in the material tested. We found an optimal formula of a manipulation using solid disperse system of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) 15 times higher than sinensetin weight. This research was focused on observing the effect of the optimal formula of solid disperse system to inhibit cancer cell cycle. The cell lines used were T47D cells. The method used was flow cytometry. The result showed that the optimum formula has a consistent effect on the concentration of 40 and 60µg/mL. The sinensetin increase cell accumulation on S phase at the percentage of 18.80% (40µg/mL) and 22.21% (60µg/mL) compared to T47D normal cells. It reflects the S phase as the longest time experienced by the cells. Inhibition on S phase (S arrest) resulted from a DNA elongation. It causes an inhibition of DNA synthesis process. It could be concluded that the solid disperse of sinensetin was active to inhibit cancer cells proliferation on phase S

    Hypoglycemic Activity Herbal Tea Combination of Andrographis paniculata Herbs and Swietenia mahagoni Seeds

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    ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that continues to present a major world wide health problem. Numerous herbal drugs like Andrographis paniculata and Swietenia mahagoni have been used by people of various cultures to treat diabetes. The aim of this research was to measure the hypoglycemic activity herbal tea of Andrographis paniculata herbs and Swietenia mahagoni seeds and their combination in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. The tea was prepared by brewing 10 g herbal tea with 100 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes. The herbal tea of Andrographis paniculata herbs, Swietenia mahagoni seeds, combination with ratio 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1 (0.4 ml/20 g BW), was administered orally to groups I, II, III, IV and V respectively. The reference drug glibenclamide (0.013 mg/10 g BW) and CMC-Na were also administered orally to animals in positive and negative control group respectively. Oral administration of herbal tea for seven days resulted in a slight reduction in blood glucose level. Statistically there is no groups that has significant difference with negative control groups (P < 0.05) except positive control. Therefore the herbal tea combination of Andrographis paniculata herbs and Swietenia mahagoni seeds with ratio 2:1, showed the biggest reduction in blood glucose level (88.20 ± 43.16 mg/dl)