11 research outputs found

    Kandungan Pestisida Organoklorin Daging Ayam Roiler Yang Diberi Gulma Salvinia Molesta Rawa Pening Sebagai Campuran Pakan (Organochlorine Content of Broiler Administered with S. Molesta Containing Feed of Rawa Pening's Weed)

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    The goal of this research is to examine whether there is an effect of giving S. molesta weed in Rawa Pening as the composition for brolier chicken ration. The ration contains of organochlorine pesticides. Material given in this research are chicken meats from 16 cut up of the chickens. These chicken are from 100 broiler chickens strain Lohman which have been raised for about 42 days. The approximate mass of chicken body for each chicken is about 1 up to 1.5 kilograms. This reserach used several stages. The stages are preparation and raising the chickens, cutting up the chickens, preparation for the samples, and the analysis by using Gas Chromatography (CG) procedure. The design of the research used in the raising the chickens is Complete Random Design with 4 treatments which for each treatments has been done in four times treatment (To = Broiler ration with 0 % of S. molesta; T1 = Broiler ration with 6 % of S. molesta; T2 = Broiler ration with 12 % of S. molesta; T3 = Broiler ration with 18 % of S. molesta). The analysis for total organochlorine used 16 samples of chicken meats with 4 treatments by 4 times random repetitions. The analysis for the organochlorine profile used 4 samples of chicken Broiler meat by 4 treatments. The data about the content of total organochlorine was analyzed with F test (One Way Anova) in significant range (α) = 0.05. Then, continuing the analysis was by using double region test Duncan, processing of the data was used SPSS 16.0 program. While, the data about the content of organochlorine profile was analyzed descriptively. The result of the research showed that the ration with treatment until 18 % for the broiler chicken has affected (P<0.05) towards organochlorine for chicken meat. The total analysis in organochlorine shows that there is a siginicant increase. The increasing data are 0.05 ppm; 0.09 ppm; 0.14 ppm; dan 0.18 ppm. It has been stated that all the analysis for organochlorine profile for all the giving ration could not be detected because the result was still beyond the detection limit

    Kombinasi Pemberian Vitamin A dan E dalam Ransum terhadap Kecernaan Lemak dan Indikator Ketahanan Tubuh pada Ayam Kedu Petelur

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    The study aims to examine the effect of vitamin A and E combination in ration to increase productivity seen from body resistannce indicators ( heterophile / lymphocyte ratio (H/L ratio) and blood cholesterol) of kedu layer chickens. The research was conducted in November 2011 until February 2012. The research using 20 males and 100 females one year old Kedu chicken, Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Treatment applied were T0 = ration without supplementation, T1 = ration + vitamin E, T2 = ration + vitamin A and T3 = ration + vitamin A and E. Ration composed from yellow corn, rice bran, soybean meal, fish meal, shellfish meal and CaCO3. Parameters observed are H/L ratio, fat digestibility, blood cholesterol and the hen day production (HDP). Data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance and continue analyzed by Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed a significant effect (P <0.05) on fat digestibility but had no significant effect (P <0.05) against H/L ratio, blood cholesterol and HDP. Based on the results of this study concluded that combination of vitamin A (2000 IU) and E (20 IU) in ration did not interfere body resistance stability and even improve the response of chicken to the environment based on the value of H/L ratio and blood cholesterol

    Kombinasi Vitamin E Dan Bakteri Asam Laktat (Bal) Terhadap Konsentrasi Bal Dan Potensial Hidrogen (Ph) Pada Ayam Kedu Dipelihara Secara in Situ

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    The study aims to determine the effect of the addition of lactic acid bacteria in the ration to potential hydrogen (pH) and the concentration of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in digestive track 12 months old kedu chicken. The research was conducted on November 2011 to January 2012 on Livestock Farmers Groups Makukuhan Mandiri Kedu, Temanggung. The Research using 100 female kedu chickens, and 20 male kedu chickens age of 12 months. Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications (5 females and 1 male). Treatment applied is T0 = ration without supplements, T1 = ration + 20 IU vitamin E, T2 = ration + 0.6 ml lactic acid bacteria (Biostarter A) and T3 = ration + vitamin E 20 IU + 0.6 ml acid bacteria lactate (Biostarter A). Ration composed from bran, yellow corn, soybean meal, fish meal, shellfish meal, and CaCO3. Parameters observed include consumption, LAB concentrations, intestinal pH conditions, rate of digesta, and hen day production. The results showed that the concentration of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (P <0.05) is significant among all treatments but the combination of vitamin E and LAB lower the pH and slow the rate of digesta. Other parameters such as consumption and hen day production (HDP) is not affected by the treatment. Conclusion from the study is addition of vitamin E by 20 IU/100 g ration and lactic acid bacteria as much as 0.6 ml / head / day make the same result in consumption of rations and daily egg production, but may increase the concentration of lactic acid bacteria, lowering the pH of the small intestine, and slow the rate of digesta

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia Pandurata Roxb.) Dalam Ransum Terhadap Performans Pada Ayam Broiler (the Effect of Feeding Fingerroot (Boesenbergia Pandurata Roxb.) Powder on Broiler Performance)

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of dietary fingerroot (Boesenbergia pandurata ROXB.)powderaddition on performance (feed consumption, body weight again, feed conversion ratio), carcass percentage and meat bone ratio of broiler chickens. One hundred and twenty broiler chick unsex age of 7 days body weight 137,5 g ± 16,04 g each experimental unit 6 chickens were allocated in five levels of fingerrootpowder addition (0; 0,8; 1,2; 1,6; and 2%). The experimental design used in this study was Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The data obtained were analyzed using analisis of varianc with F-test level 5% and if the results of the analysis show that the real effect of treatment will be followed by the Least Significant Duncan test. The result showed that feed feed consumption, body weight again, feed conversion ratio carcass percentage and meat bone ratio not significantly effect (P>0,05) in dietary fingerroot ration.The conclusion of the experiment is that fingerroot powder could be effect performance in broiler

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Ekstrak Daun Beluntas (Pluchea Indica Less) Sebagai Pengganti Klorin Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Organik Dan Retensi Nitrogen Ayam Broiler (the Effect of Beluntas (Pluchea Indica Less) Leaves Extract as Clorine Subtitution in Organik Mat

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    This study is aimed to determine effect of addition of Beluntas leaves extract (BE) as chlorine (Cl) in organic matter digestion as well as and nitrogen retention. The study was used complete randomized experimental design a hundrend and fourty heads of broilers DOC with weght 45,58 ± 40 g, were treated with 5 treatments and 4 replications as 7 broilers. Treatments in study are T0= control; T1= basal feeds + (2% BE+ 30 ppm Cl); T2= basal feeds+ (4% BE+ 20 ppm Cl); T3= basat feeds + (6% BE + 10 ppm Cl); T4= basal feeds + (8% BE+ 0 ppm Cl). Parameters were measured are organic matter digestions and nitrogen retention. Measured data were analized with ANOVA and duncan multiple range test. Results of the study showed that treatment had significant effect (P<0.05) to parameters. The best result is T4 (which has organic matter digestion 82.07%, nitrogen retention 3.07% and protein utilization 0.78%. It concluded that BE has effect to organic matter digestion as well as nitrogen retention and can substitute Cl in 8% level of BE

    Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Sitrat Dalam Ransum Sebagai Acidifier Terhadap Retensi Kalsium Dan Fosfor Itik Jantan Lokal (the Effect of Citric Acids Addition in Diets as Acidifier on Calcium and Phospor Retention of the Local Male Ducks)

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of citrit acids addition on calcium and phospor retention of the local male ducks diets. This experiment was conducted using 80 local male ducks at 8 weeks with average live weight 1221,17 + 38,43 g. Basal diets were formulated from yellow corn, rice brand, parched rice, soybean meal, fish meal and mineral. The treatment was added citric acids at level T0= 0 g or 0% ; T1= 1 g or 0,67 ; T2= 2 g or 1,33% and T3= 3 g or 2,00%. The parameters of the research were feed consumption, calcium and phospor consumption, calcium and phospor retention, and body weight. Research design used was Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Analyzed data was using Analysis of variance in 5% level, if there were significant effected would be tested by Duncan's Multiple Range Test Method. The result showed that citrit acids addition in local male ducks diets were different significantly (P<0,05) on calcium and phospor retention, mean while were not different significantly (P>0,05) on feed consumption, calcium and phospor consumption, and body weight of local male ducks

    The Optimal Dose of Intraperitoneal Heat Shock Protein (Hsp70) to Prevent Death in Sepsis Mice Model with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

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    Background: In theory, heat shock protein (HSP70) can reduce the expression of Cyt. C, Bax, and Caspase 3, in apoptosis ofmultiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), and thereby can prevent death. Previous researchers used 226 mg/KgBW/intraperitoneal (ip) of HSP70. There is a lack of studies which used the lowest effective dose of HSP70. This study aimed to determine the lowest effective dose of HSP70 to prevent death in sepsis mice model with MODS. Subjects and Method: This was a randomized control trial conducted at PAU Universitas GadjahMada, Yogyakarta, from April 1 to 21, 2017. The study subjects were Balbs/c strain mice. The drug used to induce death was Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from SIGMA L2880-10MG Lot #025M4040V from Escherichia coli 055:B5 purified by phenol extraction.The drug used to prevent death in this study was Rat Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) Lot#L16020515. A sample of 25 mice was randomized into 5 groups with each consisting of 5 mice: (1) control group with NaCl; (2) experimental group receiving LPS injection of 0.25mg/kgBW/ip; (3) experimental group receiving LPS injection of 0.25mg/kgBW/ip with HSP70 injection of 100 µg/kgBW/ip; (4) experimental group receiving LPS injection of 0.25mg/KgBW/ip with HSP70 injection of 200 µg/kgBW/ip; and (5) experimental group receiving LPS injection of 0.25mg/kgBW/ip with HSP70 injection of 300 µg/kgBW/ip. The percent of live mice between groups was compared by chi square. Results: Three days after intervention, the number of live mice 13(86.7%) in the experimental group with ≥100 µg/kgBW/ip HSP70 was greater than the number of live mice 2 (40%) in the experimental group with <100 µg/kgBW/ip HSP70, with p= 0.037. In addition, all mice receiving ≥200µg/kgBW/ip HSP70 in the experimental group were alive three days after intervention. Conclusion: The lowest effective dose of HSP70 to prevent death in sepsis mice model with MODS is 100µg/kgBW/ip. All mice are alive three days after receiving ≥200µg/kgBW/ip HSP70. Keywords: lipopolysaccharide, heat shock protein, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, dos