22 research outputs found

    Geologi Dan Mineralisasi Uranium Sektor Nyaan Mahakam Hulu Kalimantan Timur

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    Sektor Nyaan mencakup luasan total 0,5 km2. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran geologi rinci dan mineralisasi uranium (U) serta potensi di Sektor Nyaan. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah pengukuran topografi, pengukuran radioaktivitas soil dengan grid 20x20 m2, pengamatan stratigrafi dan struktur geologi detail, pembuatan kupasan pada lokasi anomali dan pembuatan kupasan/paritan pada lokasi anomali radiometri. Pada Sektor Nyaan terdapat 3 (tiga) lokasi anomali radiometri yang signifikan yaitu anomali Sungai Marta, Marta Hulu dan Aloha dengan nilai radiometri berkisar antara 8000 c/s sampai > 15000 c/s dengan nilai latar 100 c/s, telah dilakukan pembuatan kupasan dan paritan dilakukan pengambilan contoh mineralisasi dengan sistem sistematik channel sampling contoh 15 contoh channel sampling dan 8 contoh chiep sampling. Hasil analisis petrografi dan mineralogi menunjukkan bahwa mineralisasi berupa pitchblende, autonit berasosiasi dengan mineral bornit, kalkosit, kalkopirit, lolingit, pirhotit, pirit, sphalerit, ilmenit, limonit, magnetit, markasit, rutil, melericovit, hematit dan oksida besi. Hasil analisis geokimia uranium total batuan berkisar antara 345 hingga 11.425 ppm uranium. Nyaan Sector covered 0.5 km2 area. The aim of research is to understand the geological setting, mineralization and potency of uranium in Nyaan Sector. The research activities involved topography measurement, soil radioactivity measurement by grid of 20x20 m2, stratigraphic and detailed geological structure observation, the making of peels at any anomaly area and radioactivity anomaly area. There are 3 (three) significant radiometric anomaly locations at Nyaan Sector. They are anomaly Sungai Marta, Marta Hulu and Aloha with radiometric value ranges from 8000 c/s to > 15000 c/s with background value of 100 c/s. In these areas, the making of peels, trench and test pit were conducted by sampling mineralization using systematic channel sampling system by the sum of 15 channels sampling and 8 chieps sampling. The petrography and mineralogy analysis exhibited that mineralization of pitchblende, monazite, autunite were associated with bornite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, lolingite, pyrite, sphalerite, ilmenite, limonite, magnetite, marchasite, rutile, malnicovite, hematite and iron oxide. Results of geochemical analysis for total uranium content in the rocks ranged between 345 to 11.425 ppm of uranium

    Pengukuran Geolistrik Dan Intensitas Gas Radon Pada Penentuan Daerah Potensial Untuk Pemboran Air Tanah-Dalam Desa Lebeng Barat Pasongsongan, Sumenep, Jawa Timur

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    Desa Lebeng Barat, Kecamatan Pasongsongan merupakan desa yang sering mengalami kesulitan air bersih terutama pada musim kemarau. Daerah ini memiliki jumlah penduduk yang cukup padat dan sebaran penduduk yang merata, sehingga dibutuhkan suplai air bersih yang cukup untuk konsumsi dan pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih lainnya. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui zona potensial airtanah-dalam dalam menentukan titik pemboran eksplorasi guna dikembangkan menjadi sumur produksi airtanah-dalam. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelacakan airtanah-dalam meliputi: pemetaan geologi/hidrogeologi, pengukuran intensitas gas radon dan survei geolistrik sounding dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger. Batuan yang tersingkap di daerah kerja dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 5 (lima) satuan batuan, yaitu satuan batulempung sisipan batugamping, satuan perselingan batupasir gampingan dan batugamping, satuan batulempung, satuan batugamping dan lempung. Lapisan batuan yang berpotensi sebagai akuifer adalah lapisan batupasir gampingan dengan karakteristik warna kuning pucat hingga kecoklatan, berbutir sedang-kasar, permeabilitas cukup baik (pada bagian yang tersingkap di permukaan) batuan ini termasuk pada satuan batugamping. Batuan yang berfungsi akuifer pada bagian bawah adalah batupasir gampingan yang termasuk dalam satuan perselingan betupasir gampingan dan batugamping. Titik Potensial yang direkomendasikan untuk dilakukan pemboran eksplorasi/produksi adalah titik LBR-29 dengan ketebalan akuifer 1 (yang lebih dangkal) 33,86 m dan akuifer 2 (yang lebih dalam) 23,72 m. Lebeng Barat village, Pasongsongan sub-district is a village which has insufficient of fresh water, particularly in dry season. This region has a fairly dense population and equitable distribution of the population, therefore a sufficient supply of clean water for consumption and other needs are required. The purpose of study is to find out the ground-water potential zone in determination of exploration drilling points to develop ground-water's well production. The methods used in this study as follow: Geological/hydrogeological mapping, measurement of radon intensity and geo-electric sounding survey with Schlumberger's configuration. Exposed rocks within work areas can be classified into 5 (five) rocks unit, namely claystone with intercalation of limestone unit, inter bedded of calcareous sandstone and limestone unit, mudstone unit and limestone-claystone unit. The potential rock's layer as aquifer is a layer of calcareous sandstone which has characteristic of pale yellow to brown, medium-coarse grained, sufficient permeability rocks (in the section exposed at the surface) include the limestone unit. Rock aquifers that serve on the bottom are included in inter bedded of calcareous sandstone and limestone unit. Potential points recommended for drilling exploration / production are the point of LBR-29 with the thickness of the aquifer 1 (shallower) 33.86 m and aquifer 2 (deeper) 23.72 m

    Pecundang dari Perdagangan Internasional: Studi Kasus Impor 28 Jenis Buah Musiman di Indonesia

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    The quality of the Indonesian fruit production is actually insufficient to meet domestic consumption, the geographical condition, with its tropical climate is perfect for growing the seasonal fruit. This study aims to determine whether the imports of the 28 seasonal fruit, which is also grown domestically, put pressure on the domestic production. International trade theory states, imports will put pressure on the domestic producers. The data used to test these theories is the time series data from 1970 to 2012 of 28 types of seasonal fruit.We use the natural log for the import and also the domestic production instead of the nominal amount.The impactof Indonesian trade policy periodization also try to explain by using dummy variables in the standart regression model. The results showed the negative impact of imports on production of 28 types of the local fruit. Other results also show that in the period before the 1980 production was 53 percent higher than in the period after it, which the period wherethe economic openness are higher

    Pantai Utara Kabupaten Batang Sebagai Alternatif Calon Tapak Pltn

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    PANTAI UTARA KABUPATEN BATANG SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF CALON TAPAK PLTN. Telah dilakukan analisis mengenai beberapa aspek yang disyaratkan oleh Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional yang meliputi aspek antara lain: pensesaran permukaan (surface faulting), kegempaan (seismicity), material bawah permukaan (Suitability of subsurface materials), kegunungapian, banjir pantai dan banjir sungai, berdasarkan data sekunder dan analisis literatur. Tujuan analisis adalah untuk mendapatkan alternatif calon lokasi tapak interes di Pulau Jawa untuk pengembangan PLTN di Indonesia pada masa yang akan datang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa di lokasi yang ditinjau (Pantai Utara Kabupaten Batang) tidak terdapat indikasi sesar kapabel yang dapat membahayakan lokasi calon tapak dan kegempaan termasuk rendah. Pantai Utara Kabupaten Batang tersusun oleh batuan sedimen klastik formasi Damar yang diduga memiliki daya dukung baik, sehingga cukup baik untuk calon lokasi tapak PLTN. Aspek kegunungapian di wilayah tinjauan dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu aspek keselamatan terpenting dalam analisis kelayakan tapak. Sebaran batuan gunungapi Jembangan mempunyai jarak terjauh 33,24 km, dan tidak mencapai pantai utara. Elevasi sebagian pantai utara Batang > 5m sehingga bebas dari bahaya banjir. Daerah yang baik untuk dikembangkan dan ditindaklanjuti sebagai alternatif calon tapak PLTN meliputi pantai kecamatan Batang (> 500 ha) dan pantai Kecamatan Subah-Gringsing (> 3500 ha)

    Geologi Dan Mineralisasi Uranium Di Sektor Sarana Kalan, Kalimantan Barat Berdasarkan Data Pemboran

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    Zona favorabel mineralisasi uranium di Sektor Sarana berarah NE-SW, terdapat pada batuan metapelit dan sedikit pada kuarsit muskovit. Mineralisasi uranium dijumpai mengisi bidang-bidang fraktur yang sejajar dengan skistositas berarah ENE-WSW dengan kemiringan sedang hingga kuat ke utara. Telah dilakukan pemboran pada tiga titik dengan kedalaman 126,6 m, 174,50 m, 150,90 m. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang geologi dan geometri mineralisasi uranium di bawah permukaan. Secara geologi daerah penelitian terdiri atas metapelit, kuarsit muskovit dan kuarsit biotit dengan ketebalan milimetrik-centimetrik. Mineralisasi uranium berbentuk urat berupa uraninit dan pitchblende berasosiasi dengan pirit, kalkopirit, pirhotit, ilmenit dan molibdenit. Mineralisasi uranium di permukaan dapat dikorelasikan dengan bawah permukaan dari data lubang bor sehingga diketahui bahwa zona mineralisasi uranium berbentuk melensa atau tabular dengan kemiringan sub vertikal. Favourable zone of uranium mineralization in Sarana Sector with NE-SW direction are contained in metapelite rock and some in muscovite quartzite. Mineralization of uranium is occurred fill in the fields of parallel fractures with schistosity by ENE-WSW direction, and moderate to strong inclination to the north. Three points drilling with the depth of 126.6, 174.50, and 150.90 meter has been conducted. This study is aimed to obtain the knowledge of geology, and geometry of sub-surface uranium mineralization. Geologically, research area are consists of metapelite, muscovite quartzite and biotite quartzite with millimetric - centimetric thicknesses. Uranium mineralization are in forms of veins or tabular as uraninite and pitchblende associated with pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, ilmenite and molydenite. Uranium Mineralization on the surface could be correlated with sub-surface from bore-hole data, with the result that zone of uranium mineralization in lenses or tabular form with sub-vertical dip may be identified

    Evaluasi Sistem Pengendapan Uranium Pada Batuan Sedimen Formasi Sibolga, Tapanuli Tengah

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    Uranium in nature formed in various deposit type, depends on its sources, process, and depositional environments. Uranium occurrence in Sibolga, hosted in sedimentary rocks of Sibolga Formation, is properly potential to develop; nevertheless, the depositional pattern and uranium mineralization process so far had not been recognized. The research aim is to determine the rock distribution patterns and the existence of uranium grade anomalies based on surface geology and borehole log data. Mineralization occurrences from borehole log data distributed from basalt conglomerate unit (Kgl 1), sandstone 1 unit (Bp 1), conglomerate 2 unit (Kgl 2), and sandstone 2 unit (Bp 2) with their distribution and thickness are thinning to the top. Mineralization distribution in the eastern area, mainly on Kgl 1 unit, dominated by detritus materials from epi-genetic depositional in the form of monazite which is formed along with the formation of granite as its source rock. Meanwhile, mineralization on the upper rocks units formed a channel pattern trending northeast-southwest, which formed in syn-genetic process consist of uraninite, carnotite, and coffinite. Sibolga Formation deposition originated from east to west and uranium deposit formed because of the differences of depositional environment from oxidation in the east to the more reductive in the southwest. The increasing of organic materials in southwest basin caused the reduction condition of depositional environment

    Kombinasi Pengukuran Radioaktivitas Batuan Dan Geofisika Dalam Menentukan Akuifer Airtanah Potensial Di Desa Sumbermanjing Kulon, Pagak, Malang, Jawa Timur

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    Daerah penelitian merupakan daerah yang mengalami kesulitan penyediaan air bersih. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui karakteristik geologi, perangkap stratigrafi dan karakteristik sifat geofisika bawah permukaan guna identifikasi keberadaan, kedalaman dan sebaran akuifer. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah penentuan lokasi titik potensial untuk dilakukan pemboran sumur airtanah guna memenuhi kebutuhan air di daerah ini. Tahapan penelitian meliputi pemetaan topografi, pemetaan geologi, pengukuran radioaktivitas soil/batuan, survei geolistrik (tahanan jenis) dan analisis penentuan titik potensial untuk pemboran. Daerah penelitian merupakan dataran bergelombang, secara litologi tersusun atas satuan batupasir dan satuan batugamping. Nilai Radioaktivitas batugamping antara 30c/s - 45c/s, batupasir gampingan 20c/s - 30c/s, dan batupasir tufan 100 Wm), batulempung (1Wm - 7Wm), batupasir-1 (10Wm - 33Wm) dan batupasir-2 (14Wm - 17Wm). Analisis terpadu menghasilkan dua lokasi potensial untuk pemboran dengan koordinat titik 1 UTM 49M 664327mT, 9082526mU, 346 mdpl dan titik 2 UTM 49M 664333mT, 9082750mU, 349 mdpl. The study area is an area with difficulties in fresh water supply. This study aimed to investigate geological characteristics, stratigraphical traps and sub surface geophysical characteristics to identify aquifer existance, depth and distribution. The purpose of this study is to determine the potencial location for groundwater drilling to fulfill the needs of fresh water in this area. Stages of activities include topography mapping, geological mapping, soil/rocks radioactivity measurements, geoelectric (resistivity) surveys and potential location determination analysis for drilling. The study area is an area with undulating terrain, litologically composed with sandstone unit and limestone unit. Radioctivity value of limestone ranged from 30c/s to 45c/s, carbonaceous sandstone ranged from 20c/s to 30c/s, and tuffaceous sandstone lower than 20c/s. Based from geoelectrical measurements analysis, lithologically this area devide into 4 rock layers, i.e. limestone (>100Wm), claystone (1Wm - 7 Wm), sandstone-1 (10Wm - 33Wm), and sandstone-2 (14Wm - 17 Wm). Integrated analysis resulted 2 potential location for drilling with coordinates for location 1 UTM 49M 664327mT, 9082526mU, 346 mdpl and location 2 UTM 49M 664333mT, 9082750mU, 349 mdpl

    Radiometric Mapping for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Assessment in Mamuju, West Sulawesi

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    Mamuju has been known to have high radiation dose rate which is comes from NORM in rock and soil. Major concern is due to its location which is near inhabitant settlement area. Preliminary research has been done by environmental team which is limited to main access road only, while some remote area has left untouched. The purpose of the research is to delineate the location and distribution of thorium and uranium anomaly in Mamuju, and also to provide adequate information regarding the anomaly and high dose rate area to decision makers and stakeholders in neither local nor central government. Method applied is radiometric mapping using spectrometer RS-125 with NaI(Tl) detector in the area of interest Geological Formation of Adang Volcanic, which is more than 800 square km in size. The radiometric mapping method is widely used in uranium/thorium exploration, and now has been added with the measurement of radiation dose rate which is appropriate to environmental surveys. The mapping has been successfully delineated the area of NORM or the area with thorium and uranium anomaly. Thorium and uranium anomaly identified related with multi-geological-process resulting the increase of grade into several fold from its original state.Received: 08 November 2013; Revised: 20 February 2014; Accepted: 10 March 201

    Pola Tahanan Jenis Dan Konduktivitas Batuan Mengandung Mineral Radioaktif Di Botteng Dan Takandeang, Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat

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    The general investigation activities of radioactive minerals in Mamuju Area, West Sulawesi is a respon of the environmental radioactivity measurement result, which shows the existence of high radioactivity value. High radioactive mineral content found in Botteng and Takandeang Villages. From the outcrops, they composed of leucite-basalt rocks; meanwhile the subsurface characteristics of this area are unknown. To characterize the subsurface geology, related to uranium and thorium mineralization in Botteng and Takandeang area, geophysical measurement conducted using resistivity and Induced Polarization (IP) methods. The measurements carried out using Wenner and dipole-dipole configurations. The measurements started with the creation of six measurement paths where three lines: GF/BTGY-01, GF/BTGK-02, and GF/BTGK-04 are in Botteng and three other lines: GF/TKDK-01, GF/TKDK-07 and, GF/TKDY-06 are in Takandeang. Measurements conducted by crossing the surface radiometric anomaly distribution. The result showed anomaly occurences on autobreccia distribution in GF/TKDY-6, GF/TKDK-07, and GF/BTGK-04 locations. Several mineralization indication on surface identified in GF/BTGK-0, and GF/TKDK-01 sections, charaterized by chargeability anomalies more than 25.14 ms and 81.4 ms respectively. All significant anomalies are recomended as drilling location

    Inventarisasi Potensi Sumber Daya Uranium Daerah Kawat, Mahakam Hulu, Kalimantan Timur Tahapan Prospeksi Detil

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    Hasil prospeksi pendahuluan di Kalimantan Timur menemukan beberapa lokasi anomali radioaktivitas batuan di hulu sungai Mahakam seluas 25 km2 pada batuan gunung api asam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tatanan geologi dan karakter mineralisasi uranium secara rinci. Metoda yang digunakan adalah pemetaan geologi, radioaktivitas dan geokimia bersekala 1:10.000. Litologi daerah Kawat tersusun oleh satuan batulempung hitam, satuan batupasir feldspatik, satuan riolit Nyaan, satuan andesit bawah, satuan riolit Kawat, satuan andesit atas, dan satuan batupasir tufan. Sesar yang berkembang adalah sesar geser menganan dan sesar normal. Sesar geser menganan berarah barat-timur dan barat daya-timur laut, sementara sesar normal berarah barat-timur dan barat daya-timur laut. Pada daerah ini terdapat dua kali periode pembentukan uranium, yaitu yang berhubungan dengan terbentuknya riolit Nyaan dan yang berhubungan dengan riolit Kawat. Mineralisasi uranium dikelompokkan menjadi dua yaitu mineralisasi uranium kelompok Nyaan dan mineralisasi uranium kelompok Kawat. Mineralisasi U terbentuk pada tahap proses hidrotermal dan termasuk cebakan U vulkanogenik klas pneumatogenik. Diperoleh dua sektor potensial uranium yaitu sektor Nyaan dengan luas sekitar 6 km2 dan sektor Kawat dengan luas sekitar 10 km2. Result of the general prospecting in East Kalimantan has found several radioactivity outcrop anomalies at upper Mahakam in the acid volcanic rock area which is approximately 25 km2 in wide. The objective of the research is to know detailed geological information and characteristic of uranium mineralization. Method of this research are detailed geological, radiometric and geochemical mapping 1:10.000 on scale. The lithology of Kawat area is composed of seven units of rock. They are black clay unit, feldspatic sandstone unit, Nyaan rhyolite unit, lower andesite unit, Kawat rhyolite unit, upper andesite unit and tuffaceous sandstone unit. Evolving fault is dextral fault and normal fault. The trending of dextral fault is west-east and southwest-northeast, meanwhile the trending of normal faults is west-east and southwest - northeast. There are two period of uranium mineralization occurrences in the area, the first is connected with the eruption of Nyaan rhyolite magma and the second is connected with the eruption of Kawat rhyolite magma. Uranium mineralization occurred in the stage of hydrothermal process and including in the pneumatogenic class of volcanogenic uranium deposits. This investigation has yielded two sites of potential uranium sector are the Nyaan sector with an area of about 6 km2 and Kawat sector with an area of about 10 km2