9 research outputs found

    Irrigation Induced Salinity and Sodicity Hazards on Soil and Groundwater: An Overview of Its Causes, Impacts and Mitigation Strategies

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    Salinity and sodicity have been a major environmental hazard of the past century since more than 25% of the total land and 33% of the irrigated land globally are affected by salinity and sodicity. Adverse effects of soil salinity and sodicity include inhibited crop growth, waterlogging issues, groundwater contamination, loss in soil fertility and other associated secondary impacts on dependent ecosystems. Salinity and sodicity also have an enormous impact on food security since a substantial portion of the world’s irrigated land is affected by them. While the intrinsic nature of the soil could cause soil salinity and sodicity, in developing countries, they are also primarily caused by unsustainable irrigation practices, such as using high volumes of fertilizers, irrigating with saline/sodic water and lack of adequate drainage facilities to drain surplus irrigated water. This has also caused irreversible groundwater contamination in many regions. Although several remediation techniques have been developed, comprehensive land reclamation still remains challenging and is often time and resource inefficient. Mitigating the risk of salinity and sodicity while continuing to irrigate the land, for example, by growing salt-resistant crops such as halophytes together with regular crops or creating artificial drainage appears to be the most practical solution as farmers cannot halt irrigation. The purpose of this review is to highlight the global prevalence of salinity and sodicity in irrigated areas, highlight their spatiotemporal variability and causes, document the effects of irrigation induced salinity and sodicity on physicochemical properties of soil and groundwater, and discuss practical, innovative, and feasible practices and solutions to mitigate the salinity and sodicity hazards on soil and groundwater

    Monthly Streamflow Prediction by Metaheuristic Regression Approaches Considering Satellite Precipitation Data

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    In this study, the viability of three metaheuristic regression techniques, CatBoost (CB), random forest (RF) and extreme gradient tree boosting (XGBoost, XGB), is investigated for the prediction of monthly streamflow considering satellite precipitation data. Monthly streamflow data from three measuring stations in Turkey and satellite rainfall data derived from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) were used as inputs to the models to predict 1 month ahead streamflow. Such predictions are crucial for decision-making in water resource planning and management associated with water allocations, water market planning, restricting water supply and managing drought. The outcomes of the metaheuristic regression methods were compared with those of artificial neural networks (ANN) and nonlinear regression (NLR). The effect of the periodicity component was also investigated by importing the month number of the streamflow data as input. In the first part of the study, the streamflow at each station was predicted using CB, RF, XGB, ANN and NLR methods and considering TRMM data. In the second part, streamflow at the downstream station was predicted using data from upstream stations. In both parts, the CB and XGB methods generally provided similar accuracy and performed superior to the RF, ANN and NLR methods. It was observed that the use of TRMM rainfall data and the periodicity component considerably improved the efficiency of the metaheuristic regression methods in modeling (prediction) streamflow. The use of TRMM data as inputs improved the root mean square error (RMSE) of CB, RF and XGB by 36%, 31% and 24%, respectively, on average, while the corresponding values were 37%, 18% and 43% after introducing periodicity information into the model’s inputs

    Enhancing streamflow forecasting using the augmenting ensemble procedure coupled machine learning models: case study of Aswan High Dam

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    The potential of the most recent pre-processing tool, namely, complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN), is examined for providing AI models (artificial neural network, ANN; M5-model tree, M5-MT; and multivariate adaptive regression spline, MARS) with more informative input–output data and, thence, evaluate their forecasting accuracy. A 130-year inflow dataset for Aswan High Dam, Egypt, is considered for training, validating and testing the proposed models to forecast the reservoir inflow up to six months ahead. The results show that, after the pre-processing analysis, there is a significant enhancement in the forecasting accuracy. The MARS model combined with CEEMDAN gave superior performance compared to the other models–CEEMDAN-ANN and CEEMDAN-M5-MT–with an increase in accuracy of, respectively, about 13–25% and 6–20% in terms of the root mean square error. © 2019, © 2019 IAHS

    ANFIS-based soft computing models for forecasting effective drought index over an arid region of India

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    Drought is a natural hazard that is characterized by a low amount of precipitation in a region. In order to evaluate the drought-related issues that cause chaos for human well-being, drought indices have become increasingly important. In this study, the monthly precipitation data from 1964 to 2013 (about 50 years) of the Jodhpur district in the drought-prone Rajasthan state of India was used to derive the effective drought index (EDI). The machine learning models hybridized with evolutionary optimizers such as the genetic algorithm adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (GA-ANFIS) and particle swarm optimization ANFIS (PSO-ANFIS) were used in addition to the generalized regression neural network (GRNN) to predict the EDI index. Using the partial autocorrelation function (PACF), models for forecasting the monthly EDI were constructed with 2-, 3- and 5-input combinations to evaluate their outcomes based on various performance indices. The results of the different combination models were compared. With reference to 2-input and 3-input combination models, both GA-ANFIS and PSO-ANFIS show better performance results with R2 = 0.75, while among the models with 5-input combination, GA-ANFIS depicts better performance results compared to other models with R2 = 0.78. The results are presented suitably with the aid of scatter plots, Taylor's diagram and violin plots. Overall, the GA-ANFIS and PSO-ANFIS models outperformed the GRNN model. HIGHLIGHTS Effective drought index (EDI) was predicted using soft computing techniques.; Hybrid machine learning algorithms were used.; GA-ANFIS, PSO-ANFIS and GRNN paradigms were used.; The EDI of an arid region in India was used for prediction.; Precipitation data was used for computing the EDI of drought-prone areas.

    Machine Learning Models for the Prediction of the Compressive Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete Incorporating Incinerated Bio-Medical Waste Ash

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    Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a special form of high-performance concrete that is highly efficient in its filling, flowing, and passing abilities. In this study, an attempt has been made to model the compressive strength (CS) of SCC mixes using machine-learning approaches. The SCC mixes were designed considering lightweight expandable clay aggregate (LECA) as a partial replacement for coarse aggregate; ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) as a partial replacement for binding material (cement); and incinerated bio-medical waste ash (IBMWA) as a partial replacement for fine aggregate. LECA, GGBS, and IBMWA were replaced with coarse aggregate, cement, and fine aggregate, respectively at different substitution levels of 10%, 20%, and 30%. M30-grade SCC mixes were designed for two different water/binder ratios—0.40 and 0.45—and the CS of the SCC mixes was experimentally determined along with the fresh state properties assessed by slump-flow, L-box, J-ring, and V-funnel tests. The CS of the SCC mixes obtained from the experimental analysis was considered for machine learning (ML)-based modeling using paradigms such as artificial neural networks (ANN), gradient tree boosting (GTB), and CatBoost Regressor (CBR). The ML models were developed considering the compressive strength of SCC as the target parameter. The quantities of materials (in terms of %), water-to-binder ratio, and density of the SCC specimens were used as input variables to simulate the ML models. The results from the experimental analysis show that the optimum replacement percentages for cement, coarse, and fine aggregates were 30%, 10%, and 20%, respectively. The ML models were successful in modeling the compressive strength of SCC mixes with higher accuracy and the least errors. The CBR model performed relatively better than the other two ML models, with relatively higher efficiency (KGE = 0.9671) and the least error (mean absolute error = 0.52 MPa) during the testing phase

    Geographically weighted regression hybridized with kriging model for delineation of drought‑prone areas

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    Assessing spatial variability of drought-prone areas is important for disaster preparedness and impact management. This study applied state-of-the-art geographically weighted regression hybridized with kriging method (GWRKrig) to map the spatial variability of drought-prone areas in the northwest of Iran based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). Rainfall and evapotranspiration data from 47 synoptic stations over 20 years were used to generate SPI and SPEI, and topographical (altitude) data were used for GWRKrig. The results obtained using GWRKrig were compared with that of standalone GWR, regression kriging (RegKrig), and ordinary kriging (Krig) methods. The GWRKrig method emerged as a promising tool for spatial interpolation of drought indices based on performance evaluation measures, namely, the root mean squared error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2). The SPEI-based drought intensity interpolated via GWRKrig revealed relatively precise spatial variability of drought zones. The method proposed in this study would assist in the accurate delineation of drought-prone areas, which is the foremost venture in the planning hierarchy of drought management schemes and their implementation

    Dew Point Temperature Estimation : Application of Artificial Intelligence Model Integrated with Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms

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    Dew point temperature (DPT) is known to fluctuate in space and time regardless of the climatic zone considered. The accurate estimation of the DPT is highly significant for various applications of hydro and agro–climatological researches. The current research investigated the hybridization of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network with nature-inspired optimization algorithms (i.e., gravitational search (GSA) and firefly (FFA)) to model the DPT of two climatically contrasted (humid and semi-arid) regions in India. Daily time scale measured weather information, such as wet bulb temperature (WBT), vapor pressure (VP), relative humidity (RH), and dew point temperature, was used to build the proposed predictive models. The efficiencies of the proposed hybrid MLP networks (MLP–FFA and MLP–GSA) were authenticated against standard MLP tuned by a Levenberg–Marquardt back-propagation algorithm, extreme learning machine (ELM), and support vector machine (SVM) models. Statistical evaluation metrics such as Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), root mean square error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) were used to validate the model efficiency. The proposed hybrid MLP models exhibited excellent estimation accuracy. The hybridization of MLP with nature-inspired optimization algorithms boosted the estimation accuracy that is clearly owing to the tuning robustness. In general, the applied methodology showed very convincing results for both inspected climate zones.Validerad;2019;Nivå 2;2019-04-15 (svasva)</p